GuiltyParties Witness Discussion


We didn't start the witness for the money. We started the witness to have some say on a blockchain we chose to built on.


When we launched with a team we talked amongst ourselves as to whom will be the point of contact. I got that role and you all typically think of just me as associated with the Guilty Parties brand for that reason. At first we had multiple people write our posts, such as the introduction. These days its just me. It helps with uniformity.

The problem with having some say on the blockchain is you need to know exactly what should be said and what's going on in the first place. It's a steep learning curve, even for seasoned users who've been with STEEM from the start in one way or another. Can't even imagine bridging the information gap as a brand new user trying to launch a witness. Witnesses are expected to know everything and no one that I've met to date does. Some focus on the Githubs and code but miss the social trends, others can tell you everything you never wanted to know about who to hire to build the best bid bot, but don't know what that 0.1 or 0.2 actually mean. That's obviously unacceptable. Have to know it all. That's not sarcasm. You have to know it or risk being wrong.

I'm not going to tell you that I'm better than everyone else or that I'm right all the time. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I think I'm right and I'm wrong. It's a very steep learning curve.

Pedro image off Twitter

All your wildest dreams will come true when you vote a witness into the Top 20. This is not true. No one can promise that. No project a witness may put forth to strengthen their position (aptly commonly called "witness project") can do this. STEEM is designed around the crab bucket notion that no crab can ever escape because other crabs will keep it down. There will always be checks and balances in place. Your wildest dreams, as an individual, will never come true but if you play your cards right, you will get closer to your goal. There are no magic solutions.

High Rollers

Focusing on witnesses with flashy projects that support your goal encourages those projects and moves you closer. This is a fact. But without the guy working in the background, going through code and testing parameters, looking for loopholes, trying new things, none of those flashy projects can exist. It's not about the high rollers. If the casino door is jammed closed, no one is getting in.

Random guy parking a lambo on video with minnows watching

Do I deserve your vote? No one "deserves" anything. It's up to me to make you realize my contribution and value. Those two coupled together should ultimately increase the value of the STEEM blockchain.

Witness Objectives

There are a few universal objectives all witnesses should have in common.

  • Reliability of the STEEM blockchain
  • Longevity of the STEEM blockchain
  • Utility of the STEEM blockchain
  • Competitiveness of the STEEM blockchain

The first two parameters are technical. They involve running witnesses, seeds, various tests, sharing findings, etc.

Utility falls to all of those who onboard, create various frontends, service bots and programs.

Competitiveness is the one to watch. EOS is only a matter of time and Dan Larimer stated that he's building another Steemit on top of it. Dan built the original STEEM blockchain and Steemit. The creator of the original is now building the competitor. I'm not criticizing his move or his projects as, in the end, it was his work that made all of this possible in the first place.

What I'm starting to see is STEEM witnesses and top supporters putting the brand that they built on STEEM towards promoting EOS. Not going to name names. Crossing the brands over can go either way. One, it can help STEEM. Two, it can harm STEEM. It can help STEEM if these individuals shill for STEEM on EOS. It can harm STEEM if these individuals shill for EOS on STEEM. Right now I'm only seeing the second option. Individuals who built their notoriety on STEEM are crossing their brand over into EOS and blatantly shilling for it while profiting off STEEM.

I salute those who had the balls to say goodbye to STEEM in favor of EOS. They're moving on to a project they're more interested in. They're not using STEEM to shill for a competitor.

Batting for Both Teams

The Guiltyparties brand was reinvented for STEEM and with the explicit purpose to build on the STEEM blockchain. It's an old brand. I gave permission to use it explicitly for STEEM myself. If it is ever to be found on competing blockchains, it will always be in a supporting manner to STEEM. STEEM is it's homebase. Unless the STEEM blockchain becomes unusable and impossible to continue on, it will stay put. I own the brand and I will never play both sides with it.

Guiltyparties is a witness in the 80-90 ranks. It was 100+ just recently. To run this witness in a way it's meant to be run -- as a contributor to the STEEM blockchain and its sound operation -- is a full-time job. When we had a recent exploitation of various parameters and blocks were being missed left and right, we killed our backup trying to find a solution. It took a few days just to test the code and to make the patching work. We patched it ahead of the final announcement by @someguy123 and other top witnesses. There is no way in hell we could do this on two blockchains at the same time. The STEEM witness alone is a project with 4 different servers. And that learning curve; man there's no elevator to scale it.

So what happens if the Guiltyparties witness never generates any notable support? The money aspect only plays a role in justifying the witness and its infrastructure. If the witness is rejected by the community and unwanted, then money is just being flushed down the drain. If the witness is being accepted, the expenditure is justified. None of this applies in this discussion for the simple fact that it's impossible for a witness that created a brand off STEEM to not be accepted as the existence of the brand equates acceptance. If the rep was built here, that witness is in the top ranks. If the brand preceded STEEM, like Guiltyparties does, it can't be simultaneously accepted by two distinct competing platforms. Simple blockchain philosophy.

The witness title logo is free to use on posts, no credit required.

Like what we're doing? Support us as a Witness.
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If you're not hacked then all you have to do is tell me.


Your voting trail was hitting hacker posts, that's why everyone assumed you were hacked. I'm taking you off the lists now.

Thank you for taking me off the lists, I appreciate that. I wasn't hacked, the way I vote is just random.

I see that now, it was just an unfortunate coincidence. Who's been telling you that we want money for removal off the phishing list btw?

Now that I think about it, that may have been a misunderstanding. The message I got said to reply with my wallet to get removed. I took that to assume they wanted me to send them money. But after thinking about it now I realize they probably just meant for me to send them something like 0.001 steem with a memo message. I'm sorry I mis-read that part. That was my mistake.

Yeah it just meant to send the 0.001 back with the message. I'm ultimately responsible for adding you in the first place so mistakes all around. It's all solved at least.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

They didn't let me vote twice on you... :=(

You have already received my vote. 👍

You made a lot of sense my sir. I salute your decision to stay put no matter the odds. May the odds be in your favor.

When Lambo? I know @sircork can spare one. LOL

You have my when lambo calc ownership confused with being a fancy car owner :D

Besides, my calculator is a trick to get everybody looking forward to lambo ownership, when in reality, I'm a Tesla fan, which I hope to make cheaper for myself by making it not as desirable as lambos.

I'm manipulating the lambo market, after all. It's heady stuff.

Ya I "only" want a 911 Targa. Like this Singer restoration ...


Yeah I like volkswagens too :P

Upvoting my own comment for self-aggrandizement.

I like cars that aren't in the shop more often than not.

Seriously though. This is why you have my vote.

GP you have had my support for a long time and will continue to have it. You have stepped up to help many of us when you did not have to and I've never seen you playing sides. You are a solid straight shooter and I value that.

And your help creating the @eye4art account for us and supporting it is above and beyond

Hem, almost every human being ever think about it .. But only a few then "think smart" that we really do not need to look for personal shortcomings, and compare it with the advantages of others.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 3 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 49 SBD worth and should receive 151 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

hi @guiltyparties - I am too busy learning to be a witness on steemit to even consider EOS. You are soooo right, you need to know everything and as a non coder, well its so hard to compete.

I am aware of a few witnesses that seem to have a keen interest in EOS and yes I have found the same as you, they are promoting EOS on steemit. There is nothing to say they can't - that's the freedom of Steemit. But I share your concern...where will they be when and if Dan does release a new 'steemit' and where will that leave steemit?

You and I both @paulag!

I'm still learning and learning here 😅

I have yet to see witnesses showing interest in EOS, I know the ones i followed have posted nothing on EOS, i guess I have to check every witnesses blogs to catch up on news, but I'd rather spend my time checking up my logs 😁

Some of the top witnesses aren't coders or anything close and what you offer is unique.

The prime thing I don't want to see is top STEEM witnesses or anyone who built their reputation off STEEM to shill, once again on STEEM, for a competing project once it's made on top of EOS. These individuals were of no consequence prior (unlike yourself, for example, who came here already established) and STEEM made them what they are. Once there's a defined vision on how to reciprocally support STEEM via EOS projects that can change.

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