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RE: Go ahead... call me a Feminist
No, I am saying that barriers between what a man can do and what a woman can do exist. AND need to be removed.
There are trends showing women distance runners, with more training are closing the gap in speeds. Physical issues are a matter of training.
There is no science behind the idea that genetically, men or women are less or more nurturing.
But they exist not because of prejudice but basically genetics and happens in most of the situations, even without generalising. In the most inclusive societies, Nordic countries, where women and men are free to do what they want and pursue their careers men are choosing typically male careers and women choose women careers, that's because there are some stuff ingrained in each people and it has nothing to do with oppression or being forced. These barriers only exist in countries where I don't see any feminist going to or even speaking against, mostly Muslim countries. In fact, I see many feminists praising Islam and Sharia which means they're completely deranged.
Yeah, training only goes so far but even then you're probably picking the best, most capable of women against men and even then there's a gap you mentioned (they need even more training to come to similar results)
There's such a thing as empirical evidence when you talk about observed behaviours even when the science hasn't gotten as far to understand why.
When you speak about nurture, you are talking about learning something, not talking about Genetics.
Science does quite a bit of study of Nurture V. Nature.
... and very few behaviors are truly genetic. Drinking, Eating, and reflexes, such as response to fire, sharps, and light touch.
Everything else is learned behavior.
Passed on behaviour from generation to generation also affects your genome. If you're merely talking about behaviour in one individual (like a mother teaching her daughter to cook or sew for instance) it's cultural but that doesn't mean that people don't have proclivity to different things and that you can infer some of those stuff by certain factors like gender, age, race and so on. But of course every individual is unique and does things differently
Sorry, behavior taught from one generation to another doesn't affect the genome.
But my original statement, in the Post, stands.
Everyone deserves to be treated equally . No matter the gender.
Why should everyone be treated equally if people aren't equal? Is it wrong that I have a different approach when I talk to a woman and interact with her than with a man? Or treating a 5 year old kid differently in regards to an adult? People are different, I treat them with decency provided they do the same for me but not equally