Conscious Living: Thoughts on the Virtue of Patience
Without a doubt, we live in an ever-changing and fast paced world. Sometimes it feels like we can go to the electronics store and get a new phone, and it's already obsolete by the time we get it home.
One of the side effects of this hectic pace is that people slowly become more and more impatient, especially as it relates to those parts of life that simply cannot be rushed.
Now, I'm not suggesting that people are seriously considering (for example) getting pregnant and having a full-term pregnancy only last five months, but when I talk to counseling clients many of their frustrations turn out to be related to a lack of patience.
Consider the counseling, itself.
I am often asked how soon I think someone will "be OK again," and I sense a slight irritability when I offer up a non-committal answer that makes it clear that there are no shortcuts to perfect mental health... particularly if I am talking to someone who suffered extended emotional/psychological traumas.
Our society has gradually taught us to expect results now, and when you combine such expectations with the overly inflated and unattainable versions of "perfect" lives served up by the media and Hollywood, you easily find yourself with a pretty toxic soup on your hands.
You can even look at something like cryptocurrencies: I remember when you would invest in something and a return of 10-12% a year on your investments was considered "pretty solid." Now we have people in the markets looking to make 300% in a matter of a few WEEKS.
One of the first steps in healing ourselves is to simply allow ourselves a little time.
Most human behavior patterns — regardless of whether you are trying to end an old negative pattern, or learn a new positive patterns — take a long time to change, and there are few (if any) effective shortcuts. You have to be willing to be patient, and to do the work.
Basically, the old truism "Patience is a Virtue" still holds true, and today perhaps more than ever.
So allow yourself to slow down and learn to breathe instead of always trying to run through everything!
Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!
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The White Light Express Mission Statement:
Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.
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