2008 - 2012: Hague, Dice, Fulford, Story, Zagami, Keenan, Chiasso, Dal Bosco, Salla, Wilcock & Drake
"THE HAGUE in favor of the Chinese with the USA to start to settle the claims in 2008.
No private owner can receive more than 0.5-2%
There are only one Security House that can receive the Boxes and make the Tramitations in Switzeland in Europe."
"Benjamin Fulford"
"The Resistance; First Edition (April 13, 2009)"
"From a report dated December 17th, 2009 by British reporter Christopher Story:
(scroll down to view the report as an embedded Scribd document)
“The 72 heavily armed enforcers previously referenced, although there are many more, fanned out across the US yesterday, almost certainly to payment locations, to enforce the Rule of Law at payment points.”
The timing of the action is stunning as it supports Christopher Story’s December 17th report of the fanning out of Interpol officers to financial centers across the country to enforce the disbursement process of $47 Trillion in Lien Settlement funds to China and the British Monarchy. As the resulting complete and total collapse of the U.S. economy and the replacement of the dollar with a new currency is now around the corner"
"In July of 2009 Mr. Leo Zagami, a self-described 33rd-degree Freemason with the P2 (Propaganda Due) Lodge in Monte Carlo, arrived in Japan to speak with Benjamin Fulford, who Zagami already knew was in touch and working with Neil. Hmmmm.
After their meeting, Zagami informed Fulford that he had information that Yamaguchi and Watanabe had been “set up” at Chiasso and further that he had “inside information” concerning the seizure of the Dragon Family Chiasso Instruments.
"Upon return to Italy, Zagami contacted Fulford again to arrange a meeting in Rome where, among other things, they again discussed the Chiasso incident.
Zagami introduced Fulford through Skype conversations to Daniel Dal Bosco, who Zagami said represented him and was a trustworthy Vatican Banker and was also associated with the P2 Masonic Lodge.
Zagami told Fulford that Dal Bosco would be able to help “cash the bonds seized by the Italian Treasury Police.” (The BAIT and hungry Foolford fell for it and the glitter dream of cash in his empty pockets.)
As a result of the Fulford/Zagami discussions on or about July 2009, Neil Keenan received a request for a meeting from Dal Bosco, who used Fulford and Zagami’s names as references."
Fulford & Zagami's, Warning to the Illuminati: (part1)
CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny
"Posted by David Wilcock | Dec 12, 2011 |"
Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & funding of extraterrestrial projects
"Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D.
January 18, 2012. Updated Feb 4, 2012.""
MASS ARRESTS: David Interviews Drake — Transcript!
"Posted by David Wilcock | Apr 5, 2012 |