How reading affects your brain

in #writing7 years ago

In the current technological world, people prefer using modern gadgets as compared to pen and paper, handwriting is a skill that is slowly fading. Many people are not aware how writing affects our brains. Whether you write a phone number or jot down something short, your brain is immediately stimulated. The writing process requires complex thinking that is why the act of writing affects our brains in many ways. Writing is like meditation because of it often a peaceful process. Below are some the many benefits of handwriting

Handwriting improves your memory.
Students prefer using computers than write on paper; however, writing by hand has several benefits as it improves our ability to remember things. Research studies prove that handwriting is linked to enhanced learning because it enables us to produce original ideas. Certain parts the brains linked to the memory is stimulated when we write.

Writing is a good way of maintaining good memory as it keeps the gray matter active, influencing our thinking. There is a connection between writing and brain when we write something down, it’s like stimulating the brain cells because the brain intensifies the amount of focus on the information that you are writing down.

Note taking is one of the many examples of how we can boost our memory. Note taking helps students understand the facts and concepts when they write down compared not just typing on a keyboard.

Many researchers believe that taking notes by hand has a lasting effect on our memory when writing something down on paper, the sensory-motor skills and the visual recognition signals in the brain create a better recall path to the brain storage center. In addition, the movement involved when taking down notes enhances the motor memory in the brain. This process helps us recognize words and their meaning, as a result, and there is a connection between reading, recalling and writing.

Writing is important for the brain; it’s not surprising that many people keep journals as a way of recording the everyday events, including ideas and feelings. Journaling is an important energizing process that helps us process our feelings. Journaling is an ideal process because it enables us to review our thoughts with clarity. Handwriting through journaling is the best strategy to store and internalize ideas. Journaling is a process that helps people collects their thoughts. Journaling enables us to understand our thoughts and emotions and work through them. Keeping a journal regularly provides some relief as it strengthens our memory. Handwriting not only strengthens the learning process but also produces healthier minds.

Handwriting increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, similar to meditation.
Certain activities naturally ignite some areas of the brain, when you write down a shopping list or a thank you note, you might not realize its effect on the brain, and writing sparks the most complex process in our brain. Handwriting process is complicated because it engages multiple areas of the brain. Scientists have discovered that writing is an activity that boosts the brain power, even if it pay for essay writing or note-taking.

Writing activates the left side of the brain giving it the space to soar. We can use both sides of the brain to understand what we are doing. Handwriting also facilitates quick reading because handwriting enhances brain activities in certain parts of the brain that controls the memory; this increases our ability to learn. When writing the immense regions in the brain are activated to enable us to think, learn and store information temporarily.

In one of the studies, scientists have proven that children in lower grades can write more words faster and freely express more ideas when they write essays by hand. During the process of reading and writing several senses are activated, when we write by hand, the brain will receive feedback from the motor action and this feedback enhances our thinking significantly as compared to typing on a keyboard.

Handwriting is a complex task that requires creative thinking because it helps connect different types of ideas which typing does not. Handwriting has an important effect on our brains, for instance, people use handwriting as a way of mediation because it affects the brain. Through writing, we can air out our inner emotions in a non-threatening way.

One of the most benefits of writing is its mediation process, for example, artistic expression of calligraphy is one of the greatest forms of art of expression that helps us focus on our inner emotions. A few minutes of writing every day, is one of the most effective ways of helping you unwind, writings are the best preparation for meditation, hence it’s an excellent way to enhance our creativity and understand our innermost feeling.

As stated on Essay Zoo, writing alleviates both mental and physical stress and helps clarify our thoughts. Journaling is one of the best examples to fight anxiety and depression .Writing allows us to vent out our frustration and worry, is also a great means of self-exploration and reflection. There is no better way to connect with our inner soul and relieve stress than through writing.

Handwriting sharpens the brain and helps us learn.
Handwriting help us kick start the brain, especially in the morning, writing a few words each morning is the perfect way to start your day because writing coordinates the brain hemisphere. Writing is a practice that works out the brain muscles, strengthening the brain. When writing one can learn more, journaling and note taking are some of the best ways to acquire new knowledge. Writing by hand stimulates the brain, enabling us to focus on what is important. Through writing, we can learn more, read more, generate ideas and express ourselves in different ways.

Writing has numerous benefits, whether you are writing an essay, keeping track of your thought patterns or writing a fascinating story, writing daily brings about some stellar effect in our lives. Writing when practiced daily could be the best form of brain stimulation that will improve our learning process.



thanks, from reading this i forgot that i had the habit of practicing my left hand writing, a page a day. thanks for reminding me.

You are welcome!

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