Woman Marketing Experts
Women: marketing experts know about your reptilian brain - now know your
There's a reptile in you, you know? I mean that old brain that evolved to keep you alive. It is in charge of many automatic and unconscious functions, how to maintain the homeostasis of your body and regulate your vital signs. And it is also in charge of storing your beliefs, impulses and memories. Your reptilian brain knows your beliefs, what you interpreted years ago as the truth of life. If you think a thin body is a guarantee of success, that's information your reptile uses to scan the environment and look for anything that brings you closer to your belief. He does it because he thinks it's a matter of life and death. That is, in the case of the body, you will go around looking for ways to achieve your goal, lose weight, see how you think you should look.
Did you know that reptile that lives in you is easy target of millions of marketing experts? They know how touchy that part of you that wants to survive is. She's primal and impulsive and will do anything to keep you alive. They know these phenomena and exploit them. They talk about the reptilian brain in large halls and decide which product will activate these primary impulses the most. More sugar, more additives, more stimulation and carefully formulated promises to seduce those prehistoric impulses. I am unworthy because the vast majority of women do not even know that they have such powerful survival instincts.
A multitude of products want to mobilize that reptile and sell it things it doesn't need. These manufacturers know that their method is effective. I wonder what would happen if there were more awareness of our real needs. How to connect and how to heal at a deep level. What about the cosmetic surgery industry, dieting and all the books and methods to change your appearance? That would be interesting. I'd like to see it. I know it's a long way off, but at least dedicating space to your reptile today is a start.