To hire or not to hire.
A useful reminder:
Having more workers means more work being done, which should mean that society and everyone in it has more stuff and is better off.
If you find yourself in a situation where having more workers (such as women, or immigrants) somehow makes you WORSE off, then there's a major problem with your economic system. You should change it.
In case this comes across as being sexist or racist, whatever discriminatory label you wish to affix to pointing fingers at women or immigrants, read the statement again. The idea is not to be spoon fed but to think.
Everybody needs to work hard to survive at his life.. this is most important to all.. Sir, @HoneyBee.. You're always right sir.. Your all wirting always attracts me sir. Keep it up sir.. Best wishes to you sir..
Not to Hire ...
Agreed! The world is very big and room for us all!
En este caso ya no hablar hablariamos del sistema económico, sino de la actitud mental. Se supone y es lógico que tener mas trabajadores, implica mas responsabilidad, eso está claro, pero no hay que ser tan extremista y radicar a la hora de asumir ciertas responsabilidades. El enfoque del post es correcto, Gracias. Nos vemos en la cima.