Advice for women. Excess veiled women

in #womenpower7 years ago (edited)


Advice for women. Excess veiled women

The theme is covering the face instead of wearing a veil ..

Why is hijab used only during adolescence?
Because I am afraid to fail in the category of keeping myself as a teenager ..

Because for my adolescence tu time of death ,, starting from the beginning, middle, and end,

Now I'm going puberty,

It's hard to get through the early and middle periods ,,
The time of his death ,,

So why is hijab not resumed after marriage?

Because at that time I believe in God I can take care of itself because it has presented the ideal male figure who anticipated the figure of a beloved heart that Allah granted to me one of them in terms of keeping themselves better ,,,

Not that I want to show off this facial face that I have covered with lots of tiny tiny fabrics,

There he is ,,

Every human being has different intentions

As long as you can keep the heart from the nature of 'ujub and riya'


Temanya adalah menutupi wajah alih-alih mengenakan cadar ..
Mengapa jilbab hanya digunakan selama masa remaja?
Karena saya takut gagal dalam kategori menjaga diri saya sebagai remaja ..
Karena bagi saya masa remaja tu waktu kematian ,, mulai dari masa awal, tengah, dan akhir.
Sekarang saya akan puber,
Sulit dah ,, ngelewatin masa2 awal dan tingkat menengah ,,
Waktu kematiannya.

Jadi, mengapa jilbab tidak dilanjutkan setelah menikah?

Karena saat itu aku percaya pada Allaah shyaa bisa mengurus dirinya sendiri karena telah menghadirkan sosok laki-laki ideal yang diantisipasi sosok hati tercinta yang Allah hadiahkan untukku salah satunya dalam hal menjaga diri lebih baik ,,,

Bukan berarti saya ingin memamerkan wajah wajah ini yang telah saya tutupi dengan banyak kain kecil mungil,
Itu dia ,,
Setiap manusia memiliki niat yang berbeda

Selama kamu bisa menjaga hati dari sifat 'ujub and riya'
Di syaa Allaahu Ta'ala ,,


Face is not aurat ,,
Closing the law sunnah ,, if mandatory, then what about the wives of sholihin and clerics who are not entirely cover the face .. All depends on environmental conditions & conditions ,,

Opening the veil does not mean as much as,
But first review the environment ,, safe or not ,,

If it is really better then it is better to cover the face with whatever it is ,, not necessarily veil ,, if it is with the husband ,, then did not cover the face was not a problem because it intends teruntuk her husband, hope the reward from God, not brniat & hope teruntuk get praise only from others ,, but, personally also want to look beautiful and beautiful gift for the husband outside the house not only in the house sahaja ,, mgkn men will not say that it wants to see the beautiful appearance of his wife ,, clever- pandailah wife understand it without the need of her husband send wife ,,

If he went alone close his face with whatever it is ,,, if he was with his second husband-both could be done ,, open or close ,,

Because the theme was for me not wearing a veil but covering the face,

Why is that,,
Because it all depends on the times ,,

Where the majority of the present day appears in the face of the veil is no longer used and intended to protect themselves ,,, but what ,, but, has been made a FASHION today ,,, then that, the theme was covering the face, instead of wearing a veil ,,

Indeed it used to be the Arab nation
Every brjumpa with ajnabi man ,, it immediately cover his face with whatever it is, kainkah ,, kertaskah ,,
So ,, creates a cloth called the veil, niqab, purdah, burqa to facilitate Arab women in the activity ,,,

Wajah bukan aurat,,
Menutupnya hukumnya sunnah,, jika wajib, lantas bagaimana dengan istri-istrinya para sholihin dan ulama yang tak seluruhnya menutup wajah .. Semua tergantung kondisi & keadaan lingkungan,,

Membuka cadar bukan berarti sesukanya,,
Tapi tinjaulah terlebih dulu lingkungan teresebut,, amankah atau tidak,,

Jika ianya sendiri alangkah lebih baik ianya menutup wajah dengan apa pun itu,, tidak mesti cadar,, jika ianya bersama suami,, lantas tak menutup wajah pun tak masalah kerana ianya berniat teruntuk suaminya seorang,, berharap pahala dari Allah, bukan brniat & berharap teruntuk mendapatkan pujian semata dari orang lain,, melainkan,, pribadi juga ingin tampil indah dan cantik hadiah untuk suami diluar rumah tak hanya dalam rumah sahaja,, mgkn laki-laki tidak akan berkata bahwa ianya ingin melihat tampilan cantiknya sang istri,, pandai-pandailah istri memahaminya tanpa perlu ianya suami menyuruh istri,,

Sekiranya ia pergi sendirian tutuplah parasnya dengan apa pun itu,,, sekiranya ia bersama suami kedua-keduanya boleh dikerjakan,, buka atau tutup,,

Karena temanya itu bagi saya bukan memakai cadar tapi menutup wajah,

Mengapa demikian,,
Karena itu semua tergantung zaman,,


Yang mana mayoritas zaman now tampal terlihat dihadapan bahwa cadar bukan lagi dipakai & diniatkan untuk melindungi diri,,, tapi apa,, melainkan,, telah dijadikan sebuah FASHION zaman now,,, maka itu,, temanya itu menutup wajah,, bukan memakai cadar,,

Sejatinya dulu bangsa arab
Setiap brjumpa dengan laki-laki ajnabi,, ianya segera menutup wajahnya dengan apa pun itu, kainkah,, kertaskah,,
Sehingga,, terciptalah sebuah kain yang diberi nama cadar, niqab, purdah, burqa untuk memudahkan kaum wanita arab dalam beraktifitas,,,


Some women look really beautiful with this.

do you like women with hijabs?

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