Be wise with others: Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure
The sage represents in the sapiential books, like Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Wisdom, and Ben Sirach, the model of spiritual perfection, that is, the sage represents what we have to approach as closely as possible if we want to be blessed people, a sage does not act over his own personal defects in his dealings with others, but rather on what wisdom dictates, because the goal of wisdom is to preserve life.
And about this, the book of Ecclesiastes gives us a series of valuable advices, and teaches us that we must be wise in our way of behaving with others. And this, first of all, means understanding with whom we are dealing, knowing people is the basis of everything. People can be wise or foolish; righteous or sinners, and knowing this is very important, because the wise are predictable people, they will always look for what is the correct and the best, but the fools are completely unpredictable people, they can act out of reason or passion. Being assertive in our dealings with others is essential to achieve our goals, and about this, there is an old saying: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm," Proverbs 13:20.
That is why the Book of Ecclesiastes makes a brief comment on how to proceed with people of more authority, the art of listening and the common sense are fundamental in dealing with others, being wise to others means knowing how and when to act correctly.
With these words King Solomon taught about this:
"Do not be in a hurry to leave the king's presence. Do not stand up for a bad cause, for the will do whatever he pleases. Since a king's word is supreme, who can say to him, ´What are you doing?´
Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm,
and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.
For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter,
though a person may be weighed down by misery" Ecclesiastes 8:3-6.
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