Witness Update 21/5/18

Every week (or so) I try to put together a witness update post to let folks know what projects or wonders I've currently got cooking in the KLYE laboratory. This week saw a bloom of advancements and neat STEEM related stuff start to manifest as the spring weather thaws out the previously frozen brain caused by winter here in the bowels of the frozen north. Beginnings of new hobbies, progress on a new investment vehicle for the network and other stuff in this weeks episode of my witness update..!
This Week as STEEM Witness
Feels good to get back into the swing of things! Creativity flowing, code spewing and progress being made.. Check out some of the highlight below that have been filling up most my time.
Relaunch of the Votezy "Pay-4-Vote" Bot

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After being endlessly hounded by countless users both on here, on various chat clients and other social media platforms I finally got agitated enough to put some hours into the "pay-4-vote" service that I'd coded in NodeJS to get it basically 100% operational. A bit of error handling and redundancy implementation is still needed but I'll be releasing the finished version 3 source code when it's done.
Steemit.com users can send between 0.001 to 1.000 STEEM or SBD to the @klye account with a memo only containing the link you'd like to have upvoted. The following code is used to dictate how votes are given, which is a change from the random vote power uptucks given previously.
function voteweight(){
var weight = Math.floor(amount * 10000);
var weightpercent = parseFloat(weight / 100).toFixed(2);
if (weightpercent > 100.00){
weight = 10000;
weightpercent = parseFloat(weight / 100).toFixed(2);
The amount
variable is the amount you send in the transfer.. Meaning that a 0.05 STEEM/SBD transfer would yield a 5% strength upvote, and a 0.75 STEEM/SBD transfer would yield a 75% power vote, and so on and so on. Basically the voting power amount is equal to the percentage of the transfer between the numbers 0.001 and 1.000.. Any transfers over 1.000 STEEM/SBD will only yield a 100% power vote and give no refund as it'll be considered a donation. Please, for the love of the holy STEEM whale balls stop contacting me to upvote your posts... use the bot.. <3
Development Progress on Off Chain Investing Dice Game

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This project is long overdue and sadly I made very little progress on anything during this winter.. Oh well. The "STEEM-ROLLER" project aims to bring a lightning fast, off-chain, community bankrolled gambling experience to our network while opening up a brand new investment vehicle for STEEM holders looking to get a great return on their investment. Featuring a cryptographic secured RNG and a whoppin' 50x investing leverage the Steem-Roller game will be almost a sure way to make profits given the 1% house edge on the payout of the dice game as well as the law of large numbers taking effect over time.. While loses in the investment may be seen short term over time your investment in the upcoming Steem-Roller bankroll is nearly sure to see profits over time! This is my main focus at the moment, no ETA on launch yet but I'll be getting some of the veteran STEEM users to help me beta test once I think I've got the site ready to go.

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Sometimes @KLYE gets new toys in the mail, sometimes they are tattoo machine kits, sometimes he gets brave and tries to teach himself how tattoo by inking his extremities.. Sometimes it even turns out! While not fully healed I'm proud to say I've managed to put a almost passable STEEM logo tattoo on my left thigh just above the knee, check it out!

Kind of excited to see how it ends up once the last little bit of scabbing is done healing.. Not bad for my first attempt at using an actual tattoo machine and the wide shader needles used to apply colour.. In fact so far its the only tattoo on my body that has any colour. I'm pretty proud of not completely buggering it up to be fair!
The 7500+ Followers Milestone Achieved!

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Ole @KLYE comes from a qaunt little town in the middle of buttfuck no where boasting a population of around 1400 people or so.. This week my follower count here on STEEM is now over FIVE TIMES the count of the population of that shitty little go-no-where town.. FUCK YEAH! I'd like to take this chance to thank all my long time supporters and fans, as well as my new ones, for joining me on this crazy STEEM adventure or a life I'm creating and not ridiculing me for drawing a bunch of whale testicles and veiny dicks in MS-paint (my first true love really). You've all been there for me when I was at the top and the bottom of the crazy bipolar mood swings I have, and for that I cannot stress enough how absolutely fucking grateful and thankful I am for your ongoing support and acceptance.
Mad love to my STEEM family!
The goal before end of summer is to get all of my projects in operational states and regain my top 20 witness spot. Admiteddly I sort of fell of the face of the planet this winter and didn't accomplish even a fraction of what I'd liked to have, but with the summer sun comes a huge relief from the seasonal depression that was weighing me down all winter, damn happy to be back to my "normal" self again for the most part.. Stay tuned folks, some game changing things are on their way, and the glory of the top 20 witness position shall be mine again soon enough.

Oh my HAT @klye hehehe that was indeed VERY brave!!! And yes agreed... I definitely think you did a damn good job for a first attempt! lol - The last time I did anything like that was when I was 16 years old... and it was a little less civilised, as there was only a sewing needle and a small bottle of ink haha... so ya, you can imagine how that went down... and no points for guessing there was a boyfriend involved and we did matching symbols on our ankles which was a combination of our two zodiac symbols for gemini and pisces. haha... young dumb and yeah... lol
Don't think I would be as brave now lol :) So hats off to you :)
It was for science and learning so I had no issue guinnea piggin' on myself to achieve a desired result!
LOL. Yeah.. I started out with a home made gun as well about a decade ago but gave up the hobby till recently.. This story was a wonderful memory you shared, even if looking back on it, it seems silly. :)
Well you seem to be off to a good start ;) And yes true... Although I did eventually have it covered with something else, the memory will always be there along with plenty more - which despite their silliness, I would never change... because if I did... I wouldn't be "me". :)
I'm support @klye for a witness.
Good luck!.
If you would like some advertising @spl is a steem poker game that excepts donations for poker games. Witnesses can sponsor a poker game and it gets your name out to potential voters and users of @klye stuff. Poke around on the discord chanel and website.
I hope that spring time and summer would bring you to be more creative and fruitful soon @klye
You should try some light therapy next winter season. As a fellow Canuck it has long been my practise to code binge in the winter and play outside in the summer. 😎
What is this "light" you speak of? lol.
Being a basement dweller with no fixed schedule certainly doesn't help tjhings in winter!
It is a medical recognized therapy with special lighting. Here's a list of a number of links.
Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck to you and have a nice day :)