Food Porn
I just had to share my food porn with y'all. Leek and cheese quiche. Yum yum!
See now, if you were my neighbor, you could come over and have some, but nooooo, y'all gotta live far away in internet land. See how you are?
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What a lovely presentation! I bet it was wonderful!
I gotta admit, it was pretty tasty. :) It's a recipe I got from my aunt years ago after she had made it for a family gathering. I have made it many times since. :D
Looks pretty tasty!!! I do wish I was your neighbour right now! We could also play cards & drink tea or something! Cheers from far away in internetland haha <3
I am so down with playing cards and eating quiche with you! <3 I hope you are having a good night!
That looks pretty tasty.