Working Overnights Suck
I'll never feel awake again. Coffee, I love you.
I started working the graveyard shift about 2 years ago. My boyfriend had been working grave shift for a long time and I was never able to see him. Grave shift at the time seemed so perfect. The first week of going into work at 8:00 PM and coming home at 4:00 AM was literally death. I cannot even tell you how much of a zombie I was. Your entire body is just thrown off. I wasn't able to sleep ever and while I was at work I had that lovely non stop yawn going on.
After about 6 months, I finally adjusted to the overnight life. I had access to free Starbucks. Of course I took advantage of that and religiously had a frappachino and macchiato every night. There is nothing like ingesting 700 calories at 1 AM. I have recently made the jump and started drinking coffee instead. Something I said I'd never like. I go to sleep about 6AM and wake up about 2 in the afternoon. In the winter time, my sleep time increases and I don't wake up until about 6PM. You'd think you'd have more time during the day due to working all night, but that is not true whatsoever. It takes a strong person to wake up early after a night at work. Someone who works overnights needs more sleep than a person that works during the day. Overnight workers are also prone to a low metabolism, heart disease and obesity. Really the only bonus that I have had working overnights have been having more time with my significant other. Even though I am now used to being awake overnight and asleep during the day, I am tired 24/7. I can't seem to find any energy during the day to do anything whatsoever. Do any of you work overnights? What are your thoughts?
Feedback would be great. Thanks for reading!
Until next time,
Coffee may help, but it's not a solution ;-)
I sure wish it was!
Working the graveyard shift is hard. How do you manage to sleep during daylight hours?
Coffee sure helps in staying alert ;)

I keep the curtains closed! Haha. I find it more difficult since we moved and now have close neighbors. I swear they mow their lawns at the crack of dawn!
... neighbors - its like they plan it that way ;)
I believe they do! Haha :)
i worked overnight for about 7 years - i reckon it will shorten my life by around a year or two - i am now following you in support
Is your sleep schedule back to normal now that you don't? I feel the same way :|
Thank you for following me! I have done the same. :)
yes all back to normal now