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RE: Steem Witness Roadmap for @jerrybanfield in 2018!

in #witness7 years ago

Hi there @paradigmprospect,

My friend @anjkara and i were just talking about this very same subject and were calling other witnesses for help, with no response. @anjkara has personally seen flagging from Vegans and Christians that were against Atheism. Regardless of a belief system, we should all have the right to say how we feel.

We totally support your comment and if we can help in any way please reach out to us.



I completely agree with your take on this. Worldviews are so heavily dominating so many people's decisions these days, and the craziest thing is: Everybody means so well, flagging other people for their views. It really needs to stop. Hence my mission: To show that most people whi have a strong worldview DO have a point. Just not the complete picture. Myself included.

I like to refer atheists to the flaws in Darwin's (Spencer's) work, there are glaring impossibilites in the narrative of natural selection and macro evolution. I like to refer Christians to work that showcases how the bible has been repeatedly messed with by man. Vegans to the paleodiet and Price's work, Price apostels to work that points out he was mostly looking at dental health disregarding other important factors and data.

If we are to figure things we out we have to allow everyone their say. We may not like what others have to say but it might turn out to be the puzzle piece we have been missing due to our own stubbornness holding on to a defined worldview package.

Definitely followed, both of ya, thank you for reaching out <3

Yes you said this well and thank you so much for responding with a very reasonable answer with fine examples. I’m of the same feeling so as far as being open and not entirely closed to hearing each other. I only get up in Arms when I’m being told to think a certain way or someone is too stubborn to hear because of programming. So many people are brainwashed.

A healthy reaction ;)
Congrats that you were able to maintain that state of mind through all the indoctrination happening everywhere. We really gotta walk our own path and not someone else's.

hey, where ya been? this was almost 2 weeks ago. LOL
yes! "walk our own path," definitely!

Went back to check comments as I sometimes neglect to go back far enough. Really need to try that ginabot ;)
all the best to you as well

ah that can happen, gina was off her game lately. poor girl, she must be tired. :(
yes GINA is the best!! (when she isn't tired) :)

I cannot flag and downvote for any reason? You are against the freedom of speech, as in free speech, the ability to choose what to say and do? Are you a progressive left democrat?

Misrepresented. I didn't say "for any reason". Spam is not a valuable contribution so if I feel I want to use my voting power hiding spam that is one thing. Flagging other people's posts that talk about something I find absurd does not give me a moral highground to hide their stuff. If anything it shows my own level of awareness and progress in understanding the world. And my narrowmindedness in censoring other viewpoints that contradict my own.

The greatest insights can be found with people who see things differently. IF they can make a good case.

I have long rejected the political categories you mentioned, because they are a scam. Having said that, I would never flag an article of yours telling people why Trump is the savior or why we should have voted for Hillary.

The whole political game is complete BS to me - but not to other people (yet). So instead of flagging I just move along. No energy to it.

Agreed, focus on what you love, and focus on that as that is key to civilization, to philosophy as talked about by @Stefan.Molyneux and life is better as we influence and encourage people towards destiny over storms towards rainbows.

I should be free to flag and downvote whoever I want, right?

that wasn't the point, most of us are on her for free speech but not the abuse of such nor of people who are brainwashed by MSM or the fight for what is really going on in the world. Let alone those that are just flagging because they feel someone is an idiot, etc.
In other words there is a balance as in all things. Did you actually read what was stated above? There are people flagging and creating bots just because someone likes meat! so if you post a photo of a piece of meat you get flagged ... that is NOT FREEDOM!!! That is ABUSE!!

Freedom includes abuse because freedom is freewill, choices, decisions, made by individuals, both good and bad, and people do good and bad stuff, and people abuse, and that is part of life, and that is part of what freedom and life and love is all about and are we going to remove free speech from people or where do we draw the line between free speech and abuse and who determines what is abuse and what is not abuse?

Yes, I do not like it when they flag my stuff or your stuff and others. But what do you want to do about it? Do you just want to lock them up because they were wrong for flagging and downvoting and because they are using bots or too many bots and how do you know which accounts are bots or not bots and are bots ok or not?

I hate abuse too. I want to stop bad people too. I understand all of that but be careful of becoming the thing you are fighting. We can stick together and upvote great content in order to survive the storms of the bad people out there downvoting and abusing and flagging and everything. I think it is better to focus on the things we like, the people we like first, in upvoting the content we love on Steemit, and offline too, instead of getting lost in the bad people who are abusing us and worse both online and offline and we will always find bad people all over the place and it is good to tell people about what the bad people do to expose them and to raise awareness and we may need to stop and arrest and remove bad people sometimes too maybe.

Freedom Vs. Abuse

I don’t flag period, unless it is a abuse. For instance someone outright calling me a bitch. At any rate you did come into my convo with someone else, and you are judging. I know who I am and I read people very well. I do not become what I speak up “against.” If you truly read and understood what I was saying you wouldn’t be sounding like you have no clue what I said in 3 paragraphs. I have not been flagged. LoL
Maybe go back and reread.

Ps. My philosophy of how I actually work on Steemit was never discussed but yes, I do tend to stay away from the flaggers and upvote what I like. It sounds like you got on your soapbox ... not sure why to my comments with the original writer.

There are plenty of people within the comments to go argue with, you completely ignored what we said to begin with and then again in my second post. You just want to rant and not listen. I’m done. I Will not be responding to you again. SMH

Judging is a good thing. Soap boxes are a good thing. Conversations are a good thing. It is too bad that Eagle Spirit is saying that she is going to not talk to me any more. She might be judging me but she might have said I should not judge her. I am ok with judging but some might not be. I am talking about inconsistencies in the logic of people. David Hodge challenged Alex Jones to a debate and then backed down when Alex said ok. Now, Rex Jones is begging Hogg to a debate to save Rex from brain washing it seems and Hogg is not responding. That is what the left does. The left says one thing but does another. That is an Ironic Mystic.

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