Why do so few seem to really genuinely care about the state of the world?

in #writing6 years ago

Where's your line?
How bad do things have to get in the world before you try to do something about it?

And if you're already aware of the occult influence in governments and the millions of people being murdered by secret governments around the world and the massive loss of freedom and civil rights and the destruction of the environment and wildlife which are vital to the ecosystem that threaten our species future and existence and you are doing something about it, then this doesn't apply to you.

But.. If you're not aware of those things or some of those things and you're not trying to do anything about it.. Will you ever educate yourself and try to do something about it? Or do you just not care?

Are you just going to sit by and live your seemingly cozy and comfortable life? Or perhaps even join in on the side of corruption?

Or do you still have love and freedom and empathy in your heart and soul? Cause I look around at the state of things and I see very few heroes..

I see a lot of mental slaves and a lot of sociopathic and psychopathic immoral predators who are destroying what is good in this world and leading us all down a dangerous disgusting nightmarish path that could lead to our enslavement and potentially even our collective extinction.


The thing is, (and it's quite sad I must admit) majority of people will only give a damn about anything if it's affecting their personal life or it's too late to save something. In this case, our home planet.

Even though I've been seeing some more people taking interest in trying to clean their environment, it's just not enough. The rate at which we're producing plastics is skyrocketing.

Not just that, we also got green house gas emissions, factory emissions, vehicle emissions, technological waste, the waste of resources by inefficient production of meat, and so much more.

It's crazy how people aren't taking things seriously. It's like they're so blissful in their own illusions that they don't realize the hell they are creating for the next generation.

We should be fighting climate change, but instead, we're fighting each other and blaming others so we don't have to take responsibility.

It's the animals that I'm so worried for. We are literally destroying their homes right in front of their eyes and they can't do anything but watch.

We are by far, the cruelest, most selfish, greedy, and merciless species that has ever lived and we're still stupid enough to not realise that we're killing ourselves by killing our planet.


I think that most people understand the world should be better. But I have a theory that it is fear of failure that dissuades most from taking an active role in seeking change. Better to believe that's the case though, than to accept that people simply don't give a fuck. Because if they don't give a fuck, then what's the point in trying to improve things anyway?

I tend to agree with your theory to an extent, as I do think fear is a major part, especially the fear of physical danger from getting "too deep".
However.. Ultimately I think that manifests in a lack of care that people care not enough for others and too much for their own comfort and well being. And this is I think a tactic used since perhaps the beginning of recorded history.. To scare the people or threaten them into not doing anything. If Jesus was a real person I think he was trying to teach us to not fear death, that we are eternal and if people really took that lesson to its depths then the people in power would have a much more difficult time controlling things and destroying/raping things!

However, even if people don't give a fuck in general or they don't give "much" of a fuck.. Then I still think we can help educate them or remind them or inspire them to care more in certain ways. I don't think all is lost even if the majority of the people seem to have lost most of their compassion for others outside of their immediate circle of close friends and family.

I would like to challenge this thought a little. Hopefully you are up for it.
I agree that things arent great in the world and that people do not care about other humans, animals and/or the environment. I think that there is a lot of evidence that supports that viewpoint. However, the view that the world has gone to shit and people are horrible (paraphrasing/my words) is an overgeneralization that is highly influenced by the information that the person consumes and bases there thoughts on. For instance there is a lot of evidence that supports that the world is shit and people dont care AND there is also a lot of evidence that contradicts it and suggests the opposite. There are a lot of examples of people doing good things to each other and the world as well. So the overall viewpoint that we hold is very much influenced by what information we consume.

There is an idea that people (all people) regularly make "cognitive distortions" that influence our way of thinking. I'm interested in what you think of this idea so I've attached an image of some of the most common ones. I myself recognize that I tend to do some of these regularly so it can be an interesting way of challenging our own thoughts.

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I would like to challenge this thought a little. Hopefully you are up for it.

Sure I'm up for it. Though I've been responding to messages almost all day and my dinners almost ready so it's going to be sort of brief.

For instance there is a lot of evidence that supports that the world is shit and people dont care AND there is also a lot of evidence that contradicts it and suggests the opposite. There are a lot of examples of people doing good things to each other and the world as well.

I recognize that there are many good people doing good things I wasn't denying that and have featured quite a few clips of people doing good things in the movies I've worked on. However it's just sort of a sheer scale sort of thing and that that bad largely outweighs the good. Especially when it comes to negligence and apathy and people not doing anything to try to stop the mass murderous governments or incredible destruction to nature and animals. It's just so overwhelmingly out of balance that it's discouraging and might lead to our species extinction, some scientists think it's too late already and we have less than 10 years before our species is done for.

If things were the other direction and the world was more full of good people who cared a lot and were trying to help, things wouldn't be so bad in my opinion. It takes a majority to either be contributing or apathetic to allow it to get this bad. I think if the majority were actively trying to make the world better, it would be better. So I don't feel like my point of view is warped, I think I'm basing it largely off of what the state of the world is and what the evidence shows as opposed to my personal bias.

Interesting picture though I feel like I was pretty clear with my words and have spoken about this a lot in the past and taken criticism for it and have refined my language and made numerous movies on the subject so.. As much as I wish I was just blowing things out of proportion.. It's probably even much worse than I've been suggesting, it's probably worse than I can even humanly imagine unfortunately.. Hopefully it's not too late, I still have hope in humanity, though.. Many other people including scientists have lost hope. Many thing we are already dead as a species and we don't even realize it yet.

it can be frustrating, but what can you do apart from taking care of your family, neighbours and friends by working hard and saving real wealth?

you also have to think, that occult influence pervading everything from the washington monument to the dates of important events, where does it come from? and where does the impulse to counter it come from?


it can be frustrating, but what can you do apart from taking care of your family, neighbours and friends by working hard and saving real wealth?

And to quote Lord of the Rings, Gandalf mentioned that the everyday good deeds by folks keep the darkness at bay.

We are always looking for heroes or massive movements, but true change comes at the grass-root level. The influences that you speak of are not one entity. They are at multiple fronts. You cannot expect one heroic, decisive strike, to end them.

It can be frustrating indeed. Mindbendingly so. I agree it's important to try to help our family, neighbors and friends. What would say is real wealth though?

And to try to answer your other questions.. I'm not sure I can say for sure where it comes from at the deepest of its roots, but based on my research it appears to be certain groups of people who go back hundreds if not thousands of years or more who want to remain in power at the expense of everyone else, and the impulse to counter it comes from my heart and empathy and the desire to see a better and more kinder and compassionate and honorable world.

in answer to your questions:

  1. real wealth is land, seeds, livestock, equipment, tools, machinery, gold, silver, and favours owed.

  2. you're right, it's all part of the ancient mystery religion of babylon - the first cities with rulers. a study into the architecture of many cities, their use of numbers and symbols, their rituals - we're all part of a great big religion and hardly anybody realises it.

  3. the impulse to counter it - why bother being good though? why not join them, reap the rewards for this life that they do?

real wealth is land, seeds, livestock, equipment, tools, machinery, gold, silver, and favours owed.

Thanks for answering. I would suggest knowledge and love are the most important in terms of real wealth. And I agree with all of your items except for livestock as I'm personally against exploiting animals, though I could see how you could see that if that is not a moral item for you or if it were a survival situation and was somehow necessary in some manner in an emergency.

you're right, it's all part of the ancient mystery religion of babylon - the first cities with rulers. a study into the architecture of many cities, their use of numbers and symbols, their rituals - we're all part of a great big religion and hardly anybody realises it.

I agree with this however I think it could likely go back even further than ancient Babylon.

the impulse to counter it - why bother being good though? why not join them, reap the rewards for this life that they do?

Maybe good isn't the right word as that's just the duality of it's counterpart, however I'd rather not join in because I see them as a major part of the problem and I value my heart and honor and morality more than material things.

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