Christmas wishes (short christmas story)

in #writing7 years ago

It was the day before Christmas. Martin looked at Tim who was rolling a ball across the room. Spikey, their little black puppy ran after it. The ball stopped at the foot of the Christmas tree. Tim's sad face made Martin refeel the pain of the loss they had this year. After a long period of illness, his wife and Tim's mother died. It was just before Summerholidays. Martin knew he had to carry on, he had to for Tim, but God it was a weight that was more than he could carry.

Tim hadn't smiled ever since that day. The boy, once the light of the party, making jokes and laughing all the time turned into a frozen version of himself, and that was what Martin hurt the most, he couldn't sleep no more, just thinking of a way to make Tim smile again.

Mary put her arms around Martin. Are you holding on Martin? Mary asked. It was her daughter he married years ago, and allthough the loss must have driven her crazy, she was a big support to Martin and Tim. She even suggested the dog. It's better if he can talk to a dog than to not talk at all, she had said. Martin knew it was the best thing to do. It didn't bring the smile back, but the days of spending alone in his room where gone. Tim played with Spikey all day long, and sometimes Martin could hear how much he missed his mother when he told it to the dog. It was a relieve to hear him talk about it, it was good for him, but the wish Tim had couldn't be fulfilled, nor could Martin close the gap that Anny left.

Tim rolled the ball away again that Spikey just brought him. The silly dog didn't watch his legs, that were obviously too long for the rest of his body, and fell and flipped over. Tim would have laughed about it, if he just wasn't so sad. He wished her back, every day and every night, and he knew that daddy and Grandma did the same. He knew they prevented themselves from crying when he was around, trying to cheer him up, but they couldn't. He just knew.
Sometimes he was angry too. He was there when she was burried, he saw her, laying in her coffin, just like she was asleep, but she wasn't. He realized it when the coffin slowely strated sinking in the earth, and it made him mad. Mad at God. Why did he take her away from him? Now she's gone, and she's never coming back.
At the funeral he got so angry he threw the necklace his mother gave him, when she was sick, knowing she was about to die, upon the coffin to be burried with her.
It was the day Tim stopped laughing. He couldn't see the point of making fun and being happy anymore. Oh yeah, Spikey was sweet. It was nice his father gave him to Tim, but he could never replace his mother, look at him, waiting for that ball again. Tim rolled the ball away again and looked at the presents underneath the tree. He couldn't care less. Whatever was wrapped inside. Nice Christmas paper could never behold his biggest wish, to just celebrate another Christmas with mommy.


It started to become evening and Spikey knew it was about time to make the final walk of the day. A cold wind was blowing, and outside the last leaves danced upon it. Tim just started another game on his Phone, but Spikey didn't take no for an answer, he kept biting Tim's toes untill Tim finally gave in and grabbed his coat. Tim picked up Spikey's leash and went for the door.
Do I have to go with you? Martin asked, but he knew Tim rather was on his own, so when he said "no", Martin didn't push it. Don't forget your coat my friend, it's really nasty and cold outside.
I won't, Tim answered and went outside.
The cold wind blew leaves and pieces of paper through the air and suddenly one of the pieces of paper seemed to give light. Spikey was so attracted to it that he pulled the leash so hard, the leash broke loose from his collar and Spikey ran after the lighted piece of paper so fast that Tim lost him out of his sight.
Tim blinked his eyes to take a better look, but no matter how he squeezed his eyes, he couldn't see Spikey anywhere.
He started yelling the dog's name, but the dog didn't come back.
Tim quickly ran home and banged on the door. Open up daddy, Spikey is gone!
As if Martin was standing behind the door, so fast he was opening it. He heard what had happened and ran outside, yelling the dog's name. Grandma took Tim inside, and after ten minutes Martin came back.
I can't find him, I have to call the animal shelter and wait untill somebody finds him and takes him there, I'm so sorry Tim.
Tim stood up, and for the first time since Anny's death the boy had tears in his eyes.
I'm going upstairs, I don't wanna celebrate that stupid Christams ever again. Everything I love dies or goes away, I'm sick of it. And he ran up the stairs and slammed the door of his bedroom.
Martin looked at Mary, but this time even she didn't know what to say.
After Martin called the shelter, he went to Tim, but Tim had lost all hope, and if there ever was a Christmas spirit inside this boy this year, it was now dead and gone. It broke Martin's heart.


Martin didn't sleep at all. He heard noises all of the time, but when he looked outside, what he hoped for, wasn't there. When the darkness turned into light, Martin decided to go out of bed. He walked down the stairs, made some coffee, and allthough he knew the chances were few, he called the shelter one more time.
they were sorry, but no black little puppy was brought there. Just as the woman wanted to explain how small the chance was to get him back, Martin cut her off. I know, thank you. He laid down the Phone and sipped his coffee.
Then he heard stumbling on the stairs, it was Tim.
Just being thirsty, I'm definately not going to celebrate anything, I just want some fanta.
It's fine, Martin said, whatever you want, we are not going to argue about this.
There they sat, both drinking, being silent. It wasn't a nice watch at Christmas morning.
I have to pee, and then I'm back up in my room, Tim said.
Martin nodded, are you allright Tim, you know you can talk to me, right?
No need to, it won't help, I'm off.
Tim walked into the hall and just as Martin took another sip of coffee, he heard the boy yelling.
Daddy, open the door, quickly, Spikey is back.
Martin grabbed his key and ran towards the door so fast, he almost fell. He looked at the door, through the glass that was in it, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes.
There he was, that silly dog, Martin felt the tears in his eyes. He opened the door and Spikey walked in like nothing ever happened. He walked towards Tim and started licking him. Tim was crying, Martin heard it, and it was the best sound he has heard since months.
He hated to disturb this beautifull scene, but he had to look Spikey over te see if he was allright. He checked him and suddenly noticed that there was something around Spikey's neck.
What is that boy? Let me take a look. The dog wasn't working along well, but Martin managed to get it off the dog and than he was the one who started crying. Grandma looked at him and wondered what was going on.
All Martin could do to explain what made him cry. was to show what was around Spikey's neck.
It was Anny's necklace.
Grandma stuttered, how, when why?
But Tim knew.
Spikey's been with mom, and she gave him the necklace so we all know that she is with us this year. Now come on, we got some presents to unpack, what are you waiting for?

The end.
Have yourselves a fantastic Christmas, may all your wishes be fullfilled!!



Excellent story. Very good writing skill. Fun and enjoy the Christmas holidays. Follow and upvoted you.

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