A valuable life lesson...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #wisdom5 years ago

Hello steemians!

It has been months since I posted something on steemit, it's because I have been very busy lately and the future of this blockchain/community didn't seem very promising to me. steem lost many users and the vast majority of the others lost their trust toward this project as a whole which affected hugely steem price.
Luckily for us, many positive changes have been going on and I hope things will change in the future in order to unleash the potential of this powerful blockhchain. As I said, I hadn't the opportunity to test the new hardfork so I hope things went smooth.
For today I want to share with you a very important life lesson which every person should know.

My story:

Since I was a little kid, I had different hobbies swinging around from chess, basketball, football, volleyball, martial arts etc.
Today I'am 26 years old and I never achieved anything great with these hobbies, academically, I've been successful, I managed to enter and finish Medical school but I've always felt like something is missing.
When I gave it a good thought, I realized that I've always wanted to be the best at something, like the absolute best one. In college, I was an average student so as in all other domains. Deep down, I wanted to truly shine at something, but I couldn't do it, do you know why?
The reason is pretty simple actually and I've said it between the lines, it's because I was swinging around from one thing to another.
To be really good at something means to sacrifice a lot to achieve that. You can't be an Olympian champion and a chess Grandmaster at the same time and I couldn't become a great student because I focused on so many other things.
Last year, I watched the TV series True Detective and there was this genius detective Rust Cohle who said something remarkable:
life is barely long to get good at one thing, so choose wisely..
It took me a while to understand that, but I found it very deep and accurate. Time is limited and we have limited capacities, resources and oppurtunities whether you want to believe it or not. There are many folks out there doing their best to become the best at something and if you want to surpass them you need to do the same and more!
A wise man once told me: Talent is nothing but the desire to achieve something and the rest of the equation is hard work and dedication.

The moral of the story:

Life is not that long, focus at one thing if you want to become successful. Otherwise, if you want a more balanced life that's even better, because now I've realized that the only thing that matters is your own happiness, what's the point of becoming top one academic student when you are miserable and you wasted many opportunities to have fun?
But if you aim toward greatness, accept the fact that you will sacrifice many life joys in order to achieve that.I will leave you with this wonderful explanatory video of the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson for further clarifications and if you have any comment on the subject please let me know!


أهلا بعودتك صديقي،

موضوعك في الحقيقة ذكرني بكتاب قرأته من قبل تحت عنوان (Outliers) من إعداد الكاتب (Malcolm Gladwell). فالكاتب تحدث فيه عما أصبح فيما بعد يعرف بقاعدة العشرة آلاف ساعة، هذه القاعدة التقريبية التي قدمها الكاتب أراد بها أن يعبر على عدد الساعات التي يجب على أي شخص أن يقضيها في ميدان ما (تدرب، تعلم، بحث، ...) حتى يبرع فيه بشكل متقدم جدا.

رغم أنني مقتنع أن المعرفة الموسوعية لها إيجابيات عديدة، بل حتى مستحبة في بعض الأحيان. إلا إنني على دراية جيدة أيضا أن هذا النسق من التفكير لا يمكن إسقاطه على جميع الميادين. يمكن النظر إلى الأمر على أنه مرتبط بالقناعات الشخصية أو ما يريد الشخص أن يقوم به في حياته، لكنه يعبر في نفس الوقت على مدى أهمية أن يعرف الشخص كيف يتعامل مع الوقت في حد ذاته.

شكرا أيضا على مشاركة محاضرة جوردن بيترسن، طريقته في التعامل مع العديد من المواضيع الشائكة مثل السياسة والنظرية النسوية ... توحي فعلا أنه عقلاني ولديه ميول بين تخصصي.

أهلاً صديقي !

ا هو مغزى القصة، على الإنسان أولاً معرفة ماذا يريد من الحياة ثم يستطيع توظيف الوقت والجهد لتحقيق ذلك.... كل شخص لديه قناعته ونظرته للحياة ولذلك يختلف الأمر من شخص لأخر .

أنا شخصياً لم تعد العظمة تغويني، أورد حياة معتدلة وسعيدة لكن في نفس الوقت احترم الأشخاص الذين يضحون بحياتهم من أجل هدف ما، الوصول لتلك المرحلة لها ايجابياتها من إحترام، شهرة، رضا على النفس،...

بخصوص الكتاب سألقي نظرة عليه يبدو مشوقاً جداً !

Steem did lose users but most of that was from falling prices. In the meantime lots of great things have been happening and the chain has been improved and repositioned for the next stage of growth.

I know things have been going on good lately, I hope this whole process affects the price soon...

Hello @fancybrothers,
Très contente de vous "revoir".
A bientôt.

Salut ma chère @Corsica, je suis aussi content de voir que tu vas bien !
À très bientôt :)

Thank you very much for this beautiful lesson of life.
When I started my first year of medicine, there was a selection at the end of the year. Only the first 150 in the ranking were entitled to continue medical studies and go into second year. It was absolutely necessary to be better than the others. During that year, I thought every day that my dream of becoming a doctor one day would stop at the end of the year, I did not have the right to make mistakes. I was finally able to continue my studies, I was for the first time in my life proud of myself! In 3 years a new contest awaits me to choose my specialization, thanks to your article I understand better how to approach it. A big thank you for that!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm proud of u also, keep it up!
Hardwork always pays back, if you want to be a top academic class you should accept the sacrifices that comes along with it and only then you will be prepeared to do it :D
Good Luck !

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Intresseting article, Welcom back Bro

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