Why do we travel around the world with three kids?

in #worldtravel6 years ago (edited)

In December 2016 we started our adventure. Since then our whole life has changed. Things that used to be a high priority to us became all of a sudden unimportant. We started to value family and friends much more than we did earlier. Until today we do not regret that we set of the sail to this life time experience. One thing that never stops is the question why we decided to travel.

To explain why I have to scroll back in time a while. Let's say 2010, a summer in Norway. We had two small children and we lived on the countryside in Norway. My wife Katrin was well connected to the german speaking society in Norway and met a german Au-Pair girl. Her name was Katrin as well. That was the time, when our ways crossed for the first time. We always kept contact and she travelled the world. New-Zealand, India, Nepal and many other countries she backpacked. When our youngest daughter Mathilda was born, we decided to make Katrin  the godmother of Mathilda. We were inspired by her lifestyle and wanted for our youngest daughter someone who is openminded.

Soon we started to adore her lifestyle (in a positive way). We thought that we could never achieve something like this. To many things would hinder us, in particular travelling with children seemed to be impossible for us. This turned out to be a big mindset-blocker.

We started to look for opportunities instead of looking for obstacles. We were focussed and had a dream that we were ready to fight for. We wanted to see the world. Learning new languages. Getting in touch with unfamiliar  cultures and see different natural landscapes. The world is in a continuously change. Things that we take for given can be different in the next blink of an eye. World heritage sights can be closed, destroyed or endangered species that we can see today can be lost forever. To explore the world as it is now was our goal. 

We see the school as an institution to make friends. The german school system unfortunately doesn't teach the kids real life. We want the kids to grow up and understand the world and freedom. A privilege that we can give them on their way. A big responsibility on us adults. The first year has been great. We have seen so many places and we see the children growing up with an open mind and a natural interest for learning. They just learn what they are interested in and get from us the best possible support. I will write a separate blog post about the World-Schooling concept that we follow and underline it with some examples.

But for now we enjoy that we decided back in Norway that we want to travel. We never know how long we are allowed to stay on this beautiful earth. But we can definitely make the best out of the given time. 

P.S. Some friends and relatives are still sceptical. But we live our own life.

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