Lady Talk: Problems Women Face Around the World

A figure that depicts scores of roles in a society, a figure so divine, a figure who lives her life for others, a figure that is an embodiment of peace, gracefulness and beauty, she is a figure, a WOMAN. She is someone, a daughter, a sister, a mother, a friend, a wife and above all, an alter ego of perfection. But the question that needs to be shot is whether we, the society, accept her in all aspects of our life and whether she is made to realize her own preciousness? In the world dominated by men, it can be seen that the image of a woman gets slightly distorted and hardly seems to be fitting in the frame. “Patriarchy rules” is what people have on their minds and actions. World over, patriarchy has been on the throne that rules out women from many arena and derides their participation in fields of values.
Tracing back from the ancient periods, this mindset has become a tradition and the lineage continues bottoming out women. Following this, women are seen as an object of fragility and vulnerability and with it sparks out the safety issue of a woman. Some men target women, taking in their vulnerability as a pro to sexually harass or abuse them. I bet you cannot take your eyes off of such incidents being reported in the news channels or newspapers almost every day. You will encounter gender differences wherever you roll your eyeballs. In a country like India, where women are said to be an avatar of goddess and needs to be worshipped, why is it that cases of rapes and murders are in peak? When it comes to sanity, we people lose it when needed. This is the 21st century where the so-called “modernity” seems to be overpowering people but paradoxically this modernity could only get on to their clothing and food habits. Talking about having a modern mentality and outlook, none I could see yet! But personally, I am glad to see the efforts of feminists striving hard towards their goal of getting the womenfolk their equally deserving privilege as men. Take a look at some of the problems faced by women.
10. Obscurity In The Market

With little or some improvement in the mentality of the people considering the constant endeavour of some feminists or women education, women have found their way to the economic platform “but” not quite as you would like to think off. Gender bias could be seen among working women in the offices where either in promotional ranking or distributing pivotal works, men sweeps them off. White collar jobs are not offered easily. Even when it comes to physical labour, women are discarded with the excuse of them being physically weak than men. Although, this has seen a change recently and more and more women are indulging themselves into any kind of work, out of their comfort zone.
9. Biased parents

Oftentimes, it can be seen in some families that parents are deviated from their daughters towards their sons. To give this a profound effect, you might have come across families or certain parents who tend to lean more on their sons in respects to education, career and other personal affairs such as property distribution. To them, daughters receiving their basic education i.e. passing matriculation or at best, surviving their higher secondary is more than enough. They are made to sit back home and watch after the kitchen as that’s a prerequisite for marriage! Girls here mentally suffer a lot even though they have high ambitions.
8. No Work After Marriage

In many countries, especially in India, the trend of working after marriage is a big No even though nowadays some has broken this trend. It is believed by such people that a woman, once married, should look after her in-laws and husband and should be staying indoors. Breadwinner is always supposed to be the male member of the family. I wonder why, if a woman is well educated, should remain inside the four walls of her husband’s house and not equally take part in earning some bread? Is that why we educate girls, to study and get locked up inside after her marriage?
7. Domestic Violence

With all of her untold sacrifices for her dear ones, she still is stoned to violence. Let this be from her husband, her in-laws or even her own parents, she is always an object prone to violence. Many incidents as such can be heard and seen where she is knocked off of her feet literally by her husband who either is inebriated or is a frustrated soul who acts all sadist and vents it out all on his wife. She also is a victim of her in-laws, as is mostly seen all around where nothing but verbal or physical bashing takes place. Roaming around with scar, she has no place to go!
6. Dowry Act

For the most part rehearsed in India, this is a sort of act where independent of the way that a lady deserts everything just to alter with another family, settling a fresh start, the prep's family puts on more stipulation from the lady of the hour's family on materialistic establishment or disaster will be imminent. On the off chance that the requests are not met, she is the one well on the way to get scored and tormented for the sake of settlement and as a rule, it goes up against such a high toll, to the point that the final product is only her passing. Be that as it may, who cares what she experiences? Did you ever ponder what is it to desert your own particular family for eternity?
5. Sexual Harassment In Public

Presently with the developing pace of this cutting edge human progress and its headway, the intellectual capacity is getting to be as limited as conceivable of the greater part of the men people on the planet. The world is never again a sheltered place for ladies to live in. You have seen ladies getting sexually pestered by some contemptible men out in the open, either in the city with no attempt at being subtle or in the shut dividers of an office. Nor is saved. They either touch their bosoms or other private body parts or toss out a verbal comment of mishandle. General society transports are the ideal spots for such douches where they are the most "hormone fuelled" and wind up wild by rubbing off their masculinity and playing filthy on ladies!
4. Sexual Manhandle By Relatives

What can be more terrible off than having being sexually attacked by your own relative? The ones that we call dear and grasp, take it grimy on us and pollute the immaculateness of a connection. No individual can be believed nowadays with what is happening. You should watch out for everybody. Your granddad, uncles, siblings and even your purported "father" once in a while turn out incubuses and you are later to be reprimanded for having been close them! Ladies here are left with a psychological and passionate scar that can never blur far from their life. The incongruity is, no one would trust you in the event that you let them know.
3. Voice On Quiet

Do you think the ladies people should be tranquil notwithstanding when it is the hour of need? More than regularly, ladies are viewed as somebody who ought to dependably keep up a position of safety and keep it noiseless more often than not as that mirrors her "excellence". I ask you individuals, is that truly so? Don't we have the privilege to talk up our brains for what we accept is correct? Does that truly take a gigantic toll on you? In many parts of the world, ladies are the manikins and are insignificant characters of a play of Shakespeare! They are disgraced are looked downward on by the general public on the off chance that they happen to raise their voice.
2. Eve bother

"Hello nectar, why go alone? Take me with you." "You hot woman, come here and we will have a ride somewhere." "Abandon us your contact number, sweetheart." Yes. These are what I as often as possible get the chance to hear the minute I leave my home into the roads. In spite of the fact that staying away from them does the deceive, it makes me anxious constantly. This is a case not simply with me but rather young ladies everywhere throughout the world. Eve prodding! It's the most widely recognized yet out and out provocation for ladies. The steady heckles took after by their hopeless shrieks makes it significantly all the more nauseating and facing such experience relatively consistently isn't inviting for any ladies.
1. Assault

Here it comes! A bad dream to every one of the ladies, assault is something that can happen whenever of the day. Events of assault cases can be heard every day with slipping away attackers or some being grabbed. The most exceedingly terrible type of torment to a lady as it seems to be, attackers see no dress or age. All they are occupied with is ripping off a lady's distinction. To indicate that, the general public rather hates the assault casualty, labeling her with a dark spot. I have constantly seen this design guardians request that their girls be cautious while going out and put a due date for support home in the dread of getting attacked. Be that as it may, I ask this to everyone here, for what reason do you rather not tie up the men and request that they control their charisma while going out and not assault any irregular ladies than setting up limitations for a lady?

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