@steemcreative is THRILLED to announce the first project they support with their witness!

@isaria and I were hoping to find great projects to support with the new witness, and somehow, some way, a great one fell in my lap today.

During the regular working hours, I rarely get on Discord unless something is happening behind the scenes. Today was one of those days.

While just being silly in the General chat end of PAL, I received an invite to a new (to me) Discord

After some initial chit-chat in The Ark, I put up a note stating that if any of the artists were interested, that they could submit their work for the Steem creative Curation Radio Show that @isaria and I host every Sunday in PAL.

Well, I got to reading a bit more, and discovered that this seems like a fantastic project that we want to support more than just an upvote. Just read their mission statement!

Knowing more about the project.

@elarca is a project born from the need to promote art and create a space that will serve to consolidate the spread of them in the community of users of Steemit.
It in turn was inspired by the work of art spaces in society as well as internal projects steemit such as @curie and @minnowsupport but more oriented to this artistic field.

Our mission:
"The Ark" appears inviting users willing to provide a space for cultural exchange and creative development, taking the best of Steemit as a platform to explore content and be rewarded through it.

Our vision:
The project seeks to provide support to Steemit users whose focus is in the artistic field. As a community, we serve not only as a platform for future curation, but also want to bring various activities that promote user participation.

Our objectives:

  • Serve as a driving platform for creativity and the arts at Steemit.
  • Create a space of coexistence and learning among artists and art lovers.
  • Promote artistic content inside and outside the Steemit community.
  • Become a reference of curation platform for the arts.

Our values:
As an artistic community we seek to give value to the projects and works that each one can bring, in an environment of constructive criticism and free of plagiarism.

A little more about it:

The project will seek to continue to grow and support Steemit users also having a server in Discord responsible for promoting the spread of Art, and create activities that encourage support of them. All this in a space supervised by the work team that allows a better coexistence among the members.

How flipping awesome is that?

So, after chatting with @zaxon (the founder of The Ark) for a bit, we've decided to become an official sponsor. So each week, we will be donating 10 Steem to help them fund their contests and projects.

I couldn't be happier with this new sponsorship, and I urge all of you to take a look and help in any way you can!

You can find The Ark's Discord Server Here and follow their account @elarca

I also wanted to point out this video that was made. With 5 Steem!

So what I mean? This is great stuff!

@steemcreative is a joint witness venture and first Husband and Wife witness team of @swelker101 and @isaria, focusing on user engagement, creative content curation and contests, and supporting worthy projects. Please vote for our witness at https://steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=steemcreative&approve=1

Thank you!

Shane and Isaria..... And Snibby The Cat.


Thank you so much for your support! We are honored to have such a wonderful team making possible many of the activities we bring to the Hispanic community and demonstrating that art is a liberating medium capable of changing the world. We hope that with this many more people are encouraged to participate in the community and in each of the activities <3

Keep supporting creative minds with your excellent work.

Absolutely! It's an honor!

Thanks for all swelker <3 This support is very important for us ♥
Hope more projects start to help the hispanic community and that there may be more contests and activities for this community as well as there are in the English community.

Am so slow, I know, but finally unvoted Swelker and moved it to steemcreative, sorry @isaria 😁

Good luck on the project 🤗🤗

Thank you!!!❤️

I love you Mom and Dad...and Snibby

We love you too, son.

Can I be adopted too? is there place for some ratties in your life?

Of course! We shall have a rattie/cattie extravaganza!

Oh great we are going to create a thousand cat + rat memes become viral... Lol

Yes Sister, we have room for your ratties, bring them all :)

thanks Mom :) where is Dad? Did he shut his face yet? :)

finger hovers over flag

haha, don't you dare flag me Dad. Mom will protect me :)

need all the love I can get right now, having some cockle moments these days and it's getting me down for sure.

Steemit Creative (4).png


This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @swelker101 from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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