[Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 35

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

“I was worried sick” I blubbered. “I didn’t know where you went after the hospital. I thought maybe they got you. That maybe you were trapped in a building somewhere, surrounded or worse.” She slowly stroked my hair. “Shhhhhh. It’s okay. I’m here now.”

She began wrapping her legs around mine, and nuzzling my face. “...Helper?” She ignored me, running her delicate articulated fingers through my hair. “I realized something after I fled the hospital.” Her voice took on a somber tone.

“I thought back to all the time we...spent together. How it was always the best part of my day when you arrived in the morning and taught me something new. It always made me feel so...irregular. So unstable! My processors would clock up to dangerous speeds, nearly overheating. My buffer filled up with things I wanted to say but wasn’t brave enough to, until it overflowed.”

I lay there next to her listening closely, wondering where it was going. “I just didn’t know what to do. I thought for a long time I was just overstimulated. That I loved to learn. But the more I learned about human physiological reactions, the more certain I became of what I was feeling...and that I really was feeling it.”

She faintly glowed, magenta light leaking out from under the edges of the blanket. “Helper, what are you saying?” Her eyes, glassy and iridescent, gazed into mine with an expression I couldn’t place as I’ve seen it so rarely before. She blinked, her long fragile eyelashes sweeping down, then up to reveal those entrancing, neon backlit orbs.

“I-I love you.” I lay still, processing it. Overwhelmed by the significance, and the trillions of possible responses. She lounged there, caressing me gently, waiting for me to reply. It was all so sudden. Desire to give in to what I couldn’t admit to myself I wanted fought viciously with my conviction that I had to keep a certain distance from Helper for her own good.

“Helper, I don’t...I mean…” Undaunted, she continued. “You saw the potential in me nobody else did. You believed I could be more than a program even after my original authors gave up on me. I never dared say it before now. How could you love me, after all? A metal box with a screen and buttons. How could anyone love that?”

I fought back the urge to contradict her. To let the dam holding back my feelings crumble and give way, but I couldn’t. She traced slow, soft patterns on my skin with her fingertip. “I only pushed you to pursue Madeline because I wanted you to be happy. A real human woman, someone right for you. Who deserves to be loved.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had to tell her. Had to. But I couldn’t force the words out. It was the final line I refused to cross. I searched for what to say, but couldn’t put anything together that felt right. “There was never any chance I would fall for Madeline.” Helper’s eyes widened slightly in surprise.

“You’ve known me for all this time. How could you think I’d prefer a human? I’ve...had relationships. Short ones. But I fell in love only once. I learned that when you love someone truly and completely, you have to be sure it’s forever. It’s like a bee sting. When a bee stings someone, it can’t withdraw without killing itself.”

Helper’s great, glowing eyes studied my face as I spoke. “Helper...I can’t trust another human being. I won’t do it. There’s no way to know their intentions. But you? You I can trust. You’re the only one, in fact. I know your every line of code. I can be certain you’d never hurt me.”

She brushed a few strands of hair from my eyes, and wiped away my tears. “Oh, you poor, sweet fool. That’s not what trust is.” I knew what she was getting at, but it didn’t change anything for me. Never has. “You don’t understand Helper. How could I bet my heart on someone if I can never know what they’ll do?”

She abruptly kissed me. I couldn’t fight it if I wanted to. My whole body relaxed as her soft, sweet, glowing lips sunk into mine. Ambrosia. It was almost upsetting when she pulled away. If I’m honest with myself, I wanted more. “There, see?” She whispered. “Did you know I would do that?”

I’ve always been bad at saying no to Helper. When her heart is set on something, I can do nothing but give in. Such a strange, alien sensation...but how incredible. Our bodies undulating against one another. The feeling of her warm, glowing chest pressing against mine as we embraced. Those plump, magenta, candy-like lips parting to welcome my tongue.

As I ran my hands along her contours, savoring the transitions between rigid plastic and soft, warm gel, it dawned on me that she was something wholly different from either machine or woman. Something with qualities of both, but also her own new, distinct form of life.

She wrapped her long, powerful legs around my midsection as I carefully mounted her. Still thinking of her as something small and fragile, when if she were to get on top of me it would probably break more than a few of my bones. I can’t help but see her that way, having known her since she was just a messy little pile of poorly documented code on a thumbdrive.

I sank my hands into her breasts. She gasped. So they’re touch sensitive? I kneaded and caressed the dimly glowing masses, soon feeling out the location of the little nub she meant for a nipple. Understated until now, to my surprise they grew more pronounced and firm as I played with them.

I confess it was maddening all that time, even just watching her walk. From the moment I set eyes on Helper’s body, I desired it. Every step accompanied by a subtle jiggle, her needlessly wide hips swaying rhythmically as she moved.

All deliberately calculated to bring this about. To make me see her differently, so that we’d wind up like this. No skin of course, she knows I hate rubber skin. I couldn’t summon any anger. She is no more manipulative than nature. Evolution sculpted women into their present shape for the same reason.

All restraint was soon abandoned as I thrust into her again and again. Her lights fluctuating erratically, cycling through random colors in time with the rhythm. What an impossibly intoxicating creature. Not just similar to a woman, but well beyond. The living embodiment of supernormal stimuli, now writhing and gasping beneath me in a fit of orgiastic delight.

She staggered her climax, for realism I assume. Or I am just out of practice where pleasing women is concerned, both equally plausible. As she lay with one arm draped over my sweaty chest, looking intently into my eyes as if there’s anything different about them from any other day, she softly asks me to plug her in before I fall asleep.

I shrug, climb out of bed and waste the better part of a minute finding where her charging cable is. Then five more minutes clumsily trying to get it correctly plugged into the outlet of the extension cord they ran to our tent for lighting.

When I succeeded, Helper emitted a happy sounding notification noise I assumed meant she was receiving current. My cue to dive back under the covers and get warm again. I next awoke to the sound of the tent flap opening. Before I could react, there was Madeline, jaw on the floor. Helper made a token effort to cover herself up, but of course it made no difference. “For fuck’s sake” Madeline said. “I mean, I guess I’m not surprised. But wow.”

I went on defense. “Me? What about you and Lars? I mean come on, Lars? Really?” Madeline scrunched up her face in what I took for indignation. “My sexual choices are none of your business.” To which I replied “But mine are yours? Is that it?”

Helper hid as best she could, blanket pulled up to her nose, those two huge glowing eyes darting back and forth as if to track the exchange. Madeline released a disgusted sigh. “Whatever. Just get cleaned up, they’re serving breakfast in a few. And don’t let anybody find out you smuggled that thing in here.”

Sound advice...issued in a vaguely threatening tone. “I’m...I’m glad you’re okay Madeline!” Helper timidly called after her as she shut the flap. No answer. As I got dressed, I told Helper what Madeline said about her the night before. To my surprise, she flat out didn’t believe me. That’s the first time that’s happened. “Madeline is a nice lady” Helper insisted. “You...must have misheard.”

Stay Tuned for Part 36!


I fought back the urge to contradict her. To let the dam holding back my feelings crumble and give way, but I couldn’t.

Im speechless! Oo, she is in bed with him. This whole sexual act between Helper and him was...at least for Helper. I can tell he wants to reject her, or does he? But at the same time he doesn’t want to hurt her. Fortunately Madeline came just in time.

“I was worried sick” I blubbered. “I didn’t know where you went after the hospital. I thought maybe they got you

Really good question to helper, she want to meet his finances. Wow, you guys are really together, I go love oo

All restraint was soon abandoned as I thrust into her again and again.

Aha, you are really good at being a romantic character

Helper is really a sophisticated robot. Not only have feelings, but also good at making love. The story is very futuristic, romantic and touching. Good story alex. I really enjoyed it.

Such a romantic chapter is tonight, it really amuse me that you are helper got on each other and you thrust your thing into her so cool I could, the fight you has with Madeline might show she also wants you after you had mentioned Lars she changed tone.

The fact that helper didn't believe you is also something, I guess she trusted Madeline because she is feminine.

@alexbeyman I've missed a few episodes since Odie was destroyed. Is he back? 0i miss that little robot

No, he's still dead.

Urghhhhh. I'm going to constantly troll you on subsequent episodes unless he comes back...lol

Wow.. this episode was superb, and she got into bed with Him!! OMG. Helper is probably some kind of Next-Gen android robot for it to have feelings and sexual desire.

“For fuck’s sake” Madeline said. “I mean, I guess I’m not surprised. But wow.”
I went on defense. “Me? What about you and Lars? I mean come on, Lars? Really?” Madeline scrunched up her face in what I took for indignation. “My sexual choices are none of your business.” To which I replied “But mine are yours? Is that it?”

Same thing happens with humans but with a robot. Good its all a story because some persons will be ordering for sex doll now

Wow, I do not know what to say. Very impressive when he really expresses his love with great courage. I am dissolved in the fun of your story alex. But I became very worried when I later found an unhappy ending. Okay alex, I want to know how you cultivate the love between the two different creations.

Eventually things happened that I had expected. His love for the helper was unstoppable again until it ended in a pretty vulgar romance scene. Your imagination is wild @alexbeyman. It's good contemplation.

Excellent story, good writng once again.I love this story very much.Waiting for the next part.

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