Document Z registration - A Zombie Survival Contest.
Hiya! I am Timothy aka @armadilloman. I have been on Steemit for all of about 3 weeks. Seems longer, seems shorter. I have been having a good time. I am retired due to health reasons (multiple cardiac surgeries and more) from the film/video/television business where I worked for not quite 25 years as writer, cameraman, director, editor, producer and more (there are very few production positions I haven't worked...I never was a gaffer...but everything else...) . As I say, retired now living the craftsman life (see blog). But who needs to work since I have an oil well (really!)
Level of Writing:
I have written all my life...sporadically. I wrote much in college (didn't we all). I was a part time professional writer, writing mostly non-fiction. I would take every paying writing gig I could get (which were never as many as I would like), but I never had the burn in my belly to do the things you have to do to develop a "writing life." Too many other things to do. One of my reasons to get established on Steemit is to have a reason to write daily.
What Zombie movies/books/series do I enjoy:
I am old enough to remember when the original Dawn of the Dead was in the movie theaters. I latched onto Tom Savini sometime before Day Of the Dead and I wanted to be just like him. I actually did learn a lot of special effects makeup (remember I said above I have worked on every production department) and did get some gigs plucking out eyes and cutting off limbs for low budget horror projects. But in the makeup world, zombies were always my first love.
J. L. Bourne's Day By Day Armageddon has always been my favorite zombie books. And I have enjoyed several Johnathan Mayberry books. And of course, I am a Walking Dead fan. closing, to cement my zombie lore bonafieds, below is one of my old zombie makeups from back in the day. As always, run fast. Don't look back.
Very cool. You have highlighted one of the main reasons I set up a Steemit account. I had fallen out of the habit of writing, and I wanted something that would force me to write on a regular basis and re-instill the discipline needed to write on a regular basis. Steemit has been the perfect outlet for this.
Welcome Timothy to DocumentZ!
I am sure we are all going to enjoy your contributions to the story. That you have worked in production and actually done Zombie makeup is amazing! You really have an advantage there.
Incidentally the first character to write about in Season 1 is Timothy Simmons!
I would not have counted on those odds haha!
So hop on over to Discord if you have any questions. You have Prompt 1, Entry 1 and Prompt 2 to add on to. We have plenty great options in this episode. Enjoy!
Awesome! Looking forward to see what you will write!
p.s check you wallet!