The bang was loud..."Open this door! Open this door I say! If I break it, you will all be sorry! " came the deep male voice from the other side.I opened my eyes and flew down from my top bunk to discover all the girls had squeezed to the east end of the dormitory walls.
"what's going on?" I whispered, the time was lost to me, it must have been 2am in the morning. The bang on the door jolted me and I trembled as the other girls wailed with trepidation. "One last warning!" came the voice. I ran to the door and unlatched the hook without waiting to see who it was and ran to join the other girls, I trembled as i watched four unmasked men stroll in with guns!
"Don't look at us hey! Lie down with your faces to the ground now! " said one of them with a bulge on his forehead.
We all obeyed and the same thoughts ran through our teenage minds... Oh no... Were they going to rape us? What did they want? Who were they?

While our heads were bent on the ground, we felt the back of a gun touching our heads one after the other and there was a threat to it "if you shout,, I will not hesitate to waste you, am I clear? Now where do you put your money? "
Surprisingly, Minat, my bunkmate looked up and replied, "Uncle, well it's not that time of the month yet, visiting day is almost near, so we don't have any money or provisions in our lockers, maybe you can come back next Sunday because that's visiting day when our parents would give us money. "
The men burst out laughing, "is that so?" said one of them, "well then, what class is this? " we all yelled "Junior Secondary!"
"where are your seniors"? asked the forehead bulge
"the opposite dormitory" Minat replied. I was outraged and impressed at the same time at Minat's bravery.
The men marched out and one of them said "come lock your door tinies"
My heart was beating so fast, I could have fainted. It was the longest fifteen minutes of my life. We later learned the house mistress and the two guards had been tied to some trees behind the dining hall. Nobody got hurt and nothing was taken.
But what did the men want?