in #writing6 years ago


Word of the Day: Provocation

Part of Speech: NounMeaning: An action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately. (उकसाहट)Pronunciation: प्रो-वो-के-शन (pro-vo-ke-shun)Synonyms: Affront, IncitementAntonyms: Pacification, SuppressionUse in Sentence:
Despite the provocation from the opposite council he quietly walked away.Remarks: Provocation comes from the word ‘Provoke’, which is a verb and means ‘stimulate or give rise to’.

  1. Word: Gutted

Part of Speech: Adjective, VerbMeaning:
(a) bitterly disappointed or upset (अत्यधिक दुखी) (adjective)
(b) Remove or destroy completely (verb)Pronunciation: गट-टेडSynonyms: BrokenheartedAntonyms: PleasedUse in Sentence:
(a) The entire building was gutted by fire. (verb)
(b) The team was gutted after losing the finals. (adjective)Remarks: Gutted comes from the word ‘Gut’, which may be used a noun or a verb.

  1. Word: Watchdog

Part of Speech: Noun, VerbMeaning:
(a) a person or group that monitors the practices of companies (noun)
(b) Monitor (a person/ activity/ situation) (verb)Pronunciation: वाच-डॉग (watch-dog)Synonyms: Custodian, GuardianUse in Sentence:
The Institute acts as an independent watchdog to look after the policies of the company.

  1. Word: Flouted

Part of Speech: VerbMeaning: openly disregard (अनादर करना)Pronunciation: फ्ला-उ-टेडSynonyms: Mocked, ScoffedAntonyms: ObeyedUse in Sentence

  1. Word: Brute

Part of Speech: Noun, AdjectiveMeaning:
(a) a savagely violent man or animal (noun)
(b) unreasoning and animal-like (कठोर) (adjective)Pronunciation: ब्रूट (bru-t)Synonyms: BeastAntonyms: Kind-hearted, HumaneUse in Sentence:
Using brute force was his last option to win. (adjective)
Since he is a brute, people usually avoid talking to him at work.

  1. Word: Bravad

Part of Speech: NounMeaning: a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate (साहस प्रदर्शन)Pronunciation: ब्र-वा-डो (bra-va-do)Synonyms: BoastAntonyms: ModestyUse in Sentence
He stood up to his bullies out of bravado.

  1. Word: Requisite

Part of Speech: Adjective, NounMeaning:
(a) made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations (आवश्यक) (adjective)
(b) a thing that is necessary for the achievement of a specified end (आवश्यक वस्तु) (noun)Pronunciation: रे-क्वि-ज़िट (rec-wuh-zit)Synonyms: EssentialAntonyms: Optional, Non-essentialUse in Sentence:
Mathematics is a requisite for pursuing engineering.

  1. Idiom/Phrase: Made Good

(a) to succeed and become rich
(b) When someone makes good something, they either pay for it, or make it happenUse in a Sentence:
Although he struggled in the beginning, he made good on all his promises.


@ami065 Great post my friend

thanku flash buddy

It will be helpful for SSC aspirents 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

good and thanks

These are good words to be remembered ..

Posted using Partiko Android

ok buddy i write daily word speaking

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