BBW BOMB 01/15/2018

in #wrestling7 years ago

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Watch BBW Bomb 01/15/2018 video podcast on Youtube

Dark match: Vanko Jr. vs Cyrax

Vanko Jr. with a flying head scissors early on Cyrax. Vanko Jr. works over the left arm with enziguri. Cyrax counters working the left arm of Vanko Jr. as well. Cyrax with arm drags and then a third big arm drag working over the left arm of Vanko Jr. Vanko Jr. rolls Cyrax over and gets the pinfall.
Bobby: Wow! Vanko just rolled up Cyrax for pinfall. That was quick!

Dark match: Bullda vs. Tomahawk

Evenly contested match early on. Each man putting their power on display. Tomahawk hits a torture rack neck breaker on Bullda, but Bullda kicks out.
Bobby: Both these young talents are great asset of BBW.
Bullda battles back and hits a release German suplex on Tomahawk. Both men end up on the top rope. Tomahawk uses to his advantage by tripping Bullda and gives him Flatliner from second rope. Bullda still manage to kick out. Tomahawk goes Full Nelson slam against knee, but Bullda rolls out and hits him with STO and gets the win.


Show starts with replay from first matches of BBW True Champion tournament and Psyho win in five man match at BBW Bomb.


Gulian says he is glad that EX-P did right choice and accepted his challenge. He looks forward to the great match at BBW True Champion.


Send wishes Yuti Mutag luck.
Bobby: Up next- Yuti Mutag vs. Nail for qualifying in BBW True Champion tournament.

True Champion tournament qualifying match: Nail with Jerino Chanvs. Yuti Mutag

Series of counters early. Mutag with a quick blockbuster on Nail. Nail fires back with a big uppercut that levels Mutag. They brawl to the ring apron. Mutag sends Nail back first into the steel ring post. Nail falls to the outside.
Bobby: Mutag gets big chance now.
Yuti gives Nail springboard Moonsault to outside. Back live, Nail counters Mutag in the counter and tosses him away with a powerbomb. Mutag with a dropkick after Nail misses a Clothesline attempt. Nail catch Mutag with Fall away slam and goes for Nail YGANIYB. Mutag gets out with a close roll up.
Oscar: Mutag almost had him!
Mutag avoids a Nail Punch and hits his Spinning heel kick getting a very close two count on Nail. Mutag goes for top rope Moonsault, but miss it and Nail gets YGANIYB for the win.
Bobby: Nail advances to next round. Looks like Jerino Chan shakes up Brawlers.


Grand Sonny says, that Big W cost him his True Champion match and he is greatful that Mr. Rich gave him one more chance. When interviewer asks if he has seen Danger Maker? Sonny says he has not, but he is not afraid.
Oscar: Think this will be humble experience for Grand Sonny.

True Champion tournament qualifying match:

Danger Maker vs. Grand Sonny

Danger Maker comes out and Grand Sonny is not looking happy.
Oscar: Looks like Grand Sonny is not so happy about extra chance now!
Grand Sonny tries to punch Danger Maker, but that has no effect. Danger Maker gives him Thrust punch and Big Boot. Then Danger Maker Chokeslams Grand Sonny and gives him one more Big Boot in the corner. Danger Maker puts Grand Sonny away with Danger Driver wins.
Bobby: Well thanks for coming Sonny! Danger Maker advances to next round.
Then Big W and Willy run out attack Grand Sonny and try to mark him with branding iron with letter “S” representing “slave”.
Bobby: Come on! Leave this young man alone!

Drun vs. Gulian

Gulian with a quick kick and headlock early on Drun. Gulian with a shoulder block, avoids kicks from Drun and goes for Western lariat, but Drun ducks that and gives him dropkick.
Bobby: Drun got best of that exchange.
Drun with a kick to Gulian off the ring apron. Drun with a DDT for a two count on Gulian. Drun then sends Gulian over the top rope. Gulian bounces the neck of Drun off the turnbuckle in the corner. Gulian stomps away at Drun in the corner. Gulian drops a elbow drop on Drun, but then Drun blocks a kick and connects with a Snap Suplex. Gulian gets out of the corner with Western lariat and signals for Vertical suplex into Piledriver. Blackteam come out, but Gulian throws Drun on them.
Oscar: Guess no help from Blackteam for now!
Bobby: Blackteam should focus on their BBW Tag Team title match better tonight.
Gulian throws Drun back in, but Drun catch him with Legdrop to back of head. Drun goes for Implant DDT, but Gulian gets out of it and gives Drun Double arm ace crusher and then Vertical suplex into Piledriver for the win. Blackteam take Drun out.
Bobby: Gulian wins tonight!
EX-P then runs out and attacks Gulian and hits him with chair leaving him bloody in the ring.
Bobby: Looks like 1:1. EX-P and Gulian will meet at BBW Head to Head 7.


Redmen say that they want BBW Tag Team titles and their target are Great 4, so they will take care of Rollers tonight.

Redmen vs. Rollers

When the bell rings, Shawn goes after Ninja and Ken goes after Cyber. All four men are brawling at ringside. Ninja tosses Shawn face first off the ring guardrail. Ken then goes after Ninja with help from Shawn. Rollers toss Cyber back inside the ring. Shawn plants Cyber with a scoop slam and Ken drops a knee over the head of Cyber.
Bobby: Rollers are on the roll early on!
Ninja with a right to Ken on the outside and rights to Shawn inside the ring. Ninja with kick combo and takes Shawn down with Roundhouse kick. Then Ninja Superkicks Ken from apron. Ninja corner splashes Shawn, misses a corner splash on Ken. Ken goes for second rope Legdrop, but Cyber catch him with springboard enziguri and Ken falls out of the ring. Ninja plants Shawn with a scoop slam and connects with his jumping elbow, but gets two count. Ninja goes for Sweep, but Shawn jumps over it and connect with Rocker dropper on Ninja and puts on modified Camel clutch. Outside Cyber kicks Ken in the guardrail and breaks up Shawn Camel clutch with Cyber kick. Redmen drop Shawn with Big Red for the win.
Bobby: Redmen prove, why they are considered one of most dominant tag teams in BBW.


Brawlers attack Rollers, as they go in the locker room. Jerino Chan says they will see Rollers at Heat to Head 7.


Psyho is getting ready for match.
Bobby: We will see Nr. 1 contender defend his BBW Hero title tonight against Sleepy.

BBW Hero title match: Psyho vs. Sleepy

Lock up and Psyho pushes Sleepy down immediately. Second lock up and Psyho again throws Sleepy back to the corner. Sleepy with a right hand and Psyho launches Sleepy across the ring. Sleepy gets boots up in the corner. Sleepy with dropkicks, but that doesn’t affect Psyho. Psyho knocks Sleepy down.
Oscar: Fun Faces should help their teammate.
Psyho avoids Cutter attempt and slams Sleepy to the mat. Psyho picks up Sleepy by his neck and again slams him down with a Gorilla press slam. Psyho has Sleepy up on his shoulders and connects with his powerslam. Then Fun Faces run out, but Psyho knocks them one by one off the ring apron. Then Psyho wins with Chokeslam on Sleepy.
Oscar: Dominant victory from Psyho.
Bobby: Think Vandor and Jay are watching this performance by Psyho?
Oscar: I am sure they are and they don’t like that.
Psyho says that Vandor is not great champion. He says, that he has been defending BBW Hero title show after show, injured arm or not, but Vandor avoids getting in the ring, that’s why Vandor doesn’t have match tonight, but Psyho does. Jay comes out and says, that Psyho must be really stupid if he thinks, that Vandor will come out and just waste his time on nobodies. Jay says that Psyho will just be first victim in Vandor reign as greatest BBW Champion of all time. Psyho says to Jay to send Vandor message. Jay asks what and Psyho Chokeslams him.
Oscar: Guess that is the message.


Johnny Rich is yelling at Psyho backstage, as he says, that Jay is not the wrestler. Psyho says, that Rich better put Vandor in the match too before BBW Head to Head or he will Chokeslam Johnny next.  Rich says, he will take care of that.
Bobby: Psyho just threaten our owner.
Oscar: Looks like with results.

Rouki Roundy vs. Pain Master

The bell rings, and Roundy punches away at him before big booting him down. Pain Master rolls out of the ring to recover, so Roundy goes outside and clotheslines him down. Roundy gets him in the ring and kicks him. Pain Master quickly comes back with a clothesline before punching away at him. Roundy rolls out of the way of a senton splash before sending him to the outside.
Bobby: Roundy beat Pain Master at Night of Hardcore and it looked like Pain Master liked the pain.
Roundy then hits Overhead German suplex on outside and Pain Master just lays down and laugh! Roundy punches him before putting him in the ring. Pain Master hits him and sends him into the ring post. Pain Master pulls him into the ring and goes for Powerbomb, but Roundy overpowers out with Back body drop and then Spears Pain Master. Roundy wins with Front face slam on Pain Master. Danger Maker comes out and carries Pain Master away on the shoulder, as Roundy watch it.
Bobby: What was that about?
Oscar: Looks like Danger Maker took care of Pain Master.


Blackteam say that it’s their time to become BBW Tag Team champions and they don’t care, that Great 4 is considered greatest BBW tag team now, they will prove everyone wrong and beat them tonight.

BBW Tag Team title match:

Roma Warrior & Electron vs. Blackteam

Bobby: Blackteam earned this match at BBW Night of Hardcore.
Warrior and Semu start off and Roma Warrior takes down Semu with a Flying leg scissors. Electron and Jerry are tagged in. Jerry applies an arm-bar. Electron reverses the hold. Electron is trying to play mind games with Jerry. Electron tells Jerry to bring it. Electron with Knee strike to Jerry and connects with a Snap suplex into Powerslam. Electron drags Jerry to the corner and tags.
Bobby: Great 4 have strong start.
Warrior dropkicks Jerry and Great 4 are cutting the ring in half, but Jerry manage to tag. Semu knocks down Electron and boots him in the corner. Jerry attacks Electron behind the referee’s back. Semu with vicious crossfaces to Electron. Blackteam give Electron double flapjack. Semu big boots Electron in the corner. Electron responds with a forearm smash. Electron delivers stiff knee strikes and then Bulldog out of the corner.
Oscar: Now Electron needs to make the tag!
Electron knocks Jerry from the apron, but Semu clotheslines Electron from behind. Blackteam give Backdrop/Neckbreaker combo to Electron. Electron kicks out. Semu applies a rear chin lock. Jerry knocks Warrior dropkick from apron, as he is tagged in and applies a rear chin lock to Electron and tags in Semu.
Bobby: Smart tactic by Blackteam. They isolate Electron.
Semu with a Running Side kick knocks down Electron for a two count. Semu goes for another Side kick, but Semu inadvertently knocks Jerry off the ring apron and Electron tags in Warrior. Warrior comes off with Sprinboard dropkick on Semu over for a two count. Warrior creates distance with a forearm smash and then goes for Tornado Bulldog, but Semu counters with a Back suplex. Semu miss Elbow drop and then Warrior follows that Sprinboard MoonSault for a two count. Semu goes for the PowerBomb, but Warrior counters with Hurricarana. Warrior tags in Electron. Electron fires running forearm to Jerry and knocks him into guardrail. Warrior gives Semu Facebuster and Electron plants Semu with Spinebuster to pickup the victory, as Roma Warrior baseball slide dropkicks Jerry back into guardrail.
Bobby: Great 4 still are BBW Tag Team champions and winners.
Oscar: They again proved in this great match, that they are great champions.
Rich Men come out and Johnny Rich congratulate Roma Warrior and Electron on their win again. He says, that looks like Great 4 doesn’t have opponents for BBW Head to Head 7, that is why he will give former champions rematch, so it will be Roma Warrior & Electron vs. Master of Sumo & Z.O.I.


BBW Head to Head 7: Winter BattleNail & Law vs. Rollers- after beat down tonight Rollers want rematch against Brawlers. Jerino Chan accepted on behalf of Brawlers.Johnny Johnson vs. Jeremy Stun- after Stun left Great 4, Johnson cost Stun True Champion tournament match against Roma Warrior. Stun challenged former boss to 1:1 match at Head to Head 7.Gulian vs. EX-P- Gulian looks for respect and he decided by beating former champion EX-P he will get it. This promise to be great match.BBW Tag Team titles match: Roma Warrior & Electron vs. Master of Sumo & Z.O.I.- rematch between both teams for BBW Tag Team titles.BBW Champion title match: Vandor vs. Psyho- Psyho earned shot at BBW Champion title match defeating Roundy, Star, TEX and EX-P in five way match at BBW Bomb. This promise to be big wreckage.

True Champion tournament qualifying match: Star vs. Syho

Bobby: Star didn’t win BBW Champion title, but he has real chance at this tournament.
Syho attacks Star and gives him TKO, but Star grabs the rope.
Bobby: Star just saved himself.
Syho tries to go for another TKO, but Star gives him Overhead German suplex. Star then gives Powerbomb to Syho, but Syho kicks out. Star goes for Falling Star, but Syho rolls out of the way. Syho gives Star neck breaker and puts Star into Sleeper hold.
Bobby: Star is in trouble!
Star fights out and reverse Sleeper hold into Over the shoulder reverse piledriver and Star wins with Falling Star.
Bobby: Star just was better man tonight. Congratulate him on advancing in BBW True Champion tournament.
Then Syho grabs microphone and says he is on hunt for Rich Men and says he wants them all in the ring and face them.
Johnny Rich comes out says that he doesn’t know who is this Syho, but he doesn’t like him. If he wants to fight with Rich Men, then he can have gauntlet match against Rich Men at BBW Head to Head 7.
Bobby: Looks like we have matches for BBW Head to Head 7 Syho vs. all Rich Men?
Oscar: Looks like it. 

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