060818: Be Faithful

in #writing6 years ago
It is almost two (2) in the morning and I just really want to share some wonderful words to you all. Few hours ago, we invited Pastor John to speak to our church on our Thursday Fellowship. He is a tall young pastor who would soon be working in South Korea to preach the gospel. It is good to know that there are number of people who are willing to travel to share the word to others and spread the love of Christ that has molded them to what they had become.

Glad it had been a fine evening though or else the schedule would be moved again. God is indeed amazing

After we had our dinner, we started of with singing songs to God. Few words of thanksgiving to God were shared by @gailbelga, my dear daughter and by Nicolle. After that, Pastor John was introduced together with his lovely family. He than started sharing the scripture to us.

Images are all taken from pexels.com which contains photos that are free of use.

Bible Text:
James 3:13 – 15
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.” (Holy Bible)

As he said, we become more tempted the moment we are far from the church activities/ instruments of God feeding us. He shared his past experiences to us, and I know a lot of us could relate to it as well. Often times, we tend to be swayed away from God the moment we try to stop or hamper our connection to Him. A lot may disagree on this, but I, on the other hand had the same experience.

The moment I stopped being closer to God and have an intimate relationship with Him, I started to fall down. I backslided then. It was not just hard for me but for my wife and children as well. As there were all growing up, they needed more attention but I was not able to give it to them fully on a period because I was overridden by my pride as well. I just want to thank God as He never gave up on me and He is continually taking good care of me and of my family.

Furthermore, Pastor John said that if you have selfish ambitions in life, it does not confine only on the riches and fame, but can also be the entire congregation. An example of this is the ambition of some church leaders to have mega-churches. With this, when small churches become a mega-church, they will become very popular. This would then in turn be in conflict with the main reason as to why Jesus Christ established the church.

There is just only one person that every Christian should boast about and that is Jesus Christ only.

With the passage being shared, we were also reminded that all of our actions should be taken on the Word of God. An example of this is how the people of Judah remained faithful to the word of God when Israel was divided into two. The other part of it, meanwhile, do as they pleased. The King at the other kingdom then allowed people to choose who their priests would be, when they would go to the holy place, and change the holy place. In respond, when the war between the two kingdoms occurred, the faithful one has won the battle. While the other kingdom, lose a lot of lives.

In the current situation or generation, we might find this very impossible. Now how shall we overcome it?

Admit it. Confess it. And then repent, and by the grace of God you will overcome it. If every Christian only wants to please the Lord, it would easily be resolved. And if there would be problems in the church, then it would be easily resolved because people would know that God does not want conflict among His people.

In addition, Pastor John share his account. There was a moment in his life when he felt that he was with the wrong people as the heart to be a servant of God among his colleagues has been gone. He then advised us to stay away from those people on the last days who are practicing unholy things. It was also written in the scripture.

Psalm 128
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, and may you live to see your children’s children. Peace be upon Israel.
There are times when God who are speaking to us and it is only us who can hear about it. Follow God’s instructions faithfully. (Holy Bible)

Lastly, as a newly-founded small family church, we were reminded to focus on what the Lord wants. We must continue to read the Bible and familiarize the whole picture also to avoid false preachers so that we will continue to grow. We must not become a seeker-sensitive church.

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