Wonders of the World: #7
Movile Cave
Movile Cave is the only place on earth like Mars habitat. It's located in Romania. In 1986, they started to investigate this cave. There's a complete unknown ecosystem inside the cave. It's considered to be one of the biggest discoveries of the 20th century. There's little to no Oxygen inside. Scientist compare this cave with Mars. This cave has been around for 5.5 million years or so. Would you think the air is hot or cold in the cave? It's hot!
The air is toxic and it's so dark but full of life. Strange creatures live inside the cave, such as waterworms and water scorpions. There are still species of animals that haven't even been identified yet. All of the creatures down in the cave are white and are see-through (transparent) because there's no sunlight. One of the weirdest things are the spiders down there in the cave. They still spin webs even though there's no flies! But there are other flying things down there.
This ecosystem does not depend on the Sun. If there ever were a war, this would be the safest place to be. There is a big lake inside with lots of rooms and with lots of sea creatures. Most of the creatures don't even have eyes. Even NASA studies this cave. The hole (the enterance) of the cave is sealed off with cement to warn people of its toxic interior. The cave was discovered in 1986 and still fascinates people today.
The cave is 300 meters long and has over 200 species that live with no oxygen. And scientists say this ecosystem could be 200,000~300,000 years old. Hydrogen sulfide is in the water and in the air is the carbon dioxide which is at a really high level. They even made a movie after thos cave called, "The Cave" in 2005. If the world were to be destroyed today, this cave (and the things inside it) would be the only living thing that could survive.
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Interesting place @gungho, to think that some creatures can live that seemingly desolate place is truly surprising.
I remember creatures also thriving in high pressure ocean floor near volcanic vents that is also very hot enough to cook tough meat in minutes. :O