Maidez and Jane?

in #women3 years ago

The United States Supreme Court may have tipped it hand on how it will rule on an impending reproductive rights case. Their refusal to block Texas's "Heartbeat Bill", could be an indication that they are willing to functionally overturn Roe v Wade by allowing states to limit abortion rights.

If Congress does not take action to codify reproductive rights, which would likely involve ending or reforming the Senate filibuster, reproductive rights groups may need to look at an unusual, two-pronged, model.

The first, public, level, would be a network like "Maidez" from the novel and television program Handmaid's Tale. A reproductive rights underground railroad. Activists would work to create reproductive rights sanctuaries in places like California, Washington and New York, and to elect pro-woman Governors in "battleground states" like Pennsylvania and Michigan. These states would be the destinations for a network of citizens to transport women from states like Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and West Virginia, where reproductive rights are likely to be stripped by rural, right-wing, legislatures. Much like the Underground Railroad or European resistance, there would be safehouses or stations.

The second layer would be move covert. A new version of Jane, the clandestine abortion service that existed in a pre-Roe Chicago. This could go beyond the underground surgeries that "Jane" engaged in and could include herbal solutions. Training would need to be provided, and the people at this level would need to be highly vetted.

Which path a woman takes would be determined at the time they would visit or consult, likely by referrals from sympathetic individuals. These referrals would have to be through a secure network of communications, likely using a tool like Signal.

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