Writer’s Block

in #writers-block5 years ago

I’ve had some massive writer’s block as of late, and it has troubled me a bit. The couple of posts that I’ve had as of late are rants more than anything, more reactionary than responsory, and while I have produced some content, it really has not been much above the level of sh!tposting.

I’ve been admittedly overwhelmed with academics this semester. There is so much to read, write, and paying attention in class is, of course, paramount. Even if I wanted to make a concerted effort to multitask, I would fall even further behind, as one of my professors does not seem to realize that I can only type just so fast before it becomes looking more like Q*Bert curses than the content that he has placed on the PowerPoint. It certainly does not help my cause that I need a Rosetta stone and a Navajo code talker to decrypt his maddeningly inconsistent pattern of quotations, citations, and typographical errors.

Additionally, I decided to give in to The Elder Scrolls. I started playing “Oblivion” a few weeks back, and I have to say that I am immersed heavily into the world. I wanted to have a bit of fun with it all, since the experience of the game is primarily up to the player. There are a good number of games that are, by nature, prescribed — sequential, patternistic, mostly straightforward. That is not to knock some of those games, as I have a profound love for the Final Fantasy series, particularly IV, V, VI (SNES), and X (PS2). I’ve played III (NES), and the “Legends” games for GameBoy from back in the day. Kingdom Hearts is a series that I love, and I could show more love for it if I was to purchase the next-gen systems that are required. The Megaman X series is a winner in my eyes, and I love the Tenchu: Stealth Assassins games as well.

There is very little, if any, deviation in those games. There is a fixed storyline in Tenchu, Kingdom Hearts, and Megaman X. Sure, there are little bonuses in many stages, and you can revisit other areas for some extras and whatnot, which is totally cool. The Final Fantasy games, particularly X, have a linear model for their stories — go from point A to B to C et cetera — even if there is not a direct geographic passage or trail from one point to another (such as going from Fabul to Castle Baron in Final Fantasy IV). Kingdom Hearts is really along those lines, so to speak, with some options for sequencing. Tenchu has a very linear and unalterable sequence to the game. Megaman X allows for stage selection, so there is a modicum of variance, but mostly in how you deal with navigating the stages and battling the bosses.

“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” is nothing but variation. I highly doubt that, even if I was to chronicle all of my adventures so far, that I could possibly duplicate the same exact circumstances of the game. It’s been interesting, to say the least — I’ve been trying in what I think is the NW corner of the map, although I am not even close to certain about that. I have also been to “Oblivion,” the Hell-like dimension twice successfully and now I am working on a third jaunt.

Let me explain. They have these portals that open randomly to Oblivion, and you have to enter the portal, battle your way through, and close the portals to keep all manner of Hellspawn from leaking out into the world. Fun, right?

Sounds like I’m dealing with my ex-girlfriend, “Lynn.”

Now I am really not looking to go into an in-depth analysis of a 13 year old game. There’s more than enough of that online, and if you are poking around here on Steemit, then full well you know how to use the ‘Net.

What I am loving about it is that the character that I designed is customized. I have an Elven thief who is wicked at archery, and he is stealthy as anything.

My character is a Ninja Elf. And I feel completely badass when I play (except when I’ve entered an Oblivion Gate and I am creeped out of my gorram mind). I’m a vampire-hunting, pocket-picking, arrow-loosing, bandit-stomping, treasure-collecting Ninja Elf. I’m honestly really liking the game.

Unfortunately, it has only helped to add to my writer’s block. I have nothing really that I want to talk about, quite frankly. Even writing this has taken me several days, and snagging that pic from “Scrubs” was one of the highlights of the venture. I mean, I had to research the season and episode by description to find the right episode, and then scan through it. Granted, I could have just watched the whole damn series until I found that scene, but then this whole thing would never be written in an acceptable time frame. Hell, my rutting writer’s block might even be gone by that point for all I know.

Strange, I realize, that you are reading this, which meant that I most definitely have written something, but to be fair, this is not the greatest post in the world…
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So yeah… I hope that someone out there has actually enjoyed my writer’s block more than I have. Maybe I’ll have something with some real content in the near future. Until then...

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