31 Day Writing Challenge: Day 1 The Truth About Writing Time

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Author Amanda Hocking was making $9000 a month on a book she wrote in 15 days four months after self publishing. Four years later she had made $2 million with her paranormal romance books priced between $.99 and $2.99, signed a multi million dollar deal with St. Martins press for a print trilogy, and optioned for movie rights on her first book.

Her first six books were each written in 45 days or less, while she worked a day job.

She has no formal education nor did any marketing in the beginning of her career.

It's not enough to have a great story idea, nor is it enough to know how to write. You must have a passion, that is a definite, but most importantly: you must write every day.

You hear it all the time! Write every day! But, do you actually make time for writing? You know you have to, otherwise the book will never be placed into the readers hands, so how come you are not taking this imperative advice?

Life gets in the way. Bedtime happens much faster than you imagined. Unexpected distractions dangle their shiny bodies before you... Not enough time for writing is the number one complaint amongst would-be writers.

You must make a decision to write each and every day. Even if it is for 10 minutes. Your day is made up of many choices. You do not have to write- you choose to write.

Todays writing challenge is to commit to a certain time you will set aside to write each day. It's best to choose the same time of day, that way you train your brain that "it's writing thirty!"

It's not enough to find time to write. You must make time to write.

Finding time means squeezing in between activities and realizing how busy your schedule is, making time to write means you're being proactive. You are setting your schedule around your desire to write as opposed to building it into your schedule.

Feel the difference?

Making time means you are choosing writing. It is based on you determining that your writing is more important than the other things you could be doing. Making time means you are choosing to be a writer because writing is your priority.

We can each take ten minutes a day to dedicate to one thing. If this seems daunting, set aside just 5 minutes a day. Set your timer and just write. Many times you will find your story keeps flowing onto the page long after the alarm has beeped.

Do not allow any distractions! This is your time for your future.

And stick to your choice.

Pick a time and write for 10 minutes today. How about right now? There is no better time than the present :)

Drop a little note in the comments to let the community know you are committing to the 31 Day Writing Challenge today :)

Then come back tomorrow for Day 2.

And remember to resteem for your followers so they can join the challenge- the more the merrier and the more to hold you accountable :)

Images via Creative Commons

With love, light, and good mojo

I love you guys!

I appreciate your support :)


Really Author Amanda Hocking is an inspiration to many. I hope this post reach many readers and inspire them to achieve their goal. Thanks for sharing this post.

I came across her story toward the beginning of my professional writing career and that is how I learned about the self publishing industry, which has come a long way and is knocking the big 5 Publishing houses for a loop!

@arbitrarykitten mam...
Ask a writer what she values most in her creative life, and she is likely to respond, "Time to write." Not many of us have the luxury of writing full- time; we have spouses, families, day jobs. To the people closest to the writer, "writing time" may seem like so much self-indulgence: Why should we get to sit around thinking all day? Normal people don't require hour after continuous hour of solitude and silence. Normal people can be flexible.

And yet, we writers tell our friends and children, there is nothing more sacrosanct, more vital to our intellectual and emotional well-being, than writing time. But we writers have a secret.

True story :)

Cheers to you my friend <3

Hey! I didn't know about that story and its a record write a book in 15 days! D:
It's a little bit strange come across with your post today beacuse I was thinking early in the morning, exactly writing everyday. Maybe like that become in a habit in my regular life and improve my skills.

What a cool coincidence! Yes, write every day, even if it's just for five minutes :) Your work will grow and you will improve quickly!

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.

This is correct.

As you learn the craft, you also learn about your characters on a deep level.

As well as learning something about yourself in the process :)

Hey, I just found this and I think I'ts great!! I'm making something like this that is called "Proyecto Escribe" Isn't in steemit but I'm bringing it hereee!! Every day we have like a challenge and it become a personal task, gonna try to do this at the same time.

Awesome! Let me know when you have brought it to Steemit!

You've just touched something in me.

Make time to write and not find time to write.

I think I was more on the finding instead of making. I didn't see the difference until now. I'll see what I'll achieve in a week from this.

That's so good to hear! Please share your experience, I'd love to hear about it :)

I don't think I need a writing challenge, I have been writing like the clappers since I joined Steemit in March. Talk about an outlet for my creativeness!

However, I hereby commit to the writing challenge!

Awesome! Great to have you!

I also write everyday and started to make it into a habit a few years ago. It's really amazing when you can go back and have a list on all your best thoughts and ideas. Even better when you can colour code it in various categories. The best is when you make it into a habit of writing on your phone since you always have it with you. Then connect a portable Bluetooth keyboard. Now you can write anywhere and super fast.

When you have a passion for writing it won't really be an issue after a while. Especially after you have made it hardwire into a habit that you just do. And the key thing is to release the text on some place where people can study it. This will force you to come up with new material and ideas all the time. That are even better! It's somewhat a law of abundance that after you have given something out you will always have more new content to give.

And you always want to try to create something that is a bit extra. Something that feels premium or unique. Something that has an interesting twist. You want to go over the text with careful attention to see if anything great can be added for some flavour or excitement. And you want a nice keyboard and perhaps download a great font. I just let the text come to me and it always does. Very little thinking going on. Since the value is already there I only have to move my hands on the keyboard.

Great points!

Having a notebook with you wherever you go or jotting ideas in your phone is important.

Steemit is actually the perfect avenue for sharing your work. I have been here since June and have watched so many new writers grow and home their talent. It's amazing to watch!

This is excellent advice. I really need to try do this.

I see what you did there ;)

Just STOP Watching TV Programming and Start Writing. @arbitrarykitten puts it out here on a Silver Platter for YOU and here you are Still Making Excuses !!
Make a Change and Start Writing, I Don't Care about any of Your Excuses.......

And do it now, because tomorrow never comes!

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