2021-11-26steemCreated with Sketch.

in #worm3 years ago

How can there be more votes than voters?

Imagine counting how many socks you have. But now count how many of them have holes in them. But you say, "But you still have the same number of socks." That was the 2020 U.S. Election. Put pressure on the leaders of your state.

One of the mistakes they made when stealing the 2020 election was forget to also delete original databases of ballots, transactions, information, tracking, etc. They were erasing databases but not necessarily original databases, systems, files, directories, folders, etc. They failed at covering their tracks. That's the crazy thing when analyzing hard drives. There are programs designed for restoring deleted files, etc. I actually have some of those programs on my computer right now.


What's new?
Some of the most recent articles, posts, activity, etc, as follows:

A few random photos and such from like 2004 apx, like WOLBI NY Roomies and WCC and MySpace, etc.

Random Movies From 2000

Four things you must do before telling her you like her.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Gasoline is almost as expensive as wedding rings now.

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-11-26 - Friday | Published in November of 2021

Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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No highlights today.

All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking World News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies is a revolutionary act | Free World News TV | Check out these videos | Brighteon News | Geeks + Gamers

Why are so many Americans fat or big bone?

11:39 AM - Ecency

He probably only dropped a little water on my head for fun. I think maybe no water. He was only joking for the photo. Too many people are encouraged to eat unhealthy food. That is why too many people are fatter in America in 2021 than many people were in the USA back in the 1940s.

People can be skinnier in some countries because their foods can have less GMO. That is what makes food unhealthy for the most part. What makes food unhealthy is not simply the fat in food or the calories or the protein or certain things. Yeah, you might be able to eat too much food and become fat and unhealthy.

But that is not important. Being fat does not mean you are unhealthy. But you might be unhealthy if you are fat. There is a difference between being unhealthy and being fat. People should eat healthy food. But what is healthy food? Well, that is simple. Healthy foods are organic food with enough vitamins and everything in them already. The problem is big bad companies and corporations and farms and others have taken vitamins out of food. That is bad. They spray bad stuff on the food. They put bad stuff into the soil of the plants, the food. They put bad things into the dirt, the ground, the fertilizer. Geoengineering is bad. GMO is very bad. Many different things are bad. Fat does not have to be bad. And you should sometimes eat fat. When you eat chicken, you can eat some of the chicken fat and that is good.

Too many people are too fat. But the bigger problem is too many people all around the world are too unhealthy. You can be skinny and be unhealthy. Too many foods are unhealthy. And people are too dumb and retarded and stupid to know what food is unhealthy. Too many people think they know what is and is not healthy food. But they are wrong. People think fatty foods are unhealthy. But no. That is wrong. Fatty foods may not always be unhealthy. People have no idea. Fake food is bad. Fake food is unhealthy.

Covid can be killed.
But Covid Vaccines are killing people | Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

Who is Billy Breaker?

12:01 PM - Ecency

No. I was born Joseph Scott Arnold. People call me Joey. But Billy Breaker is a name of a character I made that illustrates my life. I started drawing pictures of my face in some comics in 2010. The story I wrote for Billy is based on home videos I made with family and friends going back to 1996. We started making videos with a camcorder in 1996.

In 1996, we made a Power Rangers movie. My favorite Power Ranger was Billy the Blue Ranger. The American version of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers live-action television show and series and franchise started in the fall of 1993, I started watching the 30-minutes long show in 1993, I was 8 years old.

On the show, Billy's last name is not Breaker. Probably in 2010, I came up with the last name, the surname, Breaker. So, thus the name of my character was Billy Breaker. And the character was based on the character I played as an actor in 1996. And the character was based on the TV show which premiered in 1993. But I created a new family name or surname of the Billy character because this new Billy character was a hybrid of the TV version of Billy and also my own version of Billy. And my own version of Billy is based on the story of my life.

I created Billy Breaker as a character not just for The Power Rangers but also for the Arnold Attic which is the name of the story of my home videos. I started making videos 25 years ago, back in 1996. So, I have many videos I made this past quarter-century. In 2010, I was making up the story of Billy Breaker because he was the star of my Arnold Attic story that I wrote. I also made a few videos about the Arnold Attic.

The story of the Arnold Attic is about Billy Breaker who is a boy with glasses who looks just like me. I think Billy was found in a forest or something. He was adopted later on. But he didn't know he was adopted until later on in his life. He made some videos but ends up locked in his attic. He was in the Arnold family. He lived in the Arnold house. But Billy was a Breaker. His last name is Breaker. I think his dad or adopted dad locked him in the attic. All his home videos were stuck in the attic too.

Billy Breaker found a way out of the attic but then decided to come back to rescue his home videos too. He decided to come back to the attic to find his heart, the keys to his life which included his home videos.

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List of my Favorite Websites

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

Learning English With Oatmeal.
This community or club is all about learning and teaching the English language. It includes reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, etymology, debate, etc.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

Exploring Health with Oatmeal.
This club is all about pursuing wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, correction, studies, research, ideas, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

01:23 AM

Vimeo took down Mike Lindell.

10:54 AM

Pilgrims came to the USA in 1620. They tried communism but failed. Somebody said around 1623 that each farm had to survive on their own or starve to death. Before that, they were upset that they can work twice as hard as their neighbors but only get the same amount in the end. So, that led to families becoming lazy as there was no incentive. So, an incentive was given, work hard or die from starvation, famine.

11:07 AM
The slippery slope towards destruction is always there, that is why we inspire our children against it.

11:14 AM

Steve Bannon is hosting a segment.

Imagine counting how many socks you have. But now count how many of them have holes in them. But you say, "But you still have the same number of socks." That was the 2020 U.S. Election. Put pressure on the leaders of your state.

12:12 PM
How can there be more votes than voters?

Also, there can be differences between censorship and moderating.

Those 2 things are conflated online all the time, that is a big topic. I've written articles about it many times over the years.

Cece looks like a troll in the live-chat.

Cece was probably a troll. Not everybody is a troll. But generally speaking, if it looks like a troll, quacks like a troll, then probably not a wannabe patriot.

I created a Brandon group on Facebook in October 2021, I've been telling people there since then about this 72-hour Thanksgiving Athon. Well, I mean the Supreme Court case.

Some of these videos are making it on Facebook. That is good. I am glad when I see people sharing all of this all over.

12:47 PM
A fake vote should be uncounted.

People should pressure each state to uncount fake votes. And then publish those numbers everywhere.

Every fake vote should be removed.

How many ballots were run through machines more than one time?

How many people came in to vote and were told they already voted?

I can ask questions all day.

I was writing articles about how the 2020 election would be stolen back in August of 2020 and in some cases before that too.

And this is a small sample of questions we can ask.

The My Pillow August 2021 conference was so big. People should watch that right now.

The Cyber Symposium.

When I hard about the August conference a few months before that, I started telling everyone I could.

Why does Soros fund the bad people who do the bad things?

Troll Detection 101. Generally, you know it's a troll if you can dump mountains of truth on them and reap no feedback of curiosity or otherwise.

My advice to the world is to dump truth on trolls and eventually move on. I write on this live chat because others can read it too.

I am also copying and pasting my comments here to my daily online blog. Every single thing you do in life matters.

07:10 PM
Trolls are a good way of knowing we are doing something right.

Just like fake news, any time they say something, you know to do the opposite.

I listen to X22 Report sometimes. One of my favorite shows on Bitchute is And We Know.

07:35 PM
One of the mistakes they made when stealing the 2020 election was forget to also delete original databases of ballots, transactions, information, tracking, etc. They were erasing databases but not necessarily original databases, systems, files, directories, folders, etc. They failed at covering their tracks. That's the crazy thing when analyzing hard drives. There are programs designed for restoring deleted files, etc. I actually have some of those programs on my computer right now.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

10:54 AM

11:14 AM

Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing.
Dear diary,
I got up at 10:40 AM. Weird dreams I forget now. Breakfast, 10:52 AM. Ran off to put a kitchen trash bag of garbage into the garbage can before the garbage truck came. And truck was only one house away meaning I only had 30 seconds or less to spare. No lunch today. Was off working all day. Was out working around 01:00 PM. Picked up the trimmed up pieces of the burning bushes. Put 20 poison half-worms in 20 of the mole hills in the front yard. I generally split the half worms up in half and put one in each of the two tunnels per mount. Also put pellets in each tunnel, two tunnels per mole hill. Had sticks and flags to mark the hills I put the worms inside. Raking. Did all of that until like 2 or maybe as late as 4. Sweeping. And then was off filtering dirt for planting back onions between my room and the book shed. Was doing that until around 06:30 PM. Dishes. Dinner, 07:16 PM. Nap, 09:30 PM to midnight.
Food log
Breakfast: smoothy, coffee, 10:52 AM.
Lunch: no lunch.
Dinner: soup on lettuce, 2 breakfast burritos, 07:16 PM.
You can find my blogs hosted and mirrored on different websites. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on Ecency, then PeakD and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into Ecency links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via Ecency. PeakD did this too but not any more last time I checked. Also, Hive Blog does not do it either. Currently, I'm only seeing Ecency change PeakD and Hive Blog links into Ecency links. But there may be others that do it too. Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc. My Oatmeal Daily posts can be found via different websites on the Internet. For example, here is a list of a few of those places as follows:
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck. Are some of the links not working? If some of my links don't work, it's probably because I've not written or published those pages, posts, etc, etc, yet. Yeah. Not yet maybe. Still working on it. Think of it like a website that is under construction. But a really big website. I literally include links to future articles and much more, to be continued as always. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, web-pages, websites, URL links, which I've not written yet or have not published online yet. But you can also try swapping out the domain name part of the link with a different one. For example, the domain I'm currently focused on (as of 2020) is Hive . blog. That is not case-sensitive meaning it can be hIVe . blog or HivE . BLoG. In other words, it doesn't matter which letters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). Also, the domain has no spaces in it, meaning hive . blog becomes hive.blog. Depending on the website, following the domain can be the username. So, in this case, it's forward-slash at (@) username. My username is joeyarnoldvn. Some websites skips that at symbol part (generally if they're not a blockchain-style site, they skip the at symbol part in the URL) and goes directly to the username. Some websites may include the web-page section of the link first followed by the domain name. With Hive Blog, it begins with Hive.blog, it follows with the username, and then it ends with the web-page link or section which is generated based off the title of the post. So, if my link doesn't work, try swapping out hive.blog for example peakd . com or ecency . com or steemit . com or you can try other domain names and websites and pages and URLs and sites and links and hyperlinks and everything and anything else you can imagine too, as well. You can also try googling or searching via Duck Duck Go, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, Google, other search engines, the title of the post in quotation marks, add a space followed with a plus-sign (+), add another space followed with my username in quotation marks. If that doesn't work, you can remove the quotation marks and try other keywords and combinations therein. Be creative and try many different search engines and different domain names. Also, feel free to host, mirror, copy, paste, download, steal, share, etc, any of my posts, videos, photos, memes, articles, links, anything that I publish, post, share, upload, etc.

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