If you don't decide - short story
Since I was little I always knew that there was something different in me, something that made me do things that for others were atrocious, I realized that time that I killed a dog in the street and then make a sculpture with its parts. But when I saw you in that square while you were drawing, something started to grow in me, something uncontrollable that made me go to observe you every day from the same place.
I watched you from afar, I knew everything about you, except one thing. Your nightly visits that old building and about to fall, were always a mystery to me. Many times I tried to enter, but there was always someone at the door that prevented me from going through.
But now seeing you here in front of me tied to that chair, I realize that you were not as good as I thought. The drawing classes, Helping in the animal shelter, Donations to orphanages, EVERYTHING was a farce, a mask to hide what is under it. I understood that behind that pretty face with beautiful actions hid a monster, and one of the worst. So I have plans for you.
I'm looking for a glass of water to wake you up and throw it at you.
-Wake up, sleeping beauty.- I say putting myself right in front of your face- It's time to wake up.
-Where am I? - You are disoriented, I'm sure you do not remember how you got here- Who are you?
-It does not matter where you are now, or who I am, what matters is what will happen to you.- I see you and my mind automatically thinks about the plans I have for you- let's make a game, okay?
-Why am I here? What did I do? - Questions puzzled, I like you to be silly, makes you look weak ... Although you and I know that it is not like that.
-What did you do ?, I do not think you want to ask that Luke ... or would you prefer to say "Dead Babies?" - Your face pales just after hearing the last and you start struggling- The game is like that, I'll tell you a riddle and If you do not guess, I'll cut or remove that part of your body, ok?
-WHAT ?!, NO, who told you that? .- Every second you try to escape from the ropes with more force- You're sick!
That makes my blood boil, I approach you quickly and grab your head with both hands, as I stand face to face with you. I think that scared you.
-OK ME ?! SAFE? - I scream, now you have made me annoyed- FIVE CHILDREN EACH HAS EVERY TORTAZOS AS ANY.
-What the fuck ...
-INCORRECT.- I tell you before taking the saw and start removing your right hand, you start screaming and it's no wonder, I suppose losing a hand is not easy; but I tell you something, your screams are music for me, they represent all the pain that you made them go through those girls who did not deserve it. I finish taking your hand, just when I see you faint; but this time I will not look for water, I give you a blow to the face causing you to wake up.
-You can’t sleep now, beautiful sleeper.- I tell you smiling- You'll have time to do it later ... When you die.
-Please let me go, I swear I will not do anything wrong, I will pay the families of the girls the money I earn, but let me go.- Listen as you beg for living gives me pleasure, pleasure because I know I am doing justice to all the girls you killed and tortured.
-Shut up! I will make you suffer as you did with them- I slap you so hard that I think my hand will be inflamed- Two children on a platform, that no matter how close they come, they do not look. You have 5 minutes to respond.
-Please let me ... I-I seriously promise ...- I put your fingers in your left eye and I'll tear it out, how strange is that hole in your face, it looks gloomy and I love it. You start screaming again while you watch me put your eyeball in the blender and turn it on, I laugh to see your face of horror, I laugh as never before had done.
-Do you want some milkshake, Luki duki? Can I make fried fingers if you want? - I laugh even harder at my own joke, your face is to hear that was very funny; I think I'll bring the camera and take some pictures, maybe your "friends" like it. - Guarded in a narrow jail by soldiers of ivory, there is a red snake, which is the mother of lying. I'll go look for something, for when I return I hope to know your answer.
I open the door of the anti-noise room that is in my basement and go out quickly, I run up the stairs and find the camera on the kitchen table, the claw and under the steps two by two, when I enter the room again, I see you trying to escape and that's not good for you.
-WHAT ARE YOU DOING? - When you hear me scream, you turn your head in my direction and I can see the fear that is in your eyes- YOU ARE FINISHING WITH MY PATIENCE, NOW RESPOND WHAT YOU ASK ME, BEFORE I KILL YOU!
-It's the tongue. - Stutter of fear, you do not know what I like that.
-Very well, for now your tongue will not be a smoothie ... for now.- I take out the camera and I look for different angles to take the photo- Smile.- I take the photo and I see how beautiful it is- This will be a perfect photo for framing ... I think I'm tired of the game, let's go to the best part- I take a knife and start by removing your ears, then I go through the fingers of your other hand, the smell of blood permeates my nostrils giving me an inexplicable satisfaction , when you finish removing your fingers and see how bad you are going, I'm deciding how to kill you, I approach you, I make cuts with your whole body; I have decided that I will make deep cuts and I will see you die slowly and painfully.
When I finish, I sit down to observe my artwork, seeing how your screams fade, your eyes close and your breathing becomes null ... You died and never in my life had I had the honor of feeling something so pleasant, because I know that somewhere, the girls you killed celebrate that your death is equal to or worse than theirs.