Steemit Writers Chapter 3
It was 3:11 AM when we heard it. A loud bang in the direction of highway not too far from our home. The piercing sound was nerve racking. For the longest moment we sat up in the bed wondering if it happened again.
I looked at my phone...anxiously staring
"If it rin..." Miln began to say before abruptly stopping as my phone rang
20 minutes I was out the door and pulling up to the scene. In my hurry to abandon another restless night, I barely got dressed and was now freezing in the rain and on the highway.
To keep from cursing I mumbled everything else under the sun for my hurried scramble out the door
"Friggin Great freakin job woman, ya just couldn't grab a gah dang real mother trucking jacket"
Alana was already on the scene and annoyingly! not in the least bit surprised of my choice of outerwear tonight. It consisted of my favorite light camel colored rain coat that was barely losely fumbled into a knot, with its matching belt worn over a plain white sleeveless tee and jeans that must have been stitched from the GODS to keep all those extra pastry pounds packed in.
She must have knew what I was thinking by the look she gave me with her ridiculous one arched eyebrow stare "One wrong move and someone is definitely losing an eye ...and I'll be losing another pair of pants" thinking to myself.
Where should we go from here?
Do you want more?
The other chapters?