I got the flu and recovered, and went back straight to working out and jogging prevent my pneumonia
This is yesterdays workout.
Overhead press 5x5 + 3 @37kg within 5 minutes.
Push ups with higher range of motion 10,8 reps.
Stiff leg deadlifts 55kgx10, 57kg x 10, 75kg 2x5.
Wider neutral grip Pull ups, x 4,5,3,3,3,3,3.
Behind the back shrugs 3x12 reps @75kg.
Reverse Lunges 3x7 reps @17kg
I need to keep being consistent and finish the rest of the year strong. I realised that I was jogging to get the bus but felt bit wheezy because I had a lot of mucus in my lungs. But it helped me cough out some of the cough. I guess there would be more blood flow if you do more cardio right?
A bit more emphasis on the cardio is something that I have realised prevents some of these issues. I am making sure after my 1 and a bit hour of full body I am tired hence I do some cardio in my off days. Cardio can be burpees, shadow boxing and foot work drills. Nothing fancy, something I can get on with in a small space.
Also breathing exercises to help loosen up tension of the muscle in and around my chest and stomach felt good too, which is what I also do. Some exercises involves jumping up and down, essentially vibrating which I find alleviates some of the tension.
I find this to be somewhat amazing, motivating. I want to see a big change by the end of October in my character, particularly in my ability to be patient, discipline, consistency and overall positive attitude. .