10 Most Cited Reasons Why One Should Build Their Own Wooden Shed
As an independent wood construction consultant, I am asked many times WHY one should go into the hassle of constructing a wooden shed in their garden? It's difficult to give a precise and concrete answer as the reasons will vary from person to person and from place to place.
Therefore I decided to prepare a shortlist of the 10 most used reasons why somebody should build their own wooden shed:
It's really fun to do
The newly build wooden shed greatly improves the value of your home
It's much cheaper to construct yourself than to buy a ready build wooden shed
If you build yourself, you can adapt your shed plan exactly to your specific needs and wishes
If you do the project together with your kids it's a great "family bond building" undertaking
It really is not difficult if you have the proper shed design and building plan
You can build a wooden shed for almost every possible use you need, be it a garden shed, a boat shed, garden tools shed, extra office room, or whatever you want.
Everything you made yourself will feel you much more proud than anything you bought ready-made
You can adapt the style of your shed to the style of your house
You yourself will select which materials or timber you will use, enabling you to buy specifically certified "green wood" for environmental reasons
These reasons are just a sample of the many benefits building yourself a wooden shed will give to you. I hope these will motivate many more people to decide to do so.
I know so many people who build their own wooden shed and almost without exception, all are very proud of what they build. But, on the other hand, many more people won't even consider thinking about constructing something themselves.
It seems we are living in a world where everybody only values things ready-made and bought in shops or stores. We forgot about the pleasures it brings to prepare, design, and then actually construct things ourselves.
Then there are also the people who are thinking about constructing their wooden shed but are afraid to do so. The reasons might be manifold such as:
They have never ever constructed anything themselves
They feel they don't have the skills to do so
They think it is too difficult or complicated to build themselves a wooden shed
They are afraid they are not being able to pull off the project themselves and will end up buying a ready-made shed anyway
They lack the confidence to involve themselves in a project like this
Or, maybe they are confident enough, but their family members, neighbors, and/or friends are discouraging them!
If, however, you take a clear and objective look at the reasons why people decided to construct themselves a wooden shed and the reasons why people don't try to build their wooden shed the conclusion is easy:
It really is possible, feasible, fun, and economical to build your own shed!
Many people have done so and certainly they aren't all woodworking experts or professionals. People of all ages and professions successfully build their own wooden shed and are extremely proud of it!
Atten: Planning To Build A Shed? Now You Can Build ANY Shed In A Weekend Even If You've Zero Woodworking Experience! Start building amazing sheds the easier way with a collection of 12,000 shed plans... https://bit.ly/Over12000Plans