Meet A Fantastic Chainsaw Carver!
I mean this cat is unreal. When he saw some professional woodcarvers using chainsaws in 2012 he knew it would be a fun hobby so he started carving himself and his pieces sold immediately.
Here's Paul. He makes the most unique benches!
That sent him on his new career which he's been very successful at. He does a huge variety of carvings, any type of animal but the most impressive are from large trees.
Here's one of my favorites:

His website here is crammed with the most amazing carvings but I'll just give you an idea of the skill, variety, and types with a selection of photos from the site.
On this project he had help from a friend. The bear is 18 feet tall! He doesn't give the location but it's somewhere on the East Coast of the U.S. Paul lives in Pennsylvania, by the way.

Here he is getting the color right by burning the surface with a propane torch:

They got the head finished first and worked their way down:

The Tree House carvings he does are so much fun!

The benches he builds are incredible!

Is this guy good or what?

Man, I'd love to have one of these!

Look at this big Jesus carving he did!

Here's a few showing the process:

Working on that Jesus one:

He wants people to contact him with their ideas and he'll get to work on a design. And obviously he'll do almost any animal or figure.

Even butterflies!

Here's the line-up of chainsaws he uses!

There are many more designs and types of carvings that he does which are found on his website listed above including tables, wall hangings and "Wooden Indians."
Oh, he also does "Cute!" lol.

Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!

Coming to the top, buddy
With love, respect, appreciation and continuous support towards our great goal
You'd think he'd get carpal tunnel from holding all that weight onto his wrist from those chain saws. Think of the patience and restraint one needs to master that.
Howdy sunlit7! I agree about that. It makes my wrists hurt just thinking about it! He'll probably have to slow down at some point! How's the lockdown going up there? Is it boring?
It warmed up pretty good the last couple days and you'd thought from the looks of everybody out and about there was no stay at home order going on. Our counties numbers have been rather low but I give it about a week and we'll see them start going up.
I miss my grand kids outside of that I am pretty much use to hanging low. Sometimes I get emotional overload by letting my thoughts overwhelm me this thing may go on for months. Nightmares of straight out year round winter hibernation.
It IS kind of depressing to think of it going on but I think it may be a couple solid months, probably needs to be.
Too bad you don't live in the country but maybe you wouldn't want to anyway. For this situation it's pretty nice because our lifestyle isn't really affected.
But hey, you have lots of social media to keep you occupied right?
About nine, ten years ago I did try the great escape. Rented out both sides of the duplex and rented a small house out a ways. It wasn't far from a very busy area, maybe a mile, mile and a half up the road to anything you'd need but the small house I rented sat on ten acres and it was the most wonderful thing to look out one of the bedrooms I had for an office and see nothing out there except turkeys and an occasional deer. The bad part was though the house sat thirty feet from the road, a very busy road, so busy you couldn't even open your windows to enjoy all that peace you could see but not hear the quiet that was suppose to go along with it. lol. To tell you the truth it was like sleeping in the middle of a busy interstate. You couldn't sit outside and enjoy it either without that constant zoom of traffic going by. It was so bad you couldn't even talk on a cell phone unless you were way back on the property. The highlight of the week was late on a Sunday night when the traffic would die down a bit and you'd get maybe two to three minutes before another car would come along and ruin it. lol. With not being able to open the windows and all that extra dew out in the country mixed with having well water and the constant condensation from that there was always molds growing on the window sills so after a few months I started coughing all the time. Between that and the huge difference in trying to keep up with two sets of tenants finally after the first year I gave up and didn't renew the lease of one of them and moved back to the city.
Howdy sunlit7! Wow, well you gave it a darn good try at least, you just needed to be farther out. That was a tough situation so it had to feel good to get back to your duplex!
Hi there @janton, Those wood carvings were just awesome, Nice to see happy faces and beautiful art work like that.
This pandemic is making me nuts, I have to stay busy or I just want to cry.
I miss my children and grand children so much and I especially worry for my #3 son and only daughter, they are both radiographers that work in a hospital setting. My son does X-rays and my daughter does Cat Scans, so they are frontline. If fact I have quite a few other family members that are medical professionals and front liners.
I pray A LOT.
Be well and stay safe my friend.
Howdy farm-mom! Good to hear from you. So the main problem with the virus is not holding up where you guys are but worrying about your family. Are they not visiting because of the lockdown?
That's very concerning for sure, so many of them working in the medical field. They'll be fine, they have you praying for them!
I'm so glad you liked the post and wood carvings, a few of those would look awesome at your place!
Hello friend @janton. Oh boy, I would love the bench with the matching eagles.
What a talented guy.
We are very secluded where we are and have plenty of food so we could hunker down for a while without leaving the farm. But yes, tough with kids still working. I know it will all be better soon, I pray. So one day at a time and staying busy helps very much.
Stay well and have a blessed day!
Howdy today farm-mom! I love your situation there and the secluded location. I'm adding your kids to my prayer list and will be praying for their safety.
My step daughter and grandson came down with the virus. She said it was the worst thing she ever went through, she had prescription zinc so she started taking that and pulled out of it pretty fast but it was brutal before that. The grandson's wasn't as bad, just like a bad flu.
Hi janton, I am always so impressed with the material you find to post. I wonder how much the sculptures cost?
Howdy angiemitchell! Good to hear from you. I think the large ones cost several thousand but I'm not sure on that, he doesn't have any prices on his site but he says he will work with any budget which is pretty cool.
Thanks for this, I hope he gets customers as he is very good.
Hey janton. Hope you are well 🙏 super pictures, great stuff coming from you, as always 👍
Howdy clitadias! Thanks so much for the kind words, bless you and yours!
Bless you too!
Hey @janton. Hope you are well. Im not seeing your posts anymore, don't know why😚
Howdy clitadias! I haven't been posting because I've back away from spending so much time here. Mrs. J. thinks 2 years with nothing to show for it is enough! So I'm only putting a small amount of time in each day to keep in touch with people.
Ok cool. I thought otherwise because I'm new here, used partiko to post earlier. Be safe. Have a great week ahead.
Hi! Howdy! How are you?!
Hey, you could now power down in four weeks!
Stop the old power down of 13 weeks.
Start a new power down which takes 4 weeks!!
Howdy sir kaminchan! How do you start a new power down when there is already one going on?
You have to cancel the old power down!
And start a new power down!
Hope you are very well.
Stay strong and healthy.
Okay thanks sir kaminchan and yes I am working outside most of the time so I am feeling great. I hope you and your family and the cats are thriving!
Oh! That’s very nice! I love to work in the sunshine one to two hours a day to get my vitamin D. Now it’s monsoon rain the whole week!
Do you take supplements of Vitamin D during the rainy season?
Hi. I am leaving this platform very soon.
Not enough power for voting or posting soon.
See you on the other platform.
Howdy sir kaminchan! I understand, I will see you on Hive!
Hi there sir, it's good to be back, I hope you are still active here
Hi sir. Its been a long while. Seems like I am back for better
A real talent, with good imagination!