the purpose and meaning of life
In most cases, we have our own agenda for what are the goals in our lives. But from a spiritual point of view, there are two basic reasons for why we are born. These reasons define the most basic purpose of our lives.
To make spiritual progress with the ultimate goal of being united with God and thus out of the cycle of birth and death.
To complete the give-and-receive account (karmic debt) that we have with various people.
In lives, we accumulate many give-and-receive accounts that are a direct result of our actions and actions. These accounts may be positive or negative, depending on the positive-negative nature of our actions. All major events in our lives are destined. These events include our births, the families in which we were born, the spouses we married, the children we have, serious illnesses and the time of our death. The happiness and pain that we give and receive from the people we love and recognize is a simple form of the previous case of give-and-receive accounts that directs how relationships between people are revealed.