At the core of the problem with woke culture is the obvious fact that we're creating a generation of Eric Cartmans - only, none of these people are funny.
I'm not saying that iGen is going to make people eat their parents - though a lot of them seem to be willing to eat their own parents. I'm also not saying that it's a generation of anti-Semites - though the trend is clearly moving in that direction.
No, it's a generation of glass cannons. These are people who will shout the most vile insults at everybody who disagrees with them and crumble at the slightest criticism.
Just think about a line that Heidi delivered after she had basically became a mirror of Cartman, "Supporting me doesn't mean you criticize me."
That's the woke culture in a nutshell. Every criticism, no matter how well intended, is viewed as a personal attack. This isn't healthy. Really, if we don't think that people who love you can question your decisions or your feelings, we're going to kill the concept of real friendships.
Of course, the standards are arbitrary. You're allowed to raise concern that a person is drinking too much. When I was drinking myself to death, it was the people who really loved me who pushed me to stop and were completely honest with me. The people who didn't care that much didn't say anything.
What you can't do is suggest that somebody lose weight. The body positivity people are even shaming doctors for recommending that their patients drop a few pounds. There's no distinction in their minds between some asshole saying, "Put the fork down fatty." and, "I don't want you to die prematurely."
Saying that somebody might be mentally ill can be an attack and it could be an expression of genuine concern. It never feels good to be told that you're mentally ill by another person; but, there's a distinction between the person who is doing it to try to hurt you and a person who is seeing patterns in your behavior and is concerned for your well-being. Again, these people don't make the distinction.
If I took every criticism as a personal attack by people who didn't care about me, I would be surrounded by enablers and I probably would have already drank myself to death. If we keep going down this road, we're going to have a generation of people who have been taught that they're awesome just the way they are and that anybody who thinks otherwise can't care about them. We'll have a generation of people who think that feeling something about him or herself makes it true.
This is already emerging and it's dangerous.