Then there is no comfort in the world Can't make me turn towards you
Now I walk on the paths. Then I meditate on everything created by Allah, now looking at the heavens
A love comes in the heart now that someone says something
I try to be quiet
Because Allah will give the answers to their questions
I try to keep quiet by saying this in my heart
When the arrows of sarcasm pierce my chest, I silently tell the pain of those arrows to Allah. What happens now is not the pain
I run to Allah
Falling, stumbling
Existence was greatly affected
I tell Allah
He listens to me very lovingly. He doesn't judge me, he doesn't ask me questions like people, he listens to me quietly. He smiles at my words
Explains me lovingly
Gives me the glad tidings of heaven, eases my sorrows
He doesn't judge me
He doesn't even scold me, he pats me very lovingly.
That's what it says!
Surely the end will be better for you than the beginning.
(Surah Al-Zuha: 4)
Yes, those who believe in Allah. The end is better than the beginning, listening to the words of Allah, the heart becomes calm, I forget the attitude of people
Those who believe in Allah. The end is better than the beginning
There is good news for them, they get the good news of paradise, yes, their end is better!
Because they are trying to become obedient to the Lord, they are trying to avoid sins. They tend to relapse every time they fall
They get up immediately and run towards Him. When they stumble, Allah Subhan Taala saves them from falling because they are servants who constantly turn to Him. They do not give up. By thinking this, I become strong