God is our guide: Don't worship foreign gods or bow down to gods you know nothing about. Psalm 81:9
The Psalm 81 is fundamentally an oracle that reminds men of the need for the wisdom inspired from above to live and achieve the true happiness and well-being. God is the only guide and the source of true blessings for man teaches the Psalm, and whoever rejects this can only find the path of error continues the hymn.
This is why the Psalm begins by celebrating the law of Moses, which is the concretization of the covenant between Israel and God, and with these words, the hymn affirms the fact:
"This is the law in Israel,
and it was given to us
by the God of Jacob.
The descendants of Joseph
were told to obey it,
when God led them out
from the land of Egypt" Psalm 81:4-5.
The wisdom of God was manifested to Israel through the law so that other nations with their idolatry would recognize this.
And so the Psalm continues with wisdom to remind the Israelites of the importance of the first and most important commandment from which all the others are derived:
"Don't worship foreign gods
or bow down to gods
you know nothing about" Psalm 81:9.
But then the Psalm explains to men that in contrast to this blessing of God is the freedom of man to choose between good and evil, and that because of the problem of original sin, men are inclined to concupiscence and consequently to error. Israel sinned and God gave them over to the consequences of their whims, the Psalm teaches, but God's blessings and mercy are always there for those who allow themselves to be loved and helped, the Psalm concludes.
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