Real Life Story: Walmart Online
My clock broke a few weeks ago. I wake up and i always check the time. Thing is, now i wake up and i stare at a wall... where the clock used to be.
My kid is obsessed with the vacuum and his bday is coming up. Instead of getting him a baby toy, i bought him a grown up dust buster! :) My house will be dust free, so ya know.
So, i decided to take care of my shopping right now.
There were a couple bad reviews on the clock. If it sucks, i will take it back, to store, in person. Boom
The dust buster....
My kid is driving me nuts with the big vacuum, haha. He likes grown up crap. Right now he is vacuuming the house everyday. With the big, loud, vacuum. This will be dual INjoyment. Smaller, chord free, Grown Up toy.
Cheap easy fun, free shipping. Wtf
Is he a Leo? Every Leo I have known LOVES vacuuming. True story!!
Virgo lol
That's the CORRECT answer! 😆
Ha ha, idk much about the signs but interesting stuff