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RE: A Week in Pictures | Mid-August in DFW

in #workweek6 years ago (edited)

Love the No Fair sign. Got a good chuckle out of it. It sure does make the day go by faster, photo-ing as you go, doesn't it? There is so much to see and be amused by, in the world around us. Thanks to Steemit for being further impetus to take and put it all out there. Fascinating indeed.
What are you doing for work, if that is not being too nosy? If so, just ignore me and tell me what the weather is doing at the moment.
My life seems to be very busy, doing farmer and get-ready-for-winter rains chores. I'm putting a wall up around a tarp building work-area by the garage, so I can do stuff without getting wet in our incessant winter rains. The pump house is done, and pumping water as it should (yaay), and the fruit season is upon me. There are grapes coming soon out my ears. Nice problem to have, though a bit hard on the hearing...nuartch nuartch. Well, hope all is well down yonder, sounds like it is. Keep on sharing your weekly views, it's quite enjoyable. Wow, can I talk on a Monday, or what?! Cheerio(s)


Wow, your days are full of activity. The weather your way is opposite of here. A wet winter sounds better than dry and windy, and much better for growing edible food. Yes! To the functional pump house, I remember that project.

Fruit season?! I must keep my eyes open for the next wave of HH/DD food posts, considering they are the cream of the Steemit crop, imho. Speaking of grapes, isn't it remarkable they grow down in Texas and up your way? Not the same varieties, of course, still no less remarkable. Try getting an apple harvest down here - Hah!

Regarding my work, I help with daily tasks in the office and occasionally in the field at a local HVAC company. It's a bit of a commute so I see many interesting sights on the highways and byways during the week.

Glad to see you in the comments, take care!

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