There are robots inside masks which will crawl like worms into your body.
When YOU DIE from JABBY JAB, they will call you and say, "YOU'RE A HERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THE WORLD."
Many kids will become ra ra roo roo before 2025, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to the jab.
Many people will get what they will call "Pneumonia" in 2021, it came from the jab but they'll blame it on you know the thing.
SPARS means St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome, not to be confused with SARS which is the same thing. This was detailed in the 2017 document. MAD COW DISEASE YOU WILL GET they wrote in a 2017 document which came out after Fauci said Trump would be hit with a BIG PANDEMIC. SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, super-imposed to 2023. Get a Covid Vaccine to get Prion Disease. Get a jab to get Prion Disease. They have to create an even bigger PLAN-DEMIC to cover up the previous one and so on and so forth. Many real things are hid under the veil of a sneaky label called "FICTION." Bitlerrrr wrote a FICTIONAL BOOK but it came true in REAL LIFE, WWII. The 2017 document details who will reject their jab in 2021, they include counter-measures for dealing with those groups, in the Lord of Rings trilogy, it was known as the all seeing eye which is connected to the ring of all rings which is also known in our universe as The Internet of Things. Many kids will become ra ra roo roo before 2025, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to the jab. Many people will get what they will call "Pneumonia" in 2021, it came from the jab but they'll blame it on you know the thing.
Brain Dead Zombies Coming
MASSIVE BRAIN DAMAGE, CANCER, AND DEATH, they confess, is coming, they planned it, they think you're too stupid to see it. THE SPARS PANDEMIC DOCUMENT is what they do not want you to see. The SPARS DOCUMENT is 70 pages long, it will affect you and those you care about, it is easy to find it online and read it online for free. When people die all around you, it was YOUR FAULT. We will HOLD YOU HOSTAGE, we will continue to release more pandemics in the future if you don't ________________. 6% was the EXACT NUMBER and that is what was published in THE NEW YORK TIMES 3 years later. They have TWO FAKE NUMBERS. First they say this many. Then say, "ACTUALLY ONLY THIS MANY." Remdesivir was new in 2020 and in 2017 it was listed as KALOCIVIR. BIG PHARMA was on the verge of losing trillions of dollars potentially as people globally were talking & walking away, that is why the emergency 2017 document was published as an announcement that they would strike back really big with this massive living nightmare which we are all drowning in today in 2021. That is actually good news that so many people were walking away from the lies in 2017. People are waking up. That is a major reason for SPARS. When YOU DIE from JABBY JAB, they will call you and say, "YOU'RE A HERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THE WORLD." Nano Mask Bot.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-04 - Sunday | Published in April of 2021
Nano Mask Bots
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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They have to create an even bigger PLAN-DEMIC to cover up the previous one and so on and so forth.
SPARS means St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome, not to be confused with SARS which is the same thing. This was detailed in the 2017 document.
This lady here says and I quote, "WHAT'S THE CARROT GOING TO BE."
Many people will get what they will call "Pneumonia" in 2021, it came from the jab but they'll blame it on you know the thing.
The Rockefeller dynasty created the U.N., Bill Gates, Hitler, etc.
When YOU DIE from JABBY JAB, they will call you and say, "YOU'RE A HERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THE WORLD."
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
09:31 PM
BIG PHARMA was on the verge of losing trillions of dollars potentially as people globally were talking & walking away, that is why the emergency 2017 document was published as an announcement that they would strike back really big with this massive living nightmare which we are all drowning in today in 2021. That is actually good news that so many people were walking away from the lies in 2017. People are waking up. That is a major reason for SPARS.
Covid Log
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2021-04-04 - Sunday - 08:36 AM - Covid Log
MAD COW DISEASE YOU WILL GET they wrote in a 2017 document which came out after Fauci said Trump would be hit with a BIG PANDEMIC. SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, super-imposed to 2023. Get a Covid Vaccine to get Prion Disease.
07:34 PM
SPARS means St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome, not to be confused with SARS which is the same thing. This was detailed in the 2017 document.
They have TWO FAKE NUMBERS. First they say this many. Then say, "ACTUALLY ONLY THIS MANY."
See-You-See wrote on their website 94% died of comorbidity, Agenda Free TV blocked me for simply stating that they wrote that.
Jabba Dee Hut October 2021
2021-04-04 - Sunday - 09:43 PM - Covid Log
Over 100 countries banned the ummm..... fake news is like, "OH NO, NOBODY HAS EVER EVER BANNED THE...." [CENSORED] jab jab.
10:48 PM
Many people will get what they will call "Pneumonia" in 2021, it came from the jab but they'll blame it on you know the thing.
11:34 PM
When YOU DIE from JABBY JAB, they will call you and say, "YOU'RE A HERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THE WORLD."
Learning English
Join the Learning English Community
08:52 AM
MASSIVE BRAIN DAMAGE, CANCER, AND DEATH, they confess, is coming, they planned it, they think you're too stupid to see it.
Oatmeal Health
Sunday School
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Matthew 7:1-6 focuses on a contrast between the value in not going too high or low, too high like a girl to her mom, "Let me tell you how to take care of the bills, how to be a mother, etc." and too low in trying to teach an old dog new tricks or in beating a dead horse or in offering pearls before swine. Verses 7-11 emphasizes on a child-parent analogy in order to help illustrate how God not only does not go too high or too low but that God gives us exactly what we need in the sense of quality over quantity and beyond. You have not because you ask not. Solomon told us there is a time for this and a time for that.
This seventh chapter also deals with judgement or not to say I didn't already mention that in my comment of how we should not go too high or low. Maybe I should delete that last message and rephrase it. We should judge but only at the right time in the right ways and a long list of variables. The Bible is not saying do not judge. It is saying do not judge badly. But it uses stories to help illustrate these things.
Chat with me on Facebook
Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc
Gotham & Pennyworth
Toby Hugh Daniell, I watched all the seasons of Gotham, I love it, I can recommend different websites where I saw them at, I don't call it pirating, I call it watching or streaming. Technically, pirating might be if you broadcast it yourself. There are differences. Long story. I can write all day but there is a prequel series as well that is called Pennyworth and it covers the story of how Thomas Wayne met Martha and the butler, Alfred Pennyworth, it is currently the 2nd season for this new show. The Gotham show is cool for a lot of reasons, I've written a few reviews on it over the years.
Toby Hugh Daniell, i could probably get you a link or teach you how to find it, there are different websites, you would be surprised what you can find if you only knew where and how to look and find stuff.
Private People Online
En Doort, they asked me that too and i gave it to them, and it does not matter because you are not a private person, you are pretending that they don't already have what they are pretending not to have, they already have your ID most likely
07:14 PM
Yes. I am a male tech nerd geek. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.
10:11 PM
When Facebook terminates your account permanently, simply make two additional accounts to replace them with, include links on your new Facebook accounts to help show people how to find you on other websites outside of Facebook. Each time an account is suspended, come back twice as strong with double what they thought they got rid of. We are unstoppable.
10:39 PM
2nd generation jabs are coming, a party in my pants.
10:47 PM
Many people will get what they will call "Pneumonia" in 2021, it came from the jab but they'll blame it on you know the thing.
11:05 PM
Nikki Lee, they have several different competing and potential plans and some of those plans includes staging aliens or gods (Project Blue Beam) or anything that people would want to believe in and use the aliens as a way to control people by getting people to follow what the aliens are telling them to do to get rid of their guns and so on and so forth. Not to say that aliens are not real. I cannot say there are no real aliens out there somewhere. But at the same time, bad people try to take over the world, depopulation, etc. And they try everything they can to trick people into doing whatever they want people to do.
Alex Jones Folk Song Banned on Facebook
Did Facebook actually list the specific post with the lyrics as the reason, did they it went against their hate speech policy?
Chat with me on Twitter
Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
Other Websites
Find me on other websites, other places, as well
Free Speech & YouTube Videos
I upload videos to Bitchute, etc. I've not seen your post on different video websites but will check it out now. I do sometimes look at lists other people made. I join many social networks and have posted on them.
I see your list of video websites, some which people can post to, I've uploaded to some, I've not heard of some of them, I follow Infowars a lot, I upload to Brighteon. It says on your list that you can upload to D.Live if you're a partner. Perhaps I'm a partner and I don't know it because I've uploaded to Dlive or perhaps I can no longer upload if Dlive changed things after maybe 2019. I think that was the last time I uploaded there and would need to check it again. I will probably try to sign up for some of those websites on your list, that is ones which I've not joined yet.
Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Made For Love 101
2021-04-04 - Sunday - 02:31 AM - 03:01 AM - Made For Love 101
She escapes by sewer but has a tracking device in her brain. Her husband swims with a dolphin. She has lived under a rock, has not seen real money in ten years. Wait, maybe there is no device in her brain yet. She was living a lie, pretending to love him and probably had to or else kind of thing. Never mind, the thing is already in her head.
Ron Gibson
SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, super-imposed to 2023.
08:37 AM
MAD COW DISEASE YOU WILL GET they wrote in a 2017 document which came out after Fauci said Trump would be hit with a BIG PANDEMIC.
Prion Disease
Global Marshall Fund
They have to create an even bigger PLAN-DEMIC to cover up the previous one and so on and so forth.
08:52 AM
MASSIVE BRAIN DAMAGE, CANCER, AND DEATH, they confess, is coming, they planned it, they think you're too stupid to see it.
THE SPARS PANDEMIC DOCUMENT is what they do not want you to see.
07:02 PM
Bitlerrrr wrote a FICTIONAL BOOK but it came true in REAL LIFE, WWII.
Yale hired to help trick people into taking Covid Vaccines.
The 2017 document details who will reject their jab in 2021, they include counter-measures for dealing with those groups, in the Lord of Rings trilogy, it was known as the all seeing eye which is connected to the ring of all rings which is also known in our universe as The Internet of Things.
07:31 PM
We will HOLD YOU HOSTAGE, we will continue to release more pandemics in the future if you don't ________________
SPARS means St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome, not to be confused with SARS which is the same thing. This was detailed in the 2017 document.
They said many years ago, IT WILL BE SIX PERCENT, and that is what we saw in 2020.
6% was the EXACT NUMBER and that is what was published in THE NEW YORK TIMES 3 years later.
07:47 PM
See-You-See wrote on their website 94% died of comorbidity, Agenda Free TV blocked me for simply stating that they wrote that.
Many Google employees will be dead before 2025.
09:05 PM
NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE NO NO NO LIE LIE LIE, it says you test positive for Covid and it probably shouldn't say you tested positive.
Tim MacIver, I never read the New York Times, why would I, pretend you did not see that headline from that stupid newspaper. They are fake news, Tim.
Tim MacIver, New York Times is lying, see that headline above, think the opposite.
Remdesivir was new in 2020 and in 2017 it was listed as KALOCIVIR.
BIG PHARMA was on the verge of losing trillions of dollars potentially as people globally were talking & walking away, that is why the emergency 2017 document was published as an announcement that they would strike back really big with this massive living nightmare which we are all drowning in today in 2021. That is actually good news that so many people were walking away from the lies in 2017. People are waking up. That is a major reason for SPARS.
In 6 months from now it will be October of 2021, here is what is coming.
09:35 PM
Many kids will become ra ra roo roo before 2025, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to the jab.
10:00 PM
Half the public is in near medical trance, a daydream.
10:55 PM
They're following the 3-years-long script like actors as real people die.
Dear Loving Aliens,
Here is your script, please memorize your lines.
All the world is your stage.
Break a leg.
The show must go on.
11:20 PM
Alex Jones says, let me summarize.
The Rockefeller dynasty created the U.N., Bill Gates, Hitler, Lenin, etc.
Rockefeller published Lockstep around 2010. It talked about a pandemic in 2012. But in real life, Covid came in 2020 and the bigger problem is the Covid Vaccines which is spreading a lot in 2021 and 21 is an inverse of 12 or 2012.
Don't TRUST the plan, read the plan.
11:32 PM
They're getting us USED TO death so we DO NOTHING ahhahahahaha!
When YOU DIE from JABBY JAB, they will call you and say, "YOU'RE A HERO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING THE WORLD."
Crow House
Nano Mask Bot
I dare you to put a mask under a microscope, look for black lines or worms, breath on them, record the kind of activity you begin to see and share your scientific findings with your friends.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Made For Love 101
2021-04-04 - Sunday - 02:31 AM - 03:01 AM - Made For Love 101
Ron Gibson
Crow House
Dear diary, got up at 8 AM. Cloudy day. I should wear nicer clothes sometimes, I don't disagree. Sunday School on Matthew 7 and sermon on the power of the cross. Glasses. All about Mario World 3 or Mario something three. Not sure which console but my brain went back to the NES. Struggle with the Bowser castle level of world 8 he said. But also I think he beat it and was rewarded with a whistle that can warp you from world to world. I think that is what he said or maybe not as I was back in the regular Nintendo system, Mario Bros 3 which had warps. Jacket. Good job he said. Yeah, I like to sing and I can sing pretty good. I enjoy worship and an aspect of things. I want more things to be powered by water as opposed to gas was my thought Saturday. I also don't like cars which rely on automated systems. If I want to close the back door, I mean the car trunk, I want that option. Making things too automatic without the ability to manual override is a problem. Remote access as seen with Apple phones is a big problem. I seek after helping people make choices in what to do and buy and many different things. I enjoy making outlines. I was thinking yesterday about how I am a professional organizer. It's almost 1 PM right now as I reflect on the week and on the day. I strongly seek after making daily logs and not just a daily blog log. There is a distinction but I've not decided how to say it to make it sound different. A Day Log as opposed to a Daily Log. That is one way to put it, I have a journal for each day. So, today, this post will be published, it will be called 2021-04-04. But a Day Log would be a weekly review of a particular day. For example, The Sunday Log would look at each Sunday of each week and that is it. I might even do weekly, monthly, seasonly, yearly, decade, century, millennium, era, etc, logs. Some of the bigger things is not as personal to my life. I like having logs for some important things and also some main categories and summaries of the meaning to life and the four steps of life and everything. Jokes are interesting to look at and can be looked at in several different ways without it losing its power as a joke or as a thing to help add meaning. One guy mentioned Jordan Peterson who is promoted on YouTube and he brings common sense and some nuance and it helps people in some ways.
Matthew 7:1-6, there is a focus on a contrast between the value in not going too high or low, too high like a girl to her mom, "Let me tell you how to take care of the bills, etc." and too low in trying to teach an old dog new tricks or in beating a dead horse. Verses 7-11 emphasizes on a child-parent analogy in order to help illustrate how God not only does not go too high or too low but that God gives us exactly what we need in the sense of quality over quantity and beyond.
Chores from 01:45 PM to 06:45 PM, that is five hours, pressure washing a bit on the side where the old boat was by the computer room exit door, the tape didn't hold, tried putting more but it still pierced out, used the battery powered pressure washer. I would if I could try to buy or invent a battery adapter that lets you plug one side into a machine like a battery but have it connected like an adapter to the wall for endless power. Moved things away off the patio on the side and the covered patio too. Yeah, this is like day 2 of this pressure washing stuff. Used up around 6 or so batteries and we have a total of 3 that we use and recharge with the charger again and again. Washing dishes around 6. Helped with the brainstorming of a new table. But the patio is not level. My idea is to make the cement level. More expensive. So many things are made out of plastic which is ok for specific needs. A plastic item like a chair can be lighter but also easier to break. Nap, 8 to 8:30 PM.
Food log
Artisan Granola Clusters, 12:38 AM. Bakery 03/31. Free at church Saturday night, thanks for getting it, Larry. Breakfast: 2 yogurts, 8:15 AM. Coffee.
Lunch: eggs around 12:30 PM. And more eggs, 1 PM.
Dinner: chicken soup stuff, 7 PM. Also a muffin. Strawberry blueberry yogurt salad, 9 PM, delicious.
Amazon is now saying, "Now expected April 1 - April 6." If it doesn't come, I plan to go onto Amazon to request for a refund, a replacement, or something. I guess it's possible it got lost somewhere and maybe they'll find it and send it over. But who knows really.