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RE: Regarding Unvotes

in #witness-category6 years ago (edited)

I've spoken directly to two of the people on your list. The other 21 have come to their own conclusion. I've shared that note to exactly zero people outside of the MSP Modpit. You did not have my permission to share beyond your mod pit, and you are acting dishonestly suggesting otherwise. Regardless, I'll stand behind those words.

Noblewitness is a toxic entity. You are losing votes because your on and off chain behavior, choices, attitude, ways you interact with others, and outlook are violent, dishonest, caustic, delusional, and harmful to the chain. Was it my fault Ned muted Cork for trolling and welcomed in the Streisand Effect without fear? Your words and how you treat others is revolting and represents psychotic behavior. You are experiencing people turning away for that. I'm not masterminding the effect. I'm sitting back (and sad laughing) as your own destructive patterns ruin your efforts.

Not surprisingly you're self destructing. You can lay blame at everyone else's feet as that's part of the toxic element of your group, but the reality is different than your totally disjointed view.

As I mentioned; withdrawing my support from anything you do isn't personal. It's also non-violent. I'm the master of my own finances, consent, and who I choose to do business with. You don't understand simple terms like consent. How can you be a good witness? Who in their right mind would vote for you on this chain?

The second you change your behavior to be productive and find a peaceful way to interact with strangers and MSP members I'm happy to reverse course. Until then I suggest you stop poking the bear that's happy to ignore you.

If you'd like to experience success change your behavior and seek mental health counseling. This isn't a joke. I think you all need professional counselling.

Flagged for dishonesty and rewards disagreement.

PS I'll be extending my personal ban to Rhonda and Gmuxx as well. You've both become unhinged. Andrei is in danger of joining the list if he continues his whisper campaigns.


You did not have my permission to share beyond your mod pit, and you are acting dishonestly suggesting otherwise.

Once you release information to any group, your control over that information is moot. There's nothing dishonest about this. You're welcome to look up the laws concerning whether statements made in the presence of or shared to third parties are enforceable on privacy grounds, and you'll see this is the case. This is eminently reasonable, whether or not you would prefer it to be the case.

You are losing votes because your on and off chain behavior, choices, attitude, ways you interact with others, and outlook are violent, dishonest, caustic, delusional, and harmful to the chain.

At no point in time have we done anything aside from make a reasonable conclusion based on your own statements and ensuing behavior of other individuals. Moreover, what violent behavior have any of us engaged in? Or dishonest behavior?

The replies here are putting the lie to your post. You blame this on aggroed's politics and the replies are telling you it was cork's behavior. I do not care what you do, I am telling you now: One day he will turn his hatefulness on you with little or no provocation. THEN you will understand. He was really nice to me until he wasn't, too. You say he has changed, but this was very recently.

Given that more than one voter we've spoken to has explicitly stated that social pressure for political reasons motivated changing their vote, there is clearly more to this than simply "well I don't like Cork."

If that isn't the case for you, then I understand. However, you don't speak for all the users mentioned. We would think that if there was some sort of collusion to pressure voters in changing their votes, it would be a serious concern worthy of investigating. Given Aggroed's previous statements, he is the most reasonable person behind it. If it isn't him, as he stated, then who?

Or are you suggesting that the users we spoke to were simply lying? And if that was the case, why would they lie about that, rather than simply saying they don't want to vote for a witness that Cork is a part of?

You say people blamed aggroed, but I do not see that in the comments. Who has your back on this story? Everyone posting here in front of God and everyone is telling you cork comes unhinged and it is a real problem. You have been warned, you will see.

You realize that we all have known Cork far longer than you, and in "real life?" We also saw you inexplicably melt down and rage quit your volunteer work for his charity because presumably you weren't getting enough personal attention. As the Director of a nonprofit myself, I see this behavior in prima donna volunteers all the time. You didn't invent that particular tantrum. Do we know Cork can spew venom with the best of them? Hello? We've seen far more than you ever have. However, we've also seen his dealings with people he could have burned completely to the ground, yet he refused to strike the match. There's something to be said for integrity. I'll take a loudmouth troll with a decent heart over self-serving glory hounds any day.

We haven't said that in any capacity. We've made the following claims:

  • witness voters that were voting for noblewitness changed their vote, and, when asked, they cited social pressure for political reasons
  • Aggroed explicitly stated he would be pulling support to anyone working with or endorsing Cork

"Everyone posting here" is not everyone listed, nor is it even a significant portion of them. Moreover, what are you warning us about, exactly? Are you making threats now?

I'm not arguing on a legal basis. I'm arguing on an ethical basis. I gave explicit limited permission to share with your mod team. Your team proceeded to share in discord groups almost immediately and now completely publicly. You've broken the spirit of that agreement and even when it couldn't be spelled out in any more detail with multiple people suggesting that you're being dishonest you still can't figure it out. You are literally delusional.

You are incapable of a conversation as you are incapable of seeing even really basic low level human interaction problems that you have. I can't play chess with a cat. I can't seem to have a conversation that meets my basic criteria of a reasonable conversation with anyone in this witness team.

Why don't you take a look at the last post you put out and see if you can find constructive interaction. I see lots of "fuck offs" "fuck you" "everything we do is fresh spring water everything they do it piss." I see Rhonda and Cork having a seemingly rehearsed conversation to basically no one, and anyone that points out it's looks ridiculous is told to fuck off. Your inability to look at any part of your own behavior and see anything flawed especially with the vulgarity and vile response is sickening. You are literally delusional. Everyone on that team needs immediate psychological counselling. GET HELP! You are literally a den of psychotic individuals. This isn't a pejorative. I think you're mentally unhinged and need medical support.

The conversation wasn't rehearsed. LOL But it was a great opportunity to get some of those things said and we both jumped on it.

I hope you bothered to notice that none of the vulgarity was perpetuated by me. Yes, I cuss...but I believe I've maintained a certain decorum even in the midst of things. Except for my conversation with Netty. But I don't think even you care about that little vote-farming cyber-terrorist anymore. He's burned a lot of bridges, too.

It's funny that what you say about us being delusional is the same thing we're hearing in many Discords, chats, and private conversation about the people in PAL who seem oblivious to the farce. For example, all of the otherwise self-respecting, evolved women who suddenly giggle and bat their eyes while Clayboyn drops those horrific sexist gifs one after the other that totally dehumanize and objectify females. HOW could you let that go on in your server, Aggroed? It's disgusting, and only people inside your sphere of mind control seem oblivious to it.

I have a looong memory. I can move past things, but I don't forget them. I remember hearing with my own ears you telling Muxxy that his multiple sclerosis was a product of his own mind. Who would say that somebody? I mean really--who? I watched as your team circled the PAL wagons around Sammo when we started presenting proof that he was defrauding your little minnows rather than supporting them. But because somehow he controlled certain witness votes for you, you requested that we keep it all silent and not press forward with the information publicly. Those screen shots have never been shared. A LOT of very damaging things have never been shared that originated from inside that Discord. The move to excise Sammo from PAL was not made until your witness position was secured by a few institutional votes that seemed to come from nowhere.

I also remember you telling me that on business, you frequently make trips to Blacksburg. You suggested we meet for lunch some time. Well, we all know what operates out of Blacksburg. 'Nuff said. I really don't want to wake up one day with my throat cut, and I'm close enough proximally to VT for it to be a possibility.

Rhonda after considering this further I think it's quite possible you're experiencing a medical emergency. I think your lack of empathy, overall health situation, and general inability to see any fault in any action coupled with your concern that I'm going to cut your throat is evidence that you're having paranoid delusions. I think this warrants immediate medical attention.

You have my word that at no time do I plan to or desire to cause you physical harm. I'll remind you I've been running a peace group for 2 years.

If you think that you are in danger I suggest you call 911. If you are going to cause yourself harm I suggest calling the national suicide prevention line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

I firmly believe you're unwell. Please seek immediate medical attention.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh my god this is hysterical. Thank you for your concern, but...where did I say you were going to cut my throat? Are you in Blacksburg? Are you the one who stands to lose tens of millions if the wrong people investigate? No, but I’ll bet you know who I’m talking about. People get killed over that amount of money. It happens every day. No, I will not be dropping my documentation here nor will I be proving what I learned. There aren’t enough crazies for you to call me to bait me into doing that. But just know there are some things discoverable on the Internet that some folks might get real tender about everyone here knowing.

I'll remind you I've been running a peace group for 2 years.

This is called boundary setting. If you continue to provoke me I'll act. Otherwise I'm planning on ignoring you as I have been. I think you've shown the state you and your team are in to the community. There's no harm to your witness I could cause worse than letting you speak and be heard.

Rhonda, I think you need help. You truly sound like a lunatic. Please seek help.

This is called boundary setting as well: you have no right or privilege to threaten me or anyone else for speaking the truth about your actions. Do I think you will flag me into oblivion? I surely do, because it's all you've got. You can flag my posts, flag all the charity posts, flag TWB posts, flag, flag, flag, flag. Get your bot armies to flag it all, too. Flag the homeless puppies. Flag the homeless kids. Flag the flags. Flag the comments about flags. Flex those bully muscles. All you'll be doing is proving us right.

What you're doing with this "Rhonda you're crazy" spiel is called "gaslighting." Look it up. It's an age-old practice often employed by people who mentally and physically abuse their spouse or significant other, as well as frequently used by those accused of sexual assault to silence and discredit their accusers. Feel free to keep using the tactic here, alongside the flags. It, too, proves our case. You'll successfully hide the posts, which can be remedied with a good solid "reveal post," click, but you can't obscure the truth. Sometimes a good flagging is just what a post or person needs to call attention to the message they're trying to get across.

So go ahead. Flag til you feel better. Or, just do what you're telling me to do and shut up. There's no harm that could be caused to your reputation as a champion of minnows and builder of monster cards than could be caused than letting you continue to threaten and flag and show your true colors. It's what Cork has been saying about you all along, but it took the other three of us witnesses on the team to finally draw it out in the open.

yeah, I flagged this post, and then it went hidden and you can see I reduced the flag. it's not my intention to hide your commentary.

Rhonda the starting premise of you post is that this is ok to share and I gave permission when I clearly didn't. You don't see that and defend it tooth and nail.

Nearly all of your dialog is toxic about threats, flag threats, legal threats, and throat slitting. You sound off your rocker. You don't see that.

Cork's behavior on chain is vile and repugnant. You say "it's just cork being cork" about some seriously fucked up commentary while laughing it off with some folksy expressions. It's clear to everyone watching his behavior is intollerable, but to you it's just corky spitting venom for truth.

In each and every interaction with you I think you fail to see even the slightest hint of wrong doing and poor choices in your actions, and you sound crazy. That's not gaslighting. That's not a threat. it's not what you're hearing because you're in a delusional world.

I can count the number of flags I've given on this platform on one hand... The premise of this comment is insane too.

You're taunting a sexual assault victim and in the next breath saying you understand why more don't speak out.

You don't see any fault in these behaviors. These behaviors are pretty easily put in the "shitty action" list. Your inability to see something so blatant combined with your physical health makes me think it's a medical thing. Seek help. You very likely need medical attention.

I gave explicit limited permission to share with your mod team.

Once again, our reasoning is sound and based in a common understanding that stretches back hundreds of years. The common law tradition, which is based on this common understanding, bears this out. If you don't want your conversation open to third parties, then simply don't share it or refuse to consent to it being shared. Once it's shared to a third party, your expectation of privacy is foreclosed. Whether or not you prefer this, there is nothing unethical about this. You cannot bind people to an agreement they are not a party to, which is why terms like these are regularly found to be unenforceable.

With regards to "the last post you put out" are you referring to the post wherein we documented @theuxyeti breaching a contract he had with Gmuxx? I'd think lacking integrity in business dealings should be in the realm of public information, and people dealing in business without integrity should be scorned and derided to the fullest extent.

As for your continued assertions that we're delusional and psychotic, I'm not sure why you're pushing them. If everything put out by us is delusional, why are you giving it a second thought?

Finally, as was said earlier, we've spoken to more than one of the voters listed and they explicitly stated that social pressure for political reasons was the motivation behind changing their vote. If you fail to see how the statements you made relate to this claim, I don't know what to tell you. I would certainly think you'd want any suspected collusion to pressure witness voters to come out into the public.

So if it isn't you, then who? We welcome any collaboration to get to the bottom of this.

Hmm... notice how the Discord adminned by Rhonda and GMuxx never once banned or whispered of banning any PAL members? one in there chatting now, and he's quite welcome to remain. Our folks will treat him well.

I have felt welcomed there by the people there, but I can't say that I feel an urge to spend a great deal of time there for fear I might gain the attention of you or some others. I have the utmost respect for Muxx and understand some of his thoughts on this. The general populace of the Block has been great and that warrants my time there.

The best way to get my attention is to submit something for editing. Otherwise it's pretty safe territory. We've never once had an issue with a PAL member, other than the occasional knee-jerk response of thinking an attack was happening when it wasn't. Hopefully those are all sorted. Our executive offers are great about reaching out when those things happen.

But you kind of prove my point here--any pressure you feel to make a choice or to steer clear isn't coming from us, and it never has. These were ideas that seeped into your head while spending so much time in a place where toxicity is the status quo. Being immersed in it 24/7 has an effect. You start seeing punches swung when people were just reaching to scratch their butt. And it's understandable. You've thought there was a war when there really, truly wasn't. . .at least not on our end.

Our folks love you, Disco. You are welcome any time.

Not really sure what whisper campaign you're referring to @aggroed.

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