WORLD WAR 3 Really? World War according to Islam In the Qur'an Surat At-Tin reads: "By Tin and Olive, and Mount Sinai, and this country is safe."steemCreated with Sketch.

in #world-war7 years ago

it really horrified when the world III until it happened ....
Perang Dunia ke 3 Ketiga Akhir Zaman Menurut Islam Al Quran Hadits.png
Tin is a known fruit of Damascus or Syria. Olive is a known fruit of Palestine-Israel. Hill or Mount Sinai is in the State of Egypt.
The country that is safely interpreted is Mecca, because the verse is revealed in Makkah. From Atin's letter, the number of interpreters says that if the third world war is predicted, it is predicted in the Qur'an.
World war is considered to be a terrible thing for everyone. War usually originates from a conflict that can not be resolved peacefully. In this world, the forecasters of life are still much dilakoni, even the problem of war was predicted. For example, World War 3 is foreseen to happen by looking at the many inter-state conflicts that never end. As for World War 3 according to Islam is a big war that is done by the Muslims against the infidels in order to defend the truth of Allah's religion and become a sign of the end of the age.
Stockholm - Sweden, TOP World PRO hackers and Assisting a controversial Wikileaks website in Collecting Israeli Intelligence Data Finally Finding the Tremendous Facts Making Humanity in the World should Be Vigilan
"For the Pentagon, we are ready to begin the outbreak of the 3rd World War, our First Step for the Spokes is by Attacking Iran, the Second Provoking the North and South Korea, Third Provoking India with Pakistan, and finally We Destroyed the Al-Aq'sha Mosque Underground so that later can be built Haikal Sulaiman to be occupied by our Savior one eye in order to rule the world and Prepare from the Black Army Troop Resistance that will be led by two people namely Al-Mahdi and Isa bin Maryam ''. (Indirectly justifies ISLAM, Because the appearance of Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isa will descend to earth "")
The prophecy of the 3rd world war according to Islam is an unpredictable prediction of war when it occurs unless there are signs of it. Conflict is the only trigger for wars between individuals, groups and countries. However, if the conflict can be solved, then the war will not happen. In war, of course many lives will float, so the war should be avoided.
As a religion that loves peace, Islam always enjoins the ummah to do good with others in order to realize unity and unity, especially between countries. With the creation of peace, then the war will be away. World War 3 according to Islam is broadly defined not only against the enemies of Islam alone, but also be interpreted as the end-time war with the emergence of the figure of Dajjal and Prophet Isa As on earth.
Because, the conflict that occurred in Syria, Palestine and Egypt is a world war that became the fate of Allah. The global war was touted the countries of the world.
In the Qur'an Surah Al-Qasshash verse 5 is also a sacrifice, the oppressed will be granted by God. They will be leaders, those who inherit the earth. So, this letter will answer the question: Who wins in World War 3 later? Are people who fight in the path of guts.
If indeed the Third World War would really happen then it would likely be a very powerful warfare beyond the First World War or the second. How not, the war between Jews and Islam will involve almost all countries in the world, because it is concerned with religious matters (almost the same as the Crusades).
For the first time will also use nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Israel which will always be supported by its eternal allies, the United States will also get support from powerful countries such as Britain, Germany and Italy, Canada, Australia and France but also support from some left-wing Arab countries and countries in Asia such as Japan, South Korea. They will all face Palestinians, OIC Member States and Arab League such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, UAE, Iraq, Bahrain and support from African countries such as Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and others. It is also hoped that Indonesia with a strong enough military is in this block (GAK TAU GOVERNMENT WE WANT GAK) Other powerful countries such as Russia and China and other anti-US countries like Iran, Cuba, Venezuela are unlikely to directly participate in the war, but will wait to get into one of the blocks or be on the new (neutral) block. Wallahua'lam bishshowab.
Perang Dunia 3.jpg
Like two previous wars, this war will involve a country that is allegedly trying to win domination over the world. In World War I, this country was Germany. In World War II, it was Germany again, along with Japan. But in the last war, it was none other than UNITED STATES.
What is America ?? More precisely the admin will speak Zionists who encourage Americans ""
Zionists and many of their supporters want you to believe in something worst, because they want to drag the United States into World War III that will ruin its own country. Russia, China and even Pakistan have said they will support Iran.
Meanwhile, why Pakistan is allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran? Why is Israel allowed to have more than 200 nuclear warheads? But we know that WMD is merely a justification for aggression and war. Iraq is a proof.
In the hadith narrated by At Tabrani and Al Hakim described, "Surely the stronghold of the Muslims in the day of al-kamra al-karra, in Ghutoh, near Damascus, among the best cities of Sham."
Sham is the old name of the present Syrian state, also called the country of Syria. Sham there is Palestine, Jeddah, Lebanon, Israel.
The foretelling of the 3rd world war according to Islam is likely to happen in the near future if the signs are clearly visible. World War 3 is a terrible war that will be the last war in the world. This can be seen with the presence of large-scale destroyer weapons. Modern times will make the war that will happen later on the heat because not only artillery weapons will be used, but nuclear, missile, and explosive large areas will be involved.
Believing the forecasters' predictions of world war 3 according to Islam is fine. However, as a good servant of God we must surely believe in the events predicted by al-qur'an because al-qur'an is the word of God that there is no doubt in it. The 3rd World War prediction by the forecasters says that the war will begin immediately marked by the Palestinian war, the war in Syria and it is conformed to the hadith which means "the real stronghold of the Muslims in the day of alhamra al kubra (big war) that is in ghutoh near damascus, among the best cities in the sham. In addition, there will be many murders and slander. If it is noticed, nowadays murder and slander are rampant so that world war 3 will indeed arrive soon and will destroy the world.
US-NATO-Israel has held a "long battle" -The military army that threatens the future of mankind. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar venture, which results in the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake here is clearly the "Privatization of Nuclear War". The ultimate goal, which was never mentioned in the press report, was territorial conquest, control of strategic resources, and imposed new "governance" standards, as well as Western "democracy".
The research for this book was carried out for almost ten years. Break the big lie that supports the war as a "humanitarian effort". This war can be prevented if people firmly confront their government. The goal of this book is to challenge war criminals and stop the waves of war.
Muhammad Qasim is a Muslim from pakistan, he does not force anyone to believe with him. By God's will, His dreams have been translated into various languages ​​including Arabic, turkey, Malay, English, bangladesh and many more with the sincerity of every Muslim. His focus is more to convey his dream to the Pakistani army chief.
Rasulullah SAW said,
`` If the time is near (doomsday), many dreams of believers are not lies. And the truth of the dream amongst you is the dream of the most honest man in the word. "(Muslim)
Surah An-Nisa Clause 75:
And what hindeth you (then you) do not want to fight in the way of Allah (to uphold the religion of Islam) and (to save) the oppressed of men, women and children, ie those who always (pray) say : "O our Lord! Get us out of this country, whose people are unjust, and make for us from Your side a leader who guards (our salvation of religion), and make unto us of Your side a leader defend us (from enemy threats) ".
Who Are We Wanting to Believe the News of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam 1400 Years ago? !!!
Truly the Truth of the Resurrection of Islam is When Expertise Muslims are more advanced and more sophisticated than enemy technology.
• Instead of Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu anhu that Rasulullah ﷺ said:
"If the big war will take effect,
then Allah will send the army of the non-Arabs, who will be the best of horsemen and have a MOST WARM WARM than the Arabs, and Allah affirms this (Islam) religion with them. "
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4090, Hadith Hasan)
THE SCENARIO OF THE WORLD OF WORLD III Who Is The Opponent? When Will Happen? How Finally?
Allah has warned you O believers to equip your defenses with all kinds of powers in order that God may grant you victory.
• Surah Al-Anfal, Verse 60:
"And be prepared to oppose them (the frivolous enemies) ANY TYPE OF POWER that you can provide and from the complete horsemen ready to divide it by the enemy is Allah's enemy and your enemy and other enemies of those you do not know and Allah will know that what you spend in the cause of Allah will be completed in return for you, and you will not be persecuted. "
And do not be negligent because you have been mentioned
From Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a. Rasulullah ﷺ. said, 'It has been almost a time in which there is no longer a stay for this Islam except for its name, and it does not remain from the Koran except its writings. Their mosques woke up beautifully, but he was empty than hidayah. Their clerics are evil creatures under the shadow of the heavens. From them begins slander, and to them this slander shall return. '
(HR Baihaqi)
Are not the Cases are in effect !!!
Verily Allah will show you His signs that you may know it plainly about His promise to you and your Lord is not heedless of all that you do. Verily Allah has decreed those affairs and, if they can not be postponed, all forms of tyranny will be destroyed.
Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 41:
It is they (Muslims) who, if We give them authority to rule on earth, they establish prayers and give Zakat, and they enjoin doing good and forbid from doing evil and unjust matters. And (remember) for Allah is the end of all affairs.
"In a world where prevention of war, or what is now a trend called War for Humanity, is actually an engineered aggression and has become the norm. This very challenging book may be the last warning to all of us. "
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations,
perang dunia ke III.jpg
"Professor Chossudovsky's loud and evocative book explains why, and how, we must all immediately mobilize organized commitment and commit to preventing the imminent disaster to destroy mankind and planet earth. This book is a must read for everyone around the world who is involved in the peace movement. "
-Francis A. Boyle, International Law Lecturer, Faculty of Law University of Illinois.
Please read this Fine O people of faith to God!
Who Are We Wanting to Believe the News of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam 1400 Years ago? !!!
Truly the Truth of the Resurrection of Islam is When Expertise Muslims are more advanced and more sophisticated than enemy technology.
• Instead of Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu anhu that Rasulullah ﷺ said:
"If the big war will take effect,
then Allah will send the army of the non-Arabs, who will be the best of horsemen and have a MOST WARM WARM than the Arabs, and Allah affirms this (Islam) religion with them. "
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4090, Hadith Hasan)
Allah has warned you O believers to equip your defenses with all kinds of powers in order that God may grant you victory.
• Surah Al-Anfal, Verse 60:
"And be prepared to oppose them (the frivolous enemies) ANY TYPE OF POWER that you can provide and from the complete horsemen ready to divide it by the enemy is Allah's enemy and your enemy and other enemies of those you do not know and Allah will know that what you spend in the cause of Allah will be completed in return for you, and you will not be persecuted. "
And do not be negligent because you have been mentioned
From Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a. Rasulullah ﷺ. said, 'It has been almost a time in which there is no longer a stay for this Islam except for its name, and it does not remain from the Koran except its writings. Their mosques woke up beautifully, but he was empty than hidayah. Their clerics are evil creatures under the shadow of the heavens. From them begins slander, and to them this slander shall return. '
(HR Baihaqi)
Are not the Cases are in effect !!!
Verily Allah will show you His signs that you may know it plainly about His promise to you and your Lord is not heedless of all that you do. Verily Allah has decreed those affairs and, if they can not be postponed, all forms of tyranny will be destroyed.
Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 41:
It is they (Muslims) who, if We give them authority to rule on earth, they establish prayers and give Zakat, and they enjoin doing good and forbid from doing evil and unjust matters. And (remember) for Allah is the end of all affairs.


Looks to me like that the Shia and there allies are the ones confronting Israel. Saudi jordan and the sunni emirites are being used as pawns of the Israelis/us to fight the Shia. Syria war is the prime example.... Why are the sunnis letting themselves be used for Israeli interests?

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I do not believe in WW3 because we all are in economic war from a lot of time.

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