Chapter 8: Straight out of a Horror Story (Part 1)

in #writers6 years ago

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Narrator: Day 4399 in the Big Brother house. Kari has lost most of her senses, but still holding up strong!! I FINALLY, know exactly what Mother Dearest expects from me.

Let’s remember - during the interview I was told that my busy period was:7:00 A.M – 9:00 A.M., and 4:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M.9:00 A.M – 4:00 P.M was supposedly my downtime with “minor” chores.

Now, let’s get to the facts. clears throat

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To Do List

7:00 A.M.: I had to be ready; ensured that Cathy’s tea was prepared beforehand.

7:15 A.M.: Cathy and I would play in her room for 30 minutes; which involved her screaming in my face and pulling my hair - F.U.N!

7:45 A.M.: The biggest challenge; brushing her teeth. This child hates brushing her teeth!

Me: “Come on Cathy, it’s time to whiten those teeth”

Cathy: “No, I don’t want to”

Me: “Come on sweetie, you have to get ready for school.”

Cathy: “But I hate brushing my teeth.”Repeated for five minutes

Me: “Fine! Your teeth will get rotten and they will fall out, your breath will smell like dirty feet, and no one will want to talk to you.”

Cathy: “ugh, finnneeeee!”

Me: “good!”

Cathy: “I don’t like toothpaste”

Me: “........”

Cathy: “it doesn’t taste nice... I don’t want the toothpaste”Me: “I’ll put on a little bit”

Cathy: “No, NONE”

Me: “Fine, your tongue will be covered with germs and eventually drop off!” This was normally said with a smile.

8:15 A.M.: While Cathy is having breakfast, I was told to do exercises with Corey; to keep him away from Cathy, and Mother Dearest insisted that he should lose weight. We did yoga and some basic exercises. He seemed to really enjoy that moment - a bit too much though. Every time we did jumping Jacks, he stared directly at me, screamed, clapped and blushed. I figured it’s his favorite exercise.

8:45 A.M.: I was expected to give Corey a shower, get him dressed and play a few games with him, while Liza dropped Cathy to school.

9:00 A.M.: The wicked bitch.... witch (my bad) returns home. Hear this; I am allowed to eat breakfast around this time. For about thirty minutes. Liza didn’t like the idea, but Chris said otherwise. This was amazing because having breakfast at 6:30, and then having to wait seven hours later for lunch with no snack in between was ROUGH! On weekends, however, I had to eat whenever Cathy ate, and be finished at the same time.

9:30 A.M.; tutor Corey.

From 10 A.M. - 1 P.M.; I was expected to complete the “minor” housework while entertaining Corey. Minor housework consists of; wiping down the tables, counters, polishing the tables, unloading the dishwasher, washing each sheets (except mine), making up ALL of the beds, ironing the father’s work clothes (sometimes Mother Dearest’s clothes), emptying everyone’s trash bin (except mine), vacuuming the house, mopping the floors, cleaning the yard, putting everyone's shoes away.... Hold while I sip on my coffee and vodka mixture... Yumm! ......

Let’s continue, doing everyone’s laundry, ironing Cathy’s clothes, folding their laundry and finally, putting the clothes in the respective places - God forbid if I mixed up any of the clothing, I wouldn’t hear the end of it. Corey’s clothing had to be folded a certain and hung on specific hangers. That wraps up the “minor” housework. I wasn’t allowed to sit nor rest during these hours, as Mother Dearest always said in her annoying voice, that somewhat sounded like Miss Trunchbull: “There’s no time for relaxing, do you think I have time to relax?! I am always on the go. I don’t know what a break is, ”What I wanted to say was “Woman! Shut the fuck up.”

1:00 P.M.: Lunch hour – kind of.

2:00 P.M.: I was supposed to take Corey to the pool. Sometimes 1:30 P.M., depending on how badly Liza wanted him away from her. My swimsuit had to be on beforehand, because I was not allowed to make Corey wait – ever! After throwing the plate of food down my throat, I had to get him ready, and then walk out of the house.... with him of course, not by myself; I wish!3:00 P.M.: I had to shower Corey, clothe him, then give him a snack - nothing fattening.

3:30 P.M.: I had to complete the remaining chores. And yes, usually in my wet swimsuit underneath my clothes.

4:45 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.: Give Cathy a snack. Then spend two hours playing with her; which was basically me running away from Cathy trying to kiss me. Afterward, I was expected to give her a bubble bath, then try to brush her teeth, but she complained, “we only brush our teeth on mornings.” I was expected to have her downstairs by 7:00 P.M. Corey was normally fed first, then told to sit in the living room alone with his iPad so that Cathy could eat peacefully. They didn’t really sit at the dining table together unless both parents were around.

There were times I glimpsed him staring over at the dining table as Mother Dearest and Cathy laughed about some shit – it was somewhat disheartening. While Cathy ate her dinner, I had to tidy up the kitchen. Then, put Corey into his pajamas and read him some stories. Roughly, around 8:00 P.M., Chris came home, and sometimes put him to bed. By then, I was allowed to eat dinner quickly because I had to put Cathy to bed; read bedtime stories until she fell asleep which was normally between 9:15 – 9:30 P.M.

The End.

Those seven days, last week drained me! Never again was I going to do that. No please! Five days were more than enough with these people. I wasn’t even paid for the extra days. However, this week I only worked for three days; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – which was great news because the family creeped me out.

I have said before that this family is different, but I was wrong to use such a word to describe them. Everyone in the world is unique – we are all different. This family wasn’t unique. I am now convinced they were crazy, and I get a feeling that something happened in this house. Something bad.

The Friday morning, I would say around 3:30, I could still hear the rain falling outside, and the roaring wind. It became so loud, I jumped out of my sleep. I thought someone was in the room. It was just the wind, I thought, but my instincts disagreed. There was something else in the room that made the hair on my neck stand at attention.

Then, I heard sniffling, “Kari, Kari I’m scared,” Cathy said in a trembling voice. For a split moment she almost made me poop myself; without my contacts, she looked like Tabitha from the Ring. Yikes!

“Ohh honey, it’s okay! It’s just the rain,” I replied, trying hard to hold back a yawn.

I got out of bed, held her hands and took her back to her bed, which wasn’t as difficult because the only thing that separated our rooms was a door. I pulled back her covers and said, “C’mon, hop in.” As Cathy laid in her bed, I ensured she was nicely tucked in. Right when I was about to head back to my room, she said, “What about the monster?”

“Sweetie, it’s just some bad weather, it’ll stop in a while,” I said calmly. I then leaned over, gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked away. Then, in a whispering tone she said:

“I’m talking about the monster in here....”

“The monster is still in the house and I’m scared,” she continued.

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I stood there for a few seconds, with my back turned to her trying to comprehend what Cathy was saying. She’s only four, probably thinks it’s the boogie man, I thought. I turned around, walked towards the top of her bed, got on my knees and said, “I promise you, there’s no monster here.”

I smiled, took a deep breath, and walked back to my room. I laid on the bed, staring into thin air, searching for sleep to take over my body. My eyes began getting heavier and heavier.

“Can I sleep with you please!” Cathy said as she stood in front of my bed. The only thing missing from that moment was a flash of lightning, and thunder – that would’ve sent me into cardiac arrest. “Sure, come on,” I replied.

Cathy quickly jumped onto the bed and got under the covers. We laid there facing each other. She stared at me with her bold eyes, “Do you hear it? Do you hear the monster?” Cathy asked. I didn’t know what to reply. Was she serious, I wondered. Then a voice in my head told me to listen. So, I blocked out the outside noise and concentrated.

They say when you’re losing one of your senses, another improves. Hopefully, my hearing had improved for this very moment. I shut my eyes and listened carefully; I heard the vents, little creeks, Cathy’s heavy breathing, but wait there was a voice. I heard a voice. Whose voice?!

“MOM.... DAD...... MOM..... DAD!! Come here.”

I opened my eyes and looked at Cathy. It was Corey’s voice. Was is it him, Cathy was referring to?!

“Let’s go to bed,” I said.

A few hours later, while I was snoring my life away, I heard a frantic voice shouting, “Cathy?! Cathy?!”

I slurped up the dribble I had oozing out from the side of my mouth. I channeled the little energy I had, and shouted: “She’s in here Liza.” I heard the heavy footsteps approaching.

“What is she doing in here? She’s not to be in here? Don’t ever let this happen again!” Liza said while she swiftly grabbed Cathy off of my bed.

I had zero energy left to reply. I used my hands and searched for the phone to see the time, I didn’t remember hearing my alarm and I knew it was way too early for this shit. I tried to get a few more minutes in, but it ended up being an hour. I quickly got up and got myself together, with time to spare.

After getting ready, I proceeded to the kitchen, it was shockingly quiet - a bit too quiet. Corey was surprisingly sleeping. As I approached the kitchen, there was Liza, “Good morning!” I said joyfully.“Ohh good morning Kari,” Liza grunted.

Please Liza, not with all that excitement at once, it’s far too early to give me such joy – calm down, I thought sarcastically. It was a clear indication that her "afterglow" had worn off, and probably wouldn’t be back for the next ten to twenty years. It was around 6:50 A.M., so, I decided to make a cup of coffee. The silence got too awkward. I had to do something before my shift started. While making my coffee, I noticed Liza constantly glimpsing over at me. It was a bit weird.

“Look, Kari, don’t ever let that happen again...” Liza said.

Her eyes looked strange - a merge of a death-stare, a bit of fright with a splash of tiredness. I was confused to what I had done.

“... Uhmm pardon?!”

“Don’t ever let Cathy sleep in your room... I don’t want her to get accustomed to you,” Liza replied.

“Oh, okay! I am sorry, I didn’t know that was a problem... she came into my room saying that something had scared her,” I replied.

“... You know kids, she’s just being dramatic,” Liza said.

“Okay, it’ll never happen again,” I said.


Saved by the coffee maker. I grabbed my coffee, added a few spoons of sugar, and walked towards the dining table. I blew on the hot coffee and watched as Liza walked towards the master bedroom with her head held low. Maybe she was right; Cathy probably had a nightmare and was being dramatic. As I took a few sips of the coffee, I was tempted to run up to my room and add a splash of vodka, but I refrained myself.I then quickly gulped the coffee down before Liza came back out. As soon as my shift started, I am not to have any liquid in my hand, Liza always said. I threw the remainder down the kitchen sink in the nick of time, because there came Liza storming out of the room.

“You can go into our room, Cathy is in there,” Liza said.

I quickly walked towards the master bedroom, there was Cathy in bed with Chris,

“I’m sorry, Good morning Chris!” I nervously said.

It was strange seeing him topless: I definitely was not impressed by his "dad body."

“Good Morning Kari, I hope you slept well.” Chris smiled.

“I did.” I reached my hand out to Cathy and asked: “are you ready to go upstairs?”

Cathy charged towards me and shouted,” Yes, Yes!” We both chuckled and headed upstairs to her bedroom, which was shockingly locked - weird. I decided to walk through my bedroom to get to hers.

“Your mom probably locked it by accident,” I said to Cathy whilst walking through my bedroom door.

“Noo... she always does that... She locks my door at night and in the morning she takes unlocks it with the keys,” Cathy said as she hopped towards her bedroom. I said nothing.

“You’re sleeping in my mommy’s old bed,” she looked up at me and giggled.

“What?!” I replied.

“Yeah, my mommy slept in that bed every night since the apartment. I miss the apartment. It was fun.”

All of this made no sense to me. I froze in the middle of her room, again trying to process everything Cathy said. “C’mon Kari let’s play... come, come, comeee...” I quickly snapped out of it and began playing with her. A couple of minutes in, I ended up tripping on her bed which was strangely wet.

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“Did you spill something here?” I asked.

“Noooo, I had an accident,” she said in embarrassment.

“It's ok honey, we all have accidents, I use to have them when I was your age too,” I said comforting her - which was a lie because I was potty trained like a fucking boss. I loved my little blue potty.

“Please don’t be mad at me Kari...” Cathy begged, staring at me with those hypnotizing eyes of hers.

“Nooo, of course not... why would you think that?”

“.... It really wasn’t my fault; I was scared because the monster was outside my door,” Cathy said while moving her hair from her face.

“Come let’s play...” she continued.

There my body went again; frozen. What the Fuck! Was she being serious?! All these alarm bells went off in my head. I could hear the black and Portuguese side of me going back and forth.

Black side (B):“LOOOOKKKKK girl if you don’t get your fucking broke ass out these people's you hear me?!...”

Portuguese side (P): “Noo! Don’t leave, you need to find out more... you need to find out more about the family’s past!”

B: “what is this bitch talking about?! Find out more? Why?! You don’t need to know about this family’s past.”

P: “Yes, you need to know what happened, maybe nothing happened – still, you just need answers.”

B: “DA-FUCK-YOU-DON’T! - what are you going to do? Snoop around in their attic and look for clues like scooby-fucking-do?? - No!”

P: “OMG that’s a great idea black side! Go up to the attic and see what’s in there when they’re not home!”

B: “Oh hellll no! You’re not going into no attic - next thing you NEVER leave here?! How are you going to write your other books? - from the grave?! I don’t think stationery is a part of the coffin package, sweetheart.”

P: “Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?!”Hmm, what's the worst that could happen, I began contemplating.

B: “This bitch! All those horror movies she’s watched and now she wants to play Nancy Drew! She wants to play detective. Clearly, she doesn’t remember that black people seldom make it out of horror films alive. I’m done! BYEEEEEEE!”


P: “You’ll be fine.”


Okay! I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I have lost my fucking mind!

I quickly snapped out of it and continued my daily routine. Got Cathy ready for school, and then took her downstairs. As we stepped out of the room, Corey stood at the top of the staircase case and stared at us. We stopped abruptly. He then ran downstairs. I took a deep breath and commenced walking with Cathy closely by my side. A few steps in I couldn’t help, but notice the door to the attic on my right. I got such a bad feeling when I passed it. I clutched onto Cathy’s hand a little tighter.

As I got to the bottom of the stairway, Corey rushed towards me, and from nowhere Liza popped out and yanked Cathy out of my hand; carried her into the kitchen. Corey gave me an almost suffocating hug and looked up towards me grinning. Boy, was he happy to see me?!

“Good morning, let’s exercise,” I said to him. I grabbed the yoga mats from the closet near the staircase and rolled them out. Corey and I faced each other and began to do our stretches. He then stopped and started tapping my chest - this was new. Even though it wasn’t painful, and he got some sort of joy from it, I gently grabbed his wrist and said, “C’mon, we have to exercise.”He stopped and went over to his mat.

We continued exercising, and had our usual chat about monsters; we only like the good ones and we didn’t like the bad ones. We shared a couple of laughs here and there which was good, it got my mind off of everything Cathy said. Later that day, my phone kept going off

iPhone ringtone

“Hello, Kari”

“Hi Chris”“I called you a couple of times on WhatsApp, anyway, I need you to go into your settings and give me a number, I am buying you a local SIM card for you to use.”

I paused. I wondered for a second why he was buying...... and before I could finish my thought Chris rushed me,

“C’mon Kari I need the number now...hurry, go to settings....”

I had no clue what he wanted, but he directed me to it. After I gave him the number, I hung up the phone and finished my thought; I already had an American number - from New York. Why did I need a local one? – I guess they wanted to pay for my calls, but what was that number he needed?

A little after 9:00 P.M., the kids were already tucked and I had just finished brushing my teeth. There was a knock on the door. I wiped my hand and opened the door, “this is the SIM card; you have to put it into your iPhone,” Chris handed me the SIM, then walked away. It was a bit weird, something didn’t feel right. I had the SIM in the palm of my hand, pacing back and forth in the room.

For some reason my gut told me not to insert the SIM into my iPhone, instead I inserted it into my Samsung phone – the parents never knew of my second phone. I didn’t think it was necessary for them to have known. Plus, when I first arrived, Chris was happy when he saw that I had an iPhone, I assumed they were just big fans of Apple Products.

I had a really bad feeling, but it was probably just a long day and I was more than likely lacking sleep, I thought. I flicked off the lights, went into bed and tried not to think too much into anything. I chuckled like a crazy person. I figured, I was being overly paranoid and over-thinking everything. I got too invested in finding out about the family and their past, it was probably all in my head – there was nothing to worry about. I had blown things out of proportion. I shook my head, smiled and then went to sleep.

The next morning, the parents decided after their breakfast that each of them should take a kid; take them somewhere nice. Chris took Cathy, and Liza had Corey – she didn’t seem too pleased about that. I stayed back to do some chores; Liza wanted me to wash her bed sheets – FFFFUN.

First out of the door were Chris and Cathy; they were so excited to go on their little adventure. I then helped Corey put on his shoes. He kept giving me this strange smile and rubbed my head as I leaned over and tied his laces. A few minutes later, Liza and Corey were about to head out through the front door, Liza walked back into the kitchen where I was:
“Call my phone so I could get your local number.”

“Yeah, sure I will,” I replied.

“Do it now,” Liza insisted.

I ran upstairs to my room and picked up my iPhone. On my way down the staircase, there was Liza, tapping her feet on the wooden floor, as I walked down each stair.

“I think I still have my old number in the phone,” I explained.

“What do you mean.... give me your phone let me see,” she said aggressively.

I stood there and stared at her as though she was crazy; I wasn’t going to hand over my fucking phone to her. “Fine, just open your settings,” she continued. With her breathing over my neck, as soon as I tapped on my “settings” icon, Liza took one look and sucked her teeth,

“It’s not in... Why don’t you have the SIM card in your phone?”

“Because I have to inform my family about my new contact information,” I replied.

I knew it was a lie and I could’ve told her it was in my other phone but I didn’t.“You should’ve done that already.”

“Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but I received the card right before I went to bed, I will put it in today,” I replied.

“You and these excuses... look you have to be fast, send the number, and we need that card in your phone now, so, after I leave, do it.” Liza shook her head and stormed out of the house with Corey, who was looking out of the window, close to the front door, speaking to himself. It took everything in me not to flip her off – throw up those middle fingers in her face. What a bitch! I took a deep breath and went into the kitchen for a snack.

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As the snack digested, I thought about how Liza reacted. Why was she so pressed for me to put the SIM into my phone? How did she know I didn’t have it in, just by me opening “Settings”? - I didn’t click on anything else. What was it that gave it away? There was no information there – or was there?!

I was like a caveman when it came to technology; I didn’t know much, but I knew someone that did. I went through my WhatsApp contacts and called Marian; A sweet dorky girl I went to university with, we lived in the same dorm together, the guys called her JLO but she didn’t have the voice nor moves. Yet, there was a slight resemblance. Marian was the perfect person to ask; knew so much about technology, everyone went to her whenever there was a problem with their device and she fixed them.

“Heyy Mari!!”

"Heyy Kari, it’s been so are you... I heard you quit your job w.t.f!!!”

I sighed. “Okay, not now I’ll explain everything to you later... I need to find out something quickly...please.”

I briefly explained to her what happened, while I tried tidying up the parent’s bedroom. When taking the sheets off, Marian said,

“It could be that the family added you to their data plan, so the data is shared amongst everyone that’s on the plan, but there’s a catch... you said that you only opened up the settings and she knew right away?”

“Yeah...” I replied.

“That means they probably have a picture or logo for their cloud .......which then means that all....” before Marian could finish.

“Stop!” I said in a hushed tone. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Kari are you okay?”

“Yeah Mari, I uhmmm thanks...I have to go.”

I hung up the phone and everything Marian said to me went over my head at that moment. Why were there little blood spots at the top of the fitted white sheet, I wondered. Similar to the ones on Cathy’s sheets. I then looked at the pillowcases and there were also a few blood spots on them. I gathered all the sheets and pillowcases and threw them into the washer - then into the dryer. I took a deep breath and after the cycle, it would probably go away, I thought.

Someone may have bitten their lip or something. I came up with so many explanations to put my thoughts at ease.I was relieved when the dryer went off. I took the sheets out and made up the bed. I placed the fitted sheets on the mattress, and the spots were still there. Didn’t fade or anything. I continued making the bed, and then left the room.I went straight upstairs to my room. As I was about to open the bedroom door, I slowly turned around and stared at the door that led to the attic. Now was my moment. I was in the house alone; I didn’t know when any of them were going to be back. I predicted they wouldn’t have arrived any time soon. I took a deep breath, walked towards the attic, my hand reached for the knob.

“NOPE! FUCK THAT!” I walked away. Maybe my blackness kicked in. This was too intense for my little heart. Instead, I went to wash Cathy’s pee stained sheets. I had to pull myself together. What was going on with me?! Again, I snapped out of it and completed my chores. A couple of hours later, Chris and Cathy came home. Cathy ran straight into my arms,

“Let’s watch a movie together.... come on daddy.”

“Sure,” I smiled at Cathy. Then looked at Chris who looked a bit distant.

“Yeah, let’s do it... I’ll grab the popcorn and meet you guys up there. You did a great job with the cleaning Kari. Thank you!”

I smiled and took Cathy up to the cinema room, which was close to Cathy and I’s room. We all sat together and watched, the Princess and the Frog. Midway through the movie, Chris’s phone rang and he stepped out, but never came back in.

A few hours later, Mother Dearest and Corey came back home. Liza yelled my name a couple of times, after a while, I decided to head down with Cathy. When walking towards the kitchen Liza came over, lifted Cathy up and carried her into the Master bedroom, while I headed over to Corey, who was fiddling with something on the kitchen counter.

“These are candles, I like candles... My dad’s birthday is coming up, ask me which candles are his, Kari!” Corey said.

“Ok, which candles are his,” I chuckled.

“Three and six are my daddy’s candles because he’s going to turn thirty-six... Now ask me whose birthday is next...”

“Whose birthday is after your dad’s?” I asked.

“Mommy, mommy’s birthday is after my daddy, and her candles are the blues, five and nine, now ask me where I got the candles from.”I laughed,

“Yeah five and nine”

Wait! I paused. What the fuck did he just say?! I frantically looked at the candles Corey placed on the counter. Did Corey just say his dad was turning Thirty-six and his mom fifty-nine – No! I had to make sure I heard correctly, so, I said to him,
“oh, I like candles too, tell me again whose birthday each candle is for.”

“My daddy’s birthday is coming up soon, his candles are the three and six because he’s turning thirty-six... After his birthday is my mommy’s birthday and her candles are the five and nine, the blue candles because she’s turning fifty-nine.”

“Ohhhh don’t remind mommy she’s getting older, please Corey,” Liza said as she walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. I figured Liza was old, but I had no idea she was that old. Okay! I did jokingly say she looked around seventy, but I simply assumed she was forty-something, who was aging like a cabbage left in a refrigerator for a thousand years.

I stood there with an awkward smile – it was more of a cringe than a smile; like a Chrissy Teigen at the Emmys cringe.

I tried my best to get through the remainder of the night, yet, it was so difficult. They decided to have a little BBQ, and we sat around the dining table. They kept speaking and laughing, but I had zoned out.

“Kari you’re off...we’ll put the kids to sleep tonight,” Chris said.

I heard that for sure! I was stunned. It was only 8:45 P.M., but I quickly got up and power walked to that room. I feared, if I had hesitated they would’ve probably changed their minds. I locked my door and decided that I needed a hot bubble bath, and a drink – vodka to be precise. So, I reached for the vodka bottle I had in my closet, on the top shelf, then went into the bathroom.

I turned the bath pipe on hot and threw some Johnson’s baby bedtime bubble bath into the rising water. When the bubbles began to form, a tear fell from my eye – it was a beautiful moment. I then placed my hand in the water to check the temperature,

“Ahhhh...MOTHERFUCKER...HAWWTTT.” I wanted it hot but not this scorching; I switched the pipe to cold – to balance it out. When it was just right, I grabbed my bottle of vodka and my phone, then hopped in the bath. It felt so good. The worries, stress, anxiety, had faded away.

A sigh of relief as I sipped on my drink – more like chugged than a sip. I then scrolled through my messages and checked-in with a few of my friends. I glimpsed a message from Marian, I forgot I told her I would’ve called her back. I took a couple of sips and tapped on her unread message.

Marian’s text:
“I am not sure what’s going on, but I was telling you earlier that the number they asked you for makes you a part of their plan, which means your data will also be in their iCloud; that’s why she knew you didn’t change the SIM... your iCloud picture was what she saw. This means that they could possibly get some information on your phone. Like photos, videos, maybe text messages, it’s not definite but there’s a possibility... especially since the dad specializes in I.T. If you need anything else, let me know ok? We should catch up. Call me!”

I laid there in the tub so confused. The next day I felt a bit ill, it could’ve been the food or something. I had no energy to do a fourteen-hour shift. I explained to the family about it and of course, I heard Liza bitching, but I didn’t give a fuck – she complains about everything. I couldn’t help but wonder about Marian's text.......should I be worried?!Until next time...

Hmm, wish me luck!!



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