The Universal Law of Collaboration and Why You Must Know How to Use it.

in #writing7 years ago

We have many laws of nature. The law of gravity, the law of attraction and that’s about the only 2 that come to mind. In short, there are many things in nature and the universe that always happen. A law is something that gives the same result, under the same or similar conditions every single time.

The law of gravity. We all know it. That’s why you’re able to hold your laptop/phone as you read this.

The law of attraction. Not as popular as the law of gravity, but still proven by quantum physics. In short like attracts like. The universe is always playing matchmaker with the frequency of all matter.

This third law is what we will talk about today. I can come up with many names for it, but the Law of Collaboration seems to hit the sweet spot. I came up with the name on the spot, but I really think this should be a thing.


As we know, collaboration can often be found in nature. Every single thing that happens out there will have a positive effect on something else. It will improve something else, while it happens.

The wind makes tree branches and roots of trees stronger.

The rain waters plants and gives them one of their essential needs to grow.

The plants provide oxygen while they create carbohydrates for themselves. That’s the same oxygen we breathe.

Those are just a couple examples of how everything in nature is connected. It really shows that when one thing happens, it has a direct positive effect on something else. I really believe it.

So if the universal Law of Collaboration is a thing, why are we not obeying it? Because we’ve been taught otherwise our entire life. In school it was always that one winner, teamwork was never a thing. In business, it has always been said that you can only succeed by destroying the competition.

In the past few months, I realized that is a complete lie. I don’t know why everyone kept presenting this to us and why some people still operate this way. During the past few weeks, I have really noticed that it, in fact, is not true.

Competing with someone, tearing them down, trying to take from them or just trying to profit from someone’s loss is ALWAYS and ALWAYS will be WRONG.

You should never do it no matter how sweet the opportunity is. Ask yourself, does the universe ever do something to cause someone pain? Never.


This is where the law of collaboration comes in. I promise you that if you listen to this and you go out and GENUINELY just try to help out others, you will receive everything in return.

The most important thing, but also the hardest is that you SHOULD NOT try to look for opportunities where you think you will profit the most. The magic of it all is to go by feeling. To give to whoever and whenever you can.

This is a very important tip for both business and life. Instead of looking for where you can take, look where you can provide and help out.

There are many ways that you can provide value to someone. It can be a service, advice about an area you’re successful in, kind deeds or even just your time. I cannot explain how much people cherish when you give them your time and listen to them.

By giving, you’re allowing the universe to do its thing. By giving, you’re not breaking the cycle of the universe, instead, you’re contributing it. As we all know, every time when you contribute to the universe and obey its laws you will be rewarded in return.


Again the crucial part is NOT to look for WHO to help. Look for HOW to help, as often as you can.

In return, many wonderful things will start to happen. You will meet so many new people and contacts. You will be presented with so many opportunities. People WILL naturally help you OUT with things you need help with, without you even asking.

Another incredible thing is that the people that will help you out, most of the time won’t even be the people you helped out. That’s why I keep mentioning to help out EVERYONE at ANYTIME.

The universe works in mysterious ways. But when you’re kind and you support the universal Law of Collaboration, everything you desire will happen for you, without any hard work.

So why would you continue to tear someone or something down? What’s the point of it? You can literally achieve everything you desire, by contributing to other. You’ll form genuine relationships while doing it.

What is it that you are good at? Where can you provide value? How can you help out others?

Thank you for your time.

Until next time,

Benjamin 🙂


How do you view competition in sports?

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