Witness Update -- Team Sircork

in #witness-category6 years ago

There's been a change in witness partnership for our team. This isn't an easy announcement to make, but it's one that I hope leaves the door open for future opportunities. Here is our official statement about this:

"The Three-Headed Beast witness collaboration said goodbye to one of our partners yesterday. @beanz chose to step down from the team due to a conflict of interest. We’re sad to see her go, but we’ve talked about this at length among ourselves, and her decision will be honored and respected by the remaining two partners, @SirCork and @rhondak. We remain supportive of beanz and wish her the best in all endeavors."

On a personal level, I've appreciated the opportunity to know Beanz better and I'm excited about some of the projects she has in development. She has one of the sharpest minds on the platform and it was a pleasure serving as co-witness with her.

Witness banner.jpg

img src "marcoreyesgt"https://pixabay.com/en/users/marcoreyesgt-2276327/


Well that was a mature flagging, betraying a lack of maturity, and discussion skills, and is indicative of the lack of tact and diplomacy necessary for the highly charged world of witnessing or really even debates or conversations between disagreeing team mates. Especially when none of the data was on your side to begin with.

It's didn't go as planned. True story. The flag here is exactly why. Adults talk about problems. They don't flee chats when data disagrees with their position and a team requires the maturity to see something through to a conclusion.

Running out of conversations, blocking users and flagging truthful remarks, is a bad look beanz, it won't HELP you come out of this gracefully.

But hey, I'm not the one who flagged some of our own key supporters, friends and voters over a problem you cannot even solve that way (or grumpycat already would have via terrorism, but maybe he needs a teammate). So I guess this was to be expected.

Wow...ouch. I've never had an opportunity to get to know either you or @rhondak- beanz becoming a part of the team was the reason I not only voted, but began promoting you at the bottom of my posts. I'm a loyal friend so it doesn't sit well to read a comment indicating one such friend is a terrorist. She's passionate and a crusader, it's not possible for anyone to know her without knowing that. Terrorist...repeating myself now, but seriously?

Implementing your "ideas" with attacks - on this platform, via flagging for enforcement of your "ideas" is the blockchain equivalent of violence, and attempting to enforce your unenforceable ideas through threat or application of such "violent" actions or attacks...

Making changes to discord servers you don't own, and taking control of accounts you had access to are also hacks of a very unbecoming and childish nature. You may think you know this person, but if you irritate them, prepare for the immaturity that will come with it.

That's terrorism.

I'm a little confused here, weren't the two of you friends? Everything you just accused her of in that comment to me- it's as though you just met her. Which is not the case. Before she was "beanz, your friend", now she's a "violent terrorist" for doing what she has ALWAYS done? This makes very little sense to me. She has always flagged people for what she feels is abuse, this should not be a surprise or news to someone who knows her.

And I can see from the chat she posted that she also made it clear she wasn't going to change and you continued to persuade her anyway. That alone puts the blame directly in your court. Perhaps you didn't realize quite what it would mean to persuade a crusader to join your team, but once you did it should have been very clear that the error was yours. You are handling this very poorly.

I feel for @rhondak.

Lots has transpired that seems downright schizophrenic in the last 24 hours, including hacks, stolen accounts and reneged agreements to maintain a calm procession of control here with this team change, breeches of 3rd party users private message privacy, erratic flagging of inexplicable things and generally baseless accusations. We are as surprised as you are.

@dreemit, I think you have some bad information. I don't want to go into it here on the blockchain. But more has gone on here than the point you're making. One such thing is the apparent hijack of a Discord server that even I don't fully understand the point of. Lots of things you may not be aware of, things that neither Cork nor I are keen to discuss publicly.

Hm. Well I'm sure there are things I'm not aware of, but the only information I have about this is what I'm reading here in these comments and the responses I'm getting in return to mine. I'm not a particularly controversial individual, and generally I avoid confrontation like the plague- excepting when it comes to friends, I admittedly can get a bit defensive of people I know and like.

I think it's because booster was used to upvote the post, and then again used to upvote the comment? Like @dreemit says, she's always done that.

@enginewitty, The boost on this post and all of the comments was purchased by another party. Not me. And it was only done this morning in response to her actions on this post. I had nothing to do with it and can do nothing about it, but I wouldn’t do anything even if I could. It is the community speaking out about what happened here and I am listening.

I want to see proof about the discord server. I know the bot info in the server lists a certain user first, but the logs would settle it once and for all, and would be much more appropriate to use in this argument. I can't access them myself.

Oh you mean this?

Yes. Perfect. Thank you.

The mention of terrorism was referring to grumpycat.

Hi there :) I have heard only good things about you, and I completely understand you choosing to defend him. But, he did allude to it in that comment, and his return comment to me is not even alluding, it's saying it quite plainly.

I am disappointed that such nonsense had to occur on this post to begin with. This is the kind of exchange that should have been conducted away from the public eye. Nuking each other here in public only makes the ones doing the nuking look bad.

It wasn't a disagreement.

It was a breach of agreement.


Beanz, we lost voters because you flagged people who called you friend over something you cannot change with flags anyway, didn't respond to DMs from people who support our radio station and show schedule publications, including yours who actually believed they were blocked, rightly or wrongly so and because of a reputation I actually didn't believe was warranted when the two week old screen show above was made, but got schooled on when you ran from a disagreement after being shown statistical data that refuted your entire position in the first place.

And the pedantic flagging above? Underscores it.

For an agreement to have been breached, you would have had to be asked to leave. You were not. You ran away, blocked and started this campaign, against an agreement to do this with dignity and integrity. Got any?

How many times did you ask me to join your witness and how many times did I say no? This was why and I told you my concerns, I told you the risks, and you reassured me every time that it was fine.


You repeatedly insisted that I would bring you loads of votes and guess what, I brought you far more than I lost you! But you flipped out over the voters that I had warned you we would lose. 2 people cork. The first you said you could handle. The second was disappointing, but I told you we'd be taking those hits because of my views. I unvoted your witness when you set up your own bidbot and you chose to pull that back because our "friendship" was more important. Meanwhile you're still trying to convince me to join your witness and a week into witnessing you're insisting that I keep my opinions to myself and remain neutral on steem policies.

This was never a "team witness". You hired me and Rhonda to promote your witness. We were never really sharing it. I told you there was a good chance I could lose you some votes. I told you ats-david would be the first to unvote because of me joining. You assured me that none of that mattered and we were gonna use our hard headedness to get to the top. One unexpected witness unvote ticked you off. A flag on a post about animation with no animation in the post. Several hundred dollars from bid-bots. Less than 10% from real people. Yes. I'm making advertisers pay for the advertising like they're supposed to.

When Pennsif unvoted you assumed it was because of me. I didn't mind, but I decided to talk to him about it. All I did was show you the conversation and you flipped out refusing to believe that actually pennsif doesn't want to vote for witnesses who use bid bots. And since you use them that's us. All I was trying to do was clear my name since you were accusing me of losing the votes. I left the chat because I gave up when you refused to believe it and continued to blame me and my actions, putting yourself and your "data" on a pedestal to deflect from the truth and the proof.

And then complaining that we didn't bring in the votes we were "supposed" to. That's all this was ever about and I apologise to all my supporters who've been duped into voting for you. You have money in your eyes and you care about nobody. You actually told us (and yeah this was the point where I quit) to support bid-bots because people using them have all the SP. You stopped Rhonda from posting on 3 occasions telling her it's better to remain neutral and not have an opinion when you're a witness. Not to mention the trading witness votes which we had to try to convince you to stop doing. You told us if some whale like @transisto were to tell us to unvote @steemcommunity or a small witness like them then we had to be prepared to do that to "get to the top by any means necessary".

Oh and I flagged "it doesn't always go as planned" because you've massively profited from this "not going to plan". I paid 50% of the months server cost and Rhonda paid the other. You've paid me one week's blocks and not the other. You completely switched from the nicey nice "friend" begging me to join your witness as soon as I joined and started treating me like an idiot I didn't understand something or had a question. "How is this so difficult understand". You never talked to me like that cork until you had my fucking money and my reputation and publicity to piggy back on. But once you've got the votes what the fuck do you need. Your witness blocks back.

Sorry, Rhonda has stopped me from commenting further on this.

And I am really sorry she has. Because despite the desperate nature and breech of etiquette nearly anyone would agree with of posting direct private messages, which even I didn't stoop too when it could have ruined a certain top 20 witness anyway, you fail to understand that if you are not a top witness, you can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. And do nothing.

So if you really knew how to change the platform, and wanted to do so, you will have to try to do it another way now. An instant launch to position 65 paved through 24 hour a day work, diplomacy, fairness, sometimes a fight or two and always with attention to things that CAN be changed, is no longer an option, because YOU opted out, when disagreed with. TRY to pin that on me all you want, but I'm not the quitter and I will get to a place where I can help affect change, for the good of the platform, by not tilting at windmills and shooting my own feet on the way with foolish and hasty decision making.

That's just not how this place works.

I opted when disagreed with? I opted out when I realised I'm dealing with a fraud. I opted out when I showed you that @pennsif didn't unvote because of me and your reacted by continuing to blame me for loses that I TOLD YOU WE WOULD HAVE AND YOU SAID IT WOULD BE FINE. You broke the deal cork which was that if I lost us a vote we would be GOOD. You weren't good, you were a lunatic and made me out to be a terrible person for sticking to my principles like I told you I would.

And as for the "breech of etiquette" you've had plenty of time to (a) apologise (b) settle the block pay and (c) pay for your own damn witness node!

Name a number, you alluded to one that would suit you as earnings for your contribution. But then ran off and blocked and started acting hysterical on rhonda's post.

I'm around.

It is exactly this kind of situation that had me withdraw all votes from 'team' witness accounts. My reasons were given more detail in a recent blog posting.


@stuwhisson has been delegated your witness vote, @sircork, until you come to your senses. 😎

Cool when your solos quit, you won't have any then. :D Let me know when that is sensible for you.

I'll continue to opt for teams with more coverage and more voices and opinions in the top 20. When you've been here long enough to get another ten rep levels or so, you'll have been here long enough to know what's really at stake and going on up there with the solo cowboys.

LOL, stu is disabled, dormant and at position #333. That's a "sensible" use of your vote. Your solo's have ALREADY quit.

omg ... is this even real? Surely somebody's just trying to get a laugh here? Well, it worked.

On the outside chance that it is serious, I'm confused as to why this would be a reason to not vote witness teams. Nothing has gone wrong with the witness. Still holding strong. No trouble on the horizon. One of the partners just had other things she wanted to do that conflicted. How is that problematic? I don't see it. Oh, well.

@rhondak : The short answer, from the link posted above, for not wanting team witnesses is ...

...that this trend is taking the voting system of the blockchain and making it less representational and more 'run by committee'


... if they ever make it to the sacred 20 my preference is one witness with one vote that answers directly to those who have voted for them.

Hope that clarifies it for you.

Nope. Doesn't clarify why you'd give an inactive witness/user your proxy. And that lack of judgment pretty much negates any other argument you try to make. Kinda tells me I'm just listening to the wind blow.

Guess you may have missed that Stuw's departure was not know to me, @rhondak. A message notice that one's witness has gone inactive and release of their votes might be good mod for the next fork. 👍

Stew seemed a natural voice of discontent. 😎

And Stew has apparently left the platform. At least he is no longer a witness. But if voting for dead witnesses is your thing, then ok.

This is the first time hearing of dear Stew's departure. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, might want to do a little investigation into who you cast (or don't cast) those votes for. Just some friendly advice.

@beanz chose to step down from the team due to a conflict of interest.

I would like to see a higher level of transparency from witnesses. Especially when considering the context of this decision.

You should have said;

@beanz chose to step down from the team due to a conflict of interest. That conflict being that she is against the use of bidbots and I am not.

This would have been honest and productive, as it would have allowed any who voted for you because of her stance on bidbots the opportunity to remove their votes from you.

I am actually not fond of bidbots either. The boost on this post came from another party. There’s nothing I can do about it, nor would I do anything about it if I could. My personal feelings about the use of them does not make me the bidbot nazi. I have other plans in the works for addressing the issue.

Well I shall hope to see them realised then. And if they are both productive and transparent; you will also have my support.

Wow, it's very sad that announce because you are a great team and don't during a enough time. But keep going the best for the team and our friends @beanz it's a great person and I wish the best in her projects too. Best regards to all.

Sorry to hear this. Her announcement about the birth of this team was the only witness post that I ever resteemed.

I think you lost an important asset, but I think you're still one of the few witnesses that deserve a vote (at least that I know of).

Thank you, @hazem91. It's definitely our goal to continue earning your vote by doing our very best for this platform. Your support means a lot.

Thanks for the faith buddy!

honestly i am sad to hear this announcement.
but I am sure all the decisions taken by my sister @beanz and team are the best decisions for all.
apart from all that @sircok will remain my steem witness.

Appreciate that very much!

Thank @rhondak. I Will Support now.

Mis respetos para todos ustedes, las diferencias son validas en un equipo de trabajo, sin embargo hay que respetar las decisiones individuales, gracias @rhondak mi escritora preferida por la información. Saludos

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Wao @rhondak es muy triste escuchar esta noticia cuando apenas estábamos apreciando el proyecto.

También es muy valiente compartir la información con todos los seguidores, aunque en los comentarios veo temas que no debieron salir a la luz, pero bueno, en todas partes ocurren desacuerdos. Estoy muy segura que en un par de semanas ya "el río retomará su cauce".

Éxitos a cada uno en sus proyectos y espero que ahora tengan mayor libertad de mejorar la plataforma con sus grandes ideas.


Yes, I completely agree that many things should not have been discussed in the comments. It's quite unfortunate and has caused a lot of trouble for everyone involved--trouble that could have been avoided.

What the hell happened?

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