Hi guys, so i stumbled onto something a little while back and decided to take it up. Been so uninspired lately to write anything but i feel this helped a great deal.
The first on the list of the 30 day writing challenge is list five things that make you happy and why do these things give you so much joy admist anything else. Happiness is not just the words but in the feeling. It said to the true life prescription and people strive to make themselves happy in all phases of life. Be it material or human means.
A dose of good laughter and happiness daily can do alot in ones life. But making someone other yourself happy, that is a true gift. It utterly goves you peace of mind given the sincerity of it. That said, here are the five things that make me happy and why....
Music dates back centuries and has evolved just as the human race evolved. It is like an entity that constantly gets better with time. It was here before me and will be here well after me. Music, has come to be a part of me that can never be stripped away. It is almost like my heart beat. Every rhythm, beat, lyric tells a tale of where I've been and how far i have come. My playlist comprises of God knows how many songs that i can say, each one means a different thing to me. There are songs for every mood I'm in and lyrics that explains my life at the time. I call it the playlist of my life. Music, it makes me happy because it was present at my lowest moment. Like an angel whispering but yet screaming in my ears.... Music.... The words to my soul and the beat to my heart.Movies
Not to boast, but you probably won't see a movie lover like me. Movies just like music have evolved exponentially. I doubt if there was sci-fi 90 years ago but today we have movies that tend to depict an idea of what the future wouls look like. Movies, i can say are a direct interpretation of my imagination on a daily basis. Yes, its a jungle up there.reading novels
Oh yes, i am that kind of person. There is something about stories that just holds me down. I can remember like it was just yesterday. I was reading "the debt inheritance" by Pepper Winters. Amazing series by the way. I burnt two pots in quick succession. The thing is, i am intrigued at how words constructed in such a manner can feel me joy. But then it does. My imagination is stumulated and i can't just stop. Erotica, adventure, comedy mystery.... These give me joy.cooking
Yes, cooking. I am a major foodie. I mean have you seen me. Chunky mama... Lol.
Anyways, i enjoy cooking alot. I feel its therapeutic. And trust me it is. Every aspect of cooking. It takes patience for some kind of food and then there are others that can be done in a snap. I mean what else can define love other tham cooking for someone. Its tour time, energy and thought put into a single plate of food. What's not to love please.clothes
I've always loved clothes. Some people call me materialistic because of it but how can you not love clothes; fashion. The smell of new fresh clothes. Having to wear a different thing everyday. Having clothes for every occasion. Please what is not soothing and appealing about that. There is this new found confidence you have when you dress the part. I feel it all the time. Clothes definitely make me happy and very recently, i started indulging in sewimg my own clothes. Still a bit rusty but my imagination is overflowing with ideas and I'm sure I'll get better.