Steemchiller goes witness! Let's make Steem safe again ;)
I think this is the perfect time to start a witness node on Steem. As many known witnesses decided to leave us and start an own blockchain project, there is now more than ever before a need for new engaged Steem witnesses.
I am the founder and developer of and I think I have proven myself to be an honest Steemian many times over the years. Creating drama and wars is not my thing, therefore I prefer to focus on building a better and more peaceful world instead. A world where we can all work together and grow by learning from each other. I will always do my best to bring Steem to where it should be, the top. I think we now have a good chance to finally get there. The sun is already shining, we just need to trust in the beauty of our own creations.
Justin Sun did not really have a fair chance to begin with, because the old community 'influencers' decided to freeze his accounts and attack him badly in his posts. I don't know why the old witnesses were unable to trust him, but it looks like they wanted to ensure that they will not lose control over Steem. That fear started the whole conflict and, as I stated in my last few posts, Justin's decision to secure his own investment by voting own witnesses to the top was an understandable reaction. Nobody likes to wake up and see his millions being locked by other people over night. I would have done the same.
As long as there are no strong evidences of criminal actions by a user involved, I will never support any soft- or hardfork that freezes anyone's property.
Of course, I will not give criminals a free ride and in case of criminal actions (for example, harming the Steem system on purpose or clear evidences of fraud) I will work together with other witnesses to find a helping solution.
As soon as I can afford, I will provide a full RPC node to further support the whole Steem network. Of course, I will continue to develop amazing Steem tools and always help the community as best as I can.
If you want me to be your Steem witness, please vote for @steemchiller on or
Thank you and Steem on!
I have no idea what a witness is, but I like your website and you don't like plagiarism so I used one of my 30 votes 👍
Thanks for your vote!
In short: A witness poops the blocks into the blockchain.
Sounds like a rubbish job 😉 I thought I was the only one who uses the word poop instead of pop!! 🤣
Are you familiar with PLR content? I still consider it plagiarism as it's not the "author's" own work...
I've had somebody use it in their "defence" and I don't like it! What would you say?
I'm not really convinced that someone should be able to earn something by uploading other people's work, even if it's public domain content. At least there should be a link to the original somewhere in the post, so that the curators can distinguish between a cheap copy and the original.
As his post is already at $0, I won't flag him for now. Let's wait and see what comes next.
I share your view. I find it dishonest to share something you didn't write, without those people upvoting it knowing that it's somebody else's content. I can't think of the write terminology but it lacks integrity and goes against the spirit of what author rewards should be.
It makes me question the origin of their other article although there are no signs that it's somebody else's content other than their admission in the original article.
스팀달러 굿
true talk though
Saya menyukainya
Mengambil karya orang lain menurut saya tidak cocok lebih baik berkarya hasil sendiri
Perhaps "rather you than me" would've been a better phrase!
поооп,такое слово смешное :)
Hoy es mi primer dia es steemit, sera mi primer voto para ti por ser uno de los que protegen el orden y la continuidad de esta red social por así decirlo. También seras al primer usuario que siga, saludos desde Venezuela.
Segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan gagasan,karya pemikiran tidak layak dicuri atau diakui sebagai karya sendiri namun kadangkala ide hampir sama akan tetapi teknik teori dan praktisnya berbeda dalam segi isi,komposisi,kinerja,sistim peralatan dan sesuatu yang berkaitan langsung dengan topik atau teknik suatu tema objek maupun subjek yang dibahas.
This happens
Baik terima kasih atas penjelasannya
@steemchiller -
Please do the business.
да всегда пожалуйста
can you explain it in more detail????
What benefits does one gets? who votes and to whom we have voted?
How can anyone vote me?
neither do i
Hoy es mi primer día en steemit, acabo de crear mi cuenta y sera mi primer voto para ti, porque eres uno de los que mantiene en orden los bloques que mantienen esta red social.Saludos desde Venezuela. Seras también al primer usuario que siga.
me too, i used my vote on this post. but i have no idea what can i gain from voting
Hopefully some crypto
Ha! I like how you descr!be it...
Vous n'êtes pas le seul, je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'es le témoin. je suis nouvelle je prendrai le temps de lire tout les détails. J'ai eu beaucoup de retour positif de ce site bien bravo et félicitation au développeur de ce site. Je m'y plais déjà sur ce site j'aime bien c'est super cool je commence a prendre mes repères peu a peu. ce serais une très belle aventure
Saya tidak tahu apa itu saksi
how do you have 3 dollars on uvote im so confused
Yeah I support you
Up me lol
I like how he sounds I may be Abel to help with the node boss
i used one of mine as well. Im just trying to figure out how to deposit steem to my steem wallet. I can only find how to buy more steem but i hold a few hundred STEEM tokens in a different wallet already. anyone able to help?
I had a bit of a play and did it from binance. I think it might be different depending upon where your other wallet is. If you do a search for "transferring from 'wallet' to steemit", somebody has probably written an article on the subject.
Спасибо. Нужно будет попробывать ваш метод вывода!
Oh, and do it with the smallest amount possible as a test run. At least then you won't lose everything if it goes wrong.
ill support you man and beleive your gonna help alot of people out there. goodluck
good luck 😊
A witness is an individual who will contribute to the blockchain and these contributors ' must be elected by votes of Steemit community.
Свидетель- это кто увидел как другого убивают,насилую и совершают действия противоречащие закону,а не этот ваш биткоин
Thank you.
This is useful
да кого ты тут балакаешь?
Sounds like a rubbish job 😉 I thought I was the only one who uses the word poop instead of pop!! 🤣
Are you familiar with PLR content? I still consider it plagiarism as it's not the "author's" own work...
Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own
I've had somebody use it in their "defence" and I don't like it! What would you say
I have voted you. Vote me
Hello @steemchiller, with love, I have given you my vote.
Thank you for all you do
@steemchiller I am huge fan of your work. As an ameteur developer I sincerely find your 'invention' by that I mean steemitworld, fascinating. Sometimes am tempted to believe you are a real 'chill person'. I maybe be far from the truth🤷🏻. However I still a big fan!! So I will give you my vote. Not that it is actually worth much. Well lets call my vote of confidence in your work❤😄
@steemchiller I am huge fan of your great work,I have you my full support 👍
Staying with steemit will not avoid the drama in the near future is my honest opinion. Does censoring of posts from steemit not bother you? Are you ok with that?Even if you really believe what you said in your post, then certainly you have double standards.
I'm ok with censoring when the future of Steem would otherwise be in danger. They should not use the old chain to promote the new one in the way they did. To a degree the promotion is understandable, because they made a very risky decision and they don't want to lose everything, which has been worked on over the years, but by attacking Justin and Steemit personally over and over again they created a good reason for starting the censorship.
It's like one works for Burger King but eats his burgers at Mc Donalds and while sitting there putting up a big sign that says 'this company's meat is toxic'.
If you're ok with censorship, I wonder what you're doing on social media blockchain.
We want to get money... He doesn't care on what engine this site is working on as long as he gets paid
The joke's on the@steemchiller then, because if you're "in this for the money" you're frighteningly naive.
"the hive" is already censoring accounts. Including @steemchiller.
So, not so much a "democracy" as much as it's more like a VOTE FOR THE RIGHT ACCOUNTS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.
his account is not censored. It's there waiting for him should he choose to log in and use it. He didn't receive the airdrop which isn't an entitlement. There is however a process through which he can gain that airdrop and many have reached out to encourage him to use it.
Please explain what you mean. Isn't the entire value-theory of HIVE that it's a COPY of steem?
Imagine if NOBODY got an "airdrop"?? HOW many people do you think would move to HIVE?
So, not so much a "democracy" as much as it's more like a VOTE FOR THE RIGHT ACCOUNTS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.
yep Hive is a 'copy' of the Steem code ... a copy that those who created it had the right to decide what stayed what changed.
In this case they chose to create a starting point that dropped stake to people who didn't vote on sock puppets based on a criteria which was coded in and decided by the code.
That was a somewhat arbitrary starting point for some. For others who get that those who create get to decide we understand the starting point is created by those who create.
They then decided rather than arbitrarily decree that would be the final word, they created a process through which the community could agree to have the airdrop go to those the community didn't see as a threat even though they had a lapse of judgement.
That's democracy in action when those who could choose to control, choose to put the decision in the hands of the collective.
With the behaviour of Justin Sun and his arbitrary, dictatorial censorship, many would have made the move without an airdrop. They would have powered down their accounts and bought HIVE because of it being what Steem should have been. Like they are doing now.
Many of those same people would not be powering down and would be staying here except for the dictatorship from Sun. The more I see what has stayed here, the more I am relieved I'm among those leaving.
Caprcious fascism is alive and well, it's known as Justin Sun... enjoy
I hope the HIVE flourishes.
They definitely have a lot of talented and well-intentioned people on-board.
I just kind of wish they'd stop pretending they're "a decentralized censorship-resistant platform".
And they still haven't taken any steps to prevent someone (or some small group of oligarchs) from accumulating a large HIVE stake and taking-over-the-place (exactly like the SUN fiasco).
кого ты тут понаписал? вот делать тебе нечего конечно. Боже,его рили кто-то читает?
We want to get money and tske care of iur families but he doesn't care
he's in for the money
How very sycophantic of you. You think people advertising another blockchain on STEEM is the greatest risk to it? Especially people who still own significant stake and resources? Laughable.
What's laughable is that you and others got exactly what you wanted, yet you continue to spend time on here. You have your new home, go grow it.
Why? I still own 115k steem power, not going to get rid of me that easily.
Then behave as an adult!!!
Oh is that the requirement? Who gets to define what an adult is? You?
If you are still invested in something it makes sense to want it to do well while you are still invested in it. Sticking around to bash it does you no good at this point, either financially or in the use of your time (which is the most valuable asset there is).
If steem had a chance to survive, it certainly has it not after starting censoring.I know many that took their decision to abandon completely steem exactly because of that. Not that it was not obvious that it will happen at some point, but some had still illusions. I think you can see that too, I consider you are smart enough to realize where it will all end up...
Are you kidding me? Marky and the rest of the censorship (secret) "blacklist" crew all moved to HIVE. There should be much LESS censorship on steem now.
Regards dear friend @liondani.
Acts of censorship were currently directed at a group of well-identified users. We can understand this attack as an act of revenge, but ... can we really be sure that these actions will not be extended to the rest of the users?
Changes in TOS give a lot to think about. A legal framework for applying censorship is being established.
Your friend, Juan.
The censoring placed Steem in more danger than the posts promoting the new chain. Every clone of Steem that has come into existence has done exactly the same thing. Whaleshares was one of the most persistent in doing so.
What the censoring did was move a lot of people, like me, who had every intention of staying on both chains with the hope that both would thrive in their own right to power down and decide to move on.
Justin Sun and his enabler Ned were the maker of their own misery. I didn't agree with the freezing of funds. I did agree with triggering the non-voting that was in the code and had been for years. I also didn't agree with voting for sock puppets especially when their creator wasn't even bothering to do the basics of appearing to run a witness properly like updating price feeds.
After seeing Sun's childish response to the whole situation -- the censoring accounts and arbitrarily changing the TOS to limit free speech was the last straw.
Having said all that, I'm among those who would support you getting the airdrop on Hive should you choose to pursue it simply because of the work you've done and the contributions to the community you've made in the past before this ugly situation occurred.
Your blog is your own property. A more appropriate analogy would be if you posted on your Facebook page that you were moving to Steem because you didn't like Facebook's censorship and they removed that post.
But, they weren't just posting on their own blogs. That is the issue. They were posting on nearly every single post being published and in many cases the comments too(using bots).
Oh, I'm not referring to bots or comments. I can understand why Sun would block those. I'm talking about witnesses and crypto influencers that had their posts censored on their own blogs.
Which Facebook did to me. I spent some promoting steem to friends and all links were removed with the warning about community guidlines.. shortly after sharing them.
Actually promoting partiko when it was good..
It's pretty much everywhere
Yea, i think i agree with you very much.
Hang on every time I have seen accounts censored here the argument has been ''the blockchain is imitable''
So going by their own logic they have not been censored!
Hive people spammed their content on off topic places on Steem Blockchain
dependiendo del punto de vista de cada persona aunque a veces la censura. ayuda con el contenido unapropiado es mi punto de vista
The problem that cannot be solved here is that there will always be people with bad intentions. No system configuration will change anything here. We are not able to control it at the level of software solutions. Any tool can be turned against someone else.
I understand that we all have axes to grind, but this is not the time or place to kill the messenger. Strength is in numbers, if you don't learn anything else from this reply>>What Is, Isn't, What Isn't Is, Until it Isn't or Is and Never Judge A Book By Its Cover, You May Get Caught Up In Its Pages, Especially, If You Are A Corrupt Politician Or An Unregistered Foreign Agent working against our Republics Inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and Property.

You won me with the no drama attitude. Just voted for you.
Thank you!
Now I was wondering if someone like me read old articles or posts on the Steem blockchain. For some reason it interests me.
I already came to the platform 4-5 months ago, probably my first witness vote was yours. Anyway, it's a pleasure to read the content of successful people and I respect that. :)
Very little I know about blockchain, but I've seen that you do a lot for it. If this ensures operation by the Steemit platform, then you have my vote.
i love crypto blockchain... I want recognize causes seen a lot of stupid.. share this on justice is meaning get...
Plagiarism should not be an option. Anyway, @steemchiller. I mistakenly sent 25 sbd to poloniex yesterday instead of steem. Is there any way you can help me have it returned? Hoping for your favorable reply
Hi, there is nothing we witnesses can do to let them return your funds. You should contact your exchange's support team, if you see a chance of getting them returned. In case the exchange states somewhere that only STEEM will be accepted, I don't see good chances though.
I understand. I tried to contact them and I guess this is a lesson to learn to be cautious at all times. Thank you for the reply.
Saludos @steeemchiller hoy vote por ti como testigo aunque no soy uno de los grandes pero por lo menos mi voto hace Bulto a la hora de contar jeje.🤗
Thank you!
Went to vote you but realized you were already at the top. It made me happy.
@steemchiller you’re my favorite personality on steemit. Your values, your intelligence, and you love for helping the whole of humanity without discrimination inspires me so much.
Thank you
That's so nice of you