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RE: Regarding Unvotes

We haven't pressured anyone into changing their witness votes. Clearly, someone has done that with regards to us. If it isn't you, I'm sure you'd want to find out who is colluding to pressure voters into changing their vote.

There's no paranoia here. We've made a logical conclusion based on the information we've made publicly available above. Gaslighting us by calling us toxic and avoiding the issue being raised isn't doing you any favors. If there was someone pressuring voters to change their vote, surely that's worthy of investigation. Why are you opposed to taking action on that?


I just want to disengage from this discussion because I feel like I'm talking to someone in a psych ward and I'm not a qualified participant for that. On the off chance there's some reason left in you then here's the thing.

I believe you live in a concocted fantasy world. There's no worthy investigation. There's no pressure. There's nothing out there forcing a major change. It's just people seeing the actions of you and your team and thinking "you suck." One of these days I'll get around to really applying public pressure because your team is a such a toxic den of shit, but to date I can assure you it hasn't happened.

For literally the last year I've ignored you. In the past 4 months I haven't thought about any of you at all. You're not on my radar and you're not people or things that I bother to spend time on. You live in a fantasy world where I'm a villian concocting schemes and am an ever present threat. I'm not. I'm practicing my brother's advice when I was an annoying kid "ignore him and he'll go away."

I'm engaging you now on the knowingly foolish and low probability chance that somehow you actually can get a rational thought through your head.

I'm not gas lighting that you're toxic. You're toxic. Look at the the So you want to be divisive post. You condone and encourage Cork while playing the victim card and say literal shit like "this thing is bad, except when I do it, then it's justified..." He says "when it's coming from us it's pure spring water, when it's coming from them it's piss." He's calling people "fat fucking slugs" and you're jovial like "oh, that's just Cork being Cork..." You think folksy somehow justifies it or deflects you condoning it.

Honestly, what I think happened is that you took advantage of Cork seeing a broken man willing to do technical work and exchange witness votes for attention and an audience. A price you were willing to pay and can't back away from as you need the help. You justified it as helping a broken man, but really you meant to take advantage of a talented person willing to work for free monetarily, but for a rather large price paid in negative attention. I personally think where you may have thought to help lift him up you have in fact been brought down to whatever weird view of reality that he claims as his own. You now strike me as being in Cork's world, and that's largely where I think your current insanity stems from.

I'm discontinuing this conversation. I don't find it productive, and I I don't think you're a open to the idea that you need help more than you need to find a boogey man externally responsible for your self created woes. Again your team is mastering minding your fall. Not me.

In all seriousness- SEEK HELP!!!

There's no pressure. There's nothing out there forcing a major change.

Unless you're speaking for everyone who unvoted, you're not qualified to make that statement. Given that this contradicts information we've received from people on that list, I'm willing to take their explanation for their actions over your assertion.

One of these days I'll get around to really applying public pressure because your team is a such a toxic den of shit

So are you saying that you would use your influence to pressure people into changing their witness vote? Doesn't this, in fact, demonstrate exactly the rational assertion we've made in this post?

THAT is screenshot GOLD. I hope you got that, @anarcho-andrei.

So NOW I am the poison apple, and Cork is the poor victim. Oh, how I love this! I think I've made you quite nervous, Aggroed, with the fact that I'm capable of reaching a much bigger audience than you originally gave me credit for. You thought I was a "yes" girl, but you very much underestimated me.

Nobody on this witness team is "after" you. Cork has his share of anger, but we don't sit around in witness chats with each other plotting ways to destroy dear Aggy. All of this stemmed from an offensive YOU launched. This is our response. Want to keep making threats? Go ahead. You're now officially on blockchain record as being the bully and a tyrant that you are:

One of these days I'll get around to really applying public pressure because your team is a such a toxic den of shit, but to date I can assure you it hasn't happened.

You can believe we're going to get some mileage out of THAT little gem.

That kind of attitude might play well in your little drone army, but in the real world, I think it will come back to bite you.

I can't wait to tell Cork that you now claim I used him. He's going to bust a gut over that one.

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